Note: AVR will be broken in patch 3.3.5. See this
AVR (Augmented Virtual Reality) allows you to draw and add lines, circles and other markings on the 3D world itself. All markings may also be shared with others. Suitable for example to mark locations when explaining raid tactics. These marks can even be left visible for the fight itself.
Other things you can do with AVR:
- Draw range circles around you or someone else at any range
- Clearly mark players close to you
- Mark any location relative to player position and rotation, for example mage blink landing spot
- Measure distances
- Boss encounter warnings (using a separate addon)
Boss encounters
AVR does not contain a built in boss encounters module anymore. They are now done by a separate addon. At the moment there are two options.
- AVR Encounters adds AVR warnings for various boss abilities. It does not require any other boss encounter addon to work. It is not a replacement for traditional boss encounter addons as it does not do ability timers, sound warnings etc. It can be used with any traditional boss encounter addon such as BigWigs, DBM or DXE.
- Raid Watch 2 is a full boss encounter addon much like BigWigs, DBM or DXE. It has built-in support for AVR and also does timer bars and other kinds of warnings.
Whichever you choose to use, you will also need to install AVR.
Important note: If you have installed a previous version of AVR which contained the AVR BigWigs module then you should delete that. Simply delete your Interface\Addons\AVR_BigWigs_Citadel folder.
Limitations and known issues
There are some fundamental limitations caused by what information is available to addons. These are mostly related to the exact position of camera and lack of unit Z coordinates. In particular you should note following:
- Drawing works best on a flat surface (note that for example Dalaran has very uneven roads).
- Camera getting stuck in a wall or ceiling will cause any markings to go out of sync with rest of the world.
- Any kind of stairs/slopes and such cause troubles.
- Jumping and other kinds of vertical movement causes the drawings to move with you.
- Everything is drawn over the 3d world. This means that things that should be behind walls or units will appear in front of them.
- Camera auto follow causes some problems. See also this
Some other known issues are:
- All vehicles (like the ones at the start of Ulduar) are a bit problematic.
- Lifts, moving platforms and in particular Gunships in Icercown Citadel raid have some problems.
- Player map coordinates are unavailable in Icecrown Citadel raid on Lich King platform after the edges have collapsed. This means that any markings tied to zone coordinates or other players than yourself are unusable there. (Lana'Thel's room was fixed in 3.3.3 though the ramps leading there are still a bit odd.)
- Player map coordinates are also not available in arenas or instances released before Wrath of the Lich King and so most things don't work in either of those.
How to use
See How to use.
Frequently asked questions
See FAQ.
Is AVR maybe disabled. Go to /avr menu, then general options and make sure it's enabled. If that's not it then try deleting your wtf/account/accountname/savedvariables/avr.lua. This should reset the options but you'll lose any AVR scenes you may have on other characters.
With the recently added ability to ignore shares from some people, it may be wise to add in a small alert. Something simple that shows in the chat frame, like "User X tried to send you scene 'Y' but you ignored it." Or "You tried to send scene 'Y' to User X, but he cannot accepts scenes from you."
Sharing is a little frustrating right now, trying to figure out why someone didn't get the scene you sent them. This would help a lot.
Something that might be confusing about sharing options is that all the checkboxes apply to special addon channels and have nothing to do with eachother. So if you tick the guild checkbox it means that AVR will receive scenes sent through the guild addon channel. It doesn't have any effect on people from your guild sending scenes through some other channel, like the raid addon channel. Similarly the raid leader can't send you a scene through the guild channel if you have guild unticked even if raid leader is ticked.
I am unable to get this to work on my mage. However it does work on my paladin whom uses all the same addons so I don't understand. It just... doesn't work. In icecrown I get no red patches for rotface/fester or anything like that, anywhere. I did the first time I tried it out, and it just suddenly didn't work the next week...
The only error I am able to produce is opening /avr edit, creating a new scene and trying to add one of the markers (the star, circle, or drawing tool)
This same error comes up sitting in Dalaran or standing in Icecrown.
