This is just the pieces of LibFilter-1.0 that are useful for baggins. It includes all the item and bag slot filters as well as the baggins adaptor. You do not need to have LibFilter-1.0 installed to use this addon.
Note: Older (non-libfilter) plugins will prevent the filters from this addon from being made available to Baggins in the case of a conflict.
- EquipSlot - Matches items based on the slot in goes into on the character sheet.
- EquipmentSets - Matches items based on 3.1's new Equipment Manager.
- ItemRack - Matches items based on being in a itemrack set
- Outfitter - Matches items based on being in an outfitter set.
- Professions - Matches items based on the professions you know or don't know. Supports matching for recipes, materials, crafted items, tools or gathered items.
- Soulbound - Filters on Soulbound, Account bound, bind on equip, bind on pickup, bind to account, etc.
- Usable - Provides filters for Usable, Consumable and Equippable items. Note: Usable and Consumable are based on Blizzard functions and may not be the same as you expect.
Obsolete Filters
- ClosetGnome - Matches items based on being in a closetgnome set, use the EquipmentSets filters instead.
function toggleSettingsFuzzy(pSettings)
pSettings.fuzzy = not pSettings.fuzzy