#BankItems v9.0.2.3: Change Log
Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
For use with Live Servers v9.0.2.37474
Latest Development Build: Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
Please report any errors with the addon at our issues tracker.
An addon that remembers the contents of your bank, bags, mail, equipped, currency, auction house, void storage and display them anywhere in the world. Also able to remember/display the banks of any character on the same account on any server, as well as searching and exporting lists of bag/bank items out. It will also remember the contents of Guild Banks if you are able to view them.
Type /bi or /bankitems to see what is currently in your bank. You must visit your bank once to initialize.
Type /bigb or /bankitemsgb to see what is currently in your guild bank. You must visit your guild bank once to initialize. Note that Guild Banks are a shared repository and changes can occur to it by other members of your guild.
Read below for other commands.
- CurseForge:
- Project site:
These plugins allow clicking on the panel/plugin icon to open BankItems, giving a summarized view of inventory slots and money of each character on the same realm, and deleting data with the menu quickly.
- LDB plugin for BankItems: BankItems provides a LDB launcher if LibDataBroker-1.1 is detected to be loaded. (built-in)
- /bi : open BankItems
- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags
- /bi allbank: open BankItems and all bank bags only
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bi clearall : clear all players' info
- /bi showbuttun : show the minimap button
- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button
- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi search itemname : search for items
- /bis itemname : search for items
- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info
Most options are found in the GUI options panel.
Not a bug
If you close your bank after retrieving/storing an item in it too quickly and the server hasn't updated your inventory, BankItems is unable to record the change to your bank when the item actually moves later. The WoW API does not give you any data about your bank once BANK_FRAME_CLOSED
event has fired.
Tooltip information regarding items on the Auction House, Mailbox and Guild Bank(s) may be out of date and thus be inaccurate. They will only be updated on your next visit to the respective places.
Original concept from Merphle
Maintained by JASlaughter, Galmok@Stormrage-EU, and Xinhuan@Blackrock/Barthilas/Frostmourne-US.
I've tried everything princess has tried and I also deleted the toons folder from the WoW WTF folder but that didn't help either.
This is by far my favorite addon though. Very useful.
Found the answer. Here it is for anyone else that needs it.
Open BI and select the toon you want to delete and then tpye /bi clear.
Its in the addon's description.
Small issue. Recently I changed my toons name, but BI won't remove the old toon names details. Eg. Rune of Portals shows up as OldName has 20, NewName has 20, Total 40.
I've tried deleting the addon via the Curse manager then restarting and reinstalling, I've tried manually deleting the addon and its saved variables file (and the backup) restarting and reinstalling and neither have worked... Please help? It's kinda irritating :S
Thanks! <3 Fia
Only with Ammo. It will show i have TWICE the amount. tool tip shows 2000 rounds (1000 equipped, 1000 in bag.) yet i truly only have 1000 total. For some reason its counting it twice. screens/?action=view¤t=bankerror.jpg
I only have 2479 in my inv.
However it is currently not very critical or crucial or life-threatening. :)
# NEW: Items you have put up for auction are now recorded when you visit the Auction House. These items are not included in searches or tooltips.
This changed to be optional for auctions to be displayed on tooltips (optionally)? It would be a VERY VERY helpful addition for us with AH mules and crafting stuff using tradeskills for sale will be much easier to ensure you don't make too much of any particular items (glyphs inparticular are a pain for this).
If anyone knows of a similar mod that offers this functionality please do tell, i've been looking for this everywhere!
It doesn't remember my AH Items...intended?
It would be godlike für mass sellers like me, if this worked.
Still, very cool and useful Addon.