#BankItems v9.0.2.3: Change Log
Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
For use with Live Servers v9.0.2.37474
Latest Development Build: Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
Please report any errors with the addon at our issues tracker.
An addon that remembers the contents of your bank, bags, mail, equipped, currency, auction house, void storage and display them anywhere in the world. Also able to remember/display the banks of any character on the same account on any server, as well as searching and exporting lists of bag/bank items out. It will also remember the contents of Guild Banks if you are able to view them.
Type /bi or /bankitems to see what is currently in your bank. You must visit your bank once to initialize.
Type /bigb or /bankitemsgb to see what is currently in your guild bank. You must visit your guild bank once to initialize. Note that Guild Banks are a shared repository and changes can occur to it by other members of your guild.
Read below for other commands.
- CurseForge:
- Project site:
These plugins allow clicking on the panel/plugin icon to open BankItems, giving a summarized view of inventory slots and money of each character on the same realm, and deleting data with the menu quickly.
- LDB plugin for BankItems: BankItems provides a LDB launcher if LibDataBroker-1.1 is detected to be loaded. (built-in)
- /bi : open BankItems
- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags
- /bi allbank: open BankItems and all bank bags only
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bi clearall : clear all players' info
- /bi showbuttun : show the minimap button
- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button
- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi search itemname : search for items
- /bis itemname : search for items
- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info
Most options are found in the GUI options panel.
Not a bug
If you close your bank after retrieving/storing an item in it too quickly and the server hasn't updated your inventory, BankItems is unable to record the change to your bank when the item actually moves later. The WoW API does not give you any data about your bank once BANK_FRAME_CLOSED
event has fired.
Tooltip information regarding items on the Auction House, Mailbox and Guild Bank(s) may be out of date and thus be inaccurate. They will only be updated on your next visit to the respective places.
Original concept from Merphle
Maintained by JASlaughter, Galmok@Stormrage-EU, and Xinhuan@Blackrock/Barthilas/Frostmourne-US.
I've been using this addon with multiple accounts, and what I have to do is not elegant, but it works.
When I log between accounts I go to the ...\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\accountname\SavedVariables directory and manually copy the BankItems.lua file from the account I've been playing to the one I am going to play next. Clunky, but it gets the job done.
u cannot use any addon to record any data on other account, because each account save their own character data (including addon data) on different folder. most addons, if not all, only read data on the log-in account, i dont know if WoW have any restriction on the addons for reading datas on other folder. If it could, just imagine some malicious addon trying to read ur personal folders......
There may already be a way to do this,if so i appologize (any help figuring out would be great). But would love to see a way of searching the bank that would allow me to find yellow items scattered across characters. Otherwise love this addon and thanks for all the hard work.
I absolutely love this addon, I have been using it for years, with all 10 character slots filled, it comes in very handy. I would like to suggest an update that includes the void storage of each character if that would be possible. I often find myself getting random drops and wondering if I already have it saved for my transmog gear. Thanks so much for your hard work!
Look at my post directly below.
Note: I am not the author of BankItems.
I added Void Storage support to the latest version of BankItems. I do not know if this will work as a drop-in upgrade to previous versions, so upgrade to the latest version above first.
The icon for the Void Storage "bag" is located next to the Currency bag icon (it's kind of an ugly place, but it works). It is considered a "bank bag" for the purposes of search filtering, but not for keybinds/commands that open up windows (i.e. it will not open up with /bi allbank).
I uploaded the replacement BankItems.lua file to one of my addon's sites:
Just unzip into the Wow\Interface\Addons\ folder like you were upgrading the addon normally and reload.
While on the Spine of Deathwing tonight in Looking-For-Raid, I was setting a Corrupted Amalgamation to my focus subject (to monitor its blood stacks) and Bank Items bugged out on me and disabled itself midbattle. I spent about thirty-forty five seconds waiting for a loading screen so I could get back into battle. This is a great program for using multiple characters but is causing lots of issues in-game for me by somehow affecting my wow default "user interface." I really hope I can continue to use this program without it hindering my gameplay. Also wishing there was someway to delete data from deleted characters, or if there is, I wish I knew how to do that.
I have a request to cross link the item "Enchanting: Enchanting Boots - Mastery with Scroll "Enchant Boots - Mastery"
This would allow me to see all the stats that Bankitems provides as basic while I look through my enchanting skill book.
Would be great if will be seen exact Tab (1-8) and Column (1-7) in guild bank where item is located =)
<Guild Name> have ## [Tab / Column]
It looks like there isn't any real reason (for me) to update right now, since you just changed the tag in the TOC.
Anyways I LOVE your addon, and I don't mind waiting a bit for the void storage addition. Nevertheless, I hope you don't stretch out the work too long. Keep up the good work!
Well, you should update anyway, otherwise you may encounter errors when visiting the AH. The AH API changed in 4.3 with a new return value in the middle.
... would give a lap dance for an update :o)
This will take a while.
any ETA on this?
Please update the Void Storage area to this addon I love it. <3
How do I ENABLE the option to have BI check for/show soulbound unstackable items? I had this turned on but after a reinstall, I can no longer find the option for it. I am using version 40200. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for this addon!
I'd like to ask if it's possible to get the number of itens like, which have all the same id but different names.
Thanks again.