Date: 2010-05-05 18:57:40 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\AVR\3d.lua line 166: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value Debug: (tail call): ? (tail call): ? AVR\3d.lua:166: InverseProject() AVR\Edit.lua:758: FrameMouseDown() AVR\Edit.lua:743: NewMeshDrag() AVR\Edit.lua:319: AVR\Edit.lua:314 (tail call): ? [C]: ? [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:9: [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5 (tail call): ? ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:796: ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:611 (tail call): ? [C]: ? [string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9: [string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5 (tail call): ? AVR\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:326: Fire() ...ns\AVR\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua:83: ...ns\AVR\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua:82 AddOns: Swatter, v3.1.14 (<%codename%>) AVR, v0.9.5beta AVRE, v1.0 AVREOptions, v1.0 Bagnon, v2.12.3 BagnonForever, v1.1.2 BagnonTooltips, v Bartender4, v4.4.2 BetterInbox, v BonusScanner, v5.3 BuffSkin, v ButtonFacade, v3.1.270 ButtonFacadeCaith, v3.3.57 ButtonFacadeTrinity, v30100.1 Chronos, v2.12 CloseUp, v3.1.001 DBMCore, v Decursive, v2.4.5.1 ElkBuffBars, v2.2.5-150 FluidFrames, v2.3 FollowFelankor, v2.0.1 [30200] ForteCasting, v ForteCooldown, v ForteCore, v1.959.4 ForteDeathKnight, v ForteDruid, v ForteHealthstone, v ForteHunter, v ForteMage, v FortePaladin, v FortePriest, v ForteRogue, v ForteShaman, v ForteShard, v ForteSoulstone, v ForteSummon, v ForteTalent, v ForteTimer, v ForteVehicle, v ForteWarlock, v ForteWarrior, v GearScore, v3.1.14 - Beta GrizzlySharedMedia, v1 kgPanels, vv1.37 LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-56 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.4.70 MinimapButtonFrame, v3.0.9 MinimapButtonFrameSkinPack, v3.0 Multishot, v1.3 oGlow, v1.12 Omen, v3.0.7 OmniCC, v2.5.8 pMinimap, v30300.8-Release Portfolio, v1.21 PowerAuras, v3.0.0E Prat30, v3.3.7 Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v Prat30Libraries, v PratLinkHover, v1.0.2 Quartz, v1.0 QuartzFlight, v1.0 QuartzFocus, v1.0 QuartzGCD, v1.0 QuartzInterrupt, v1.0 QuartzLatency, v1.0 QuartzMirror, v1.0 QuartzPet, v1.0 QuartzPlayer, v1.0 QuartzRange, v1.0 QuartzSwing, v1.0 QuartzTarget, v1.0 QuartzTimer, v1.0 QuartzTradeskill, v1.0 Recount, v RecountGuessedAbsorbs, v RecountHealAndGuessedAbsorbs, v ShadowedUFClassPower, v ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.2.6 SharedMedia, v3.0.1-177 SharedMediaBlizzard, v1.3.1 SLDataText, v3.2.3 SlideBar, v3.1.13 (<%codename%>) SnowfallKeyPress, v StatBlockCore, v2.65 TidyPlates, v5.10 TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v3.0.1 TipTac, v09.11.28 TipTacItemRef, v09.08.13 TipTacTalents, v09.08.13 TomTom, v222 VolumeControl, vBeta 5 VuhDo, v1.248 VuhDoOptions, v1.247 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.3.30300 <us> (ck=80e)
AVRE doesn't deactivate when you die, so no, that wouldn't happen.
Climate was dead when he said the range check was still showing, he was somewhat expecting that his range check would be deactivated if he was dead
Yes, if a dead player has a mesh specifically on them, it should stay. In cases where it should go away upon death, I specifically handle that (e.g. Marrowgar). I guess the guy last night must have been wrong. Thanks for looking into it.
Just tested range warning scene and it doesn't show anything for dead people. Coordinates of anyone who's released are outside so they shouldn't show up either. But any regular mesh that you set to follow someone will still be visible even if the target is dead. This I think should stay like that however. I for example have a marker for my target so I can find where people are. That's still useful and relevant for dead people.
One thing that might need fixing is that range warning scene shows a warning for disconnected people.
I had a player tell me during one of the fight mechanics last night, when we had a range check up, the range check was flagging a dead player (they weren't a ghost). Maybe he was wrong.
Hmm, there is already a check if UnitIsDead. I suppose that should be UnitIsDeadOrGhost then?
Olog, would it be possible for you to allow range check scenes to ignore dead players? If you need to make it an option in the API, that's fine, but I can't think of a case where we ever care if a dead player is in range during a mechanic.
Awesome that explains it perfectly. All working now as expected. Thanks!
@ Liz7 - The HUD option with Sexymap plus GatherMate should work for what you are wanting.
The "Follow player" means the current player. If you send such a mesh to someone else then for them it means them. If you want a mesh to follow you and still follow you when you share it don't use the follow player option. Instead write your name in the follow unit. The follow player and follow unit are two different things and currently follow player overrides follow unit.
Also the attach/detach buttons just check/uncheck the follow player option and at the same time adjust the position sliders so that the mesh keeps it current relative position to the player.
I admit, it's all a bit confusing.
I just started playing with this last night and still haven't quite figured out how to use everything. But I logged in two different accounts to do some tests.
When I set range circles on the two toons (later other scenes using "Unit Marker" and that as I understand it are supposed to follow each toon) and then shared between the two, my expectation was that I would see the different scene created on each toon (Basiclly the spokes for each class in the party - for the Unit Marker for example). That's not what happened. Instead the Range circle assigned to follow toon "B" showed up following toon "A".
I can get floor items to share, but can figure out for example how to get any mesh to follow different toons. While in Unit Marker on toon "A" Under Follow behavior, I chose Follow Player, entered B's toon name in "Follow Unit" then okay. Then Attach. Nothing attaches to B. And when done in reverse on B's toon on A and shared both directions I still only end up with a ranged circle for A&B on just the one toon.
What am I doing wrong?
No. If you're referring to translations, the French translations were done by Yelanis. I later setup the localization page and imported current translations which then put all translations in my name. Chinese translations were really done by Ananhaid.