#BankItems v9.0.2.3: Change Log
Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
For use with Live Servers v9.0.2.37474
Latest Development Build: Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
Please report any errors with the addon at our issues tracker.
An addon that remembers the contents of your bank, bags, mail, equipped, currency, auction house, void storage and display them anywhere in the world. Also able to remember/display the banks of any character on the same account on any server, as well as searching and exporting lists of bag/bank items out. It will also remember the contents of Guild Banks if you are able to view them.
Type /bi or /bankitems to see what is currently in your bank. You must visit your bank once to initialize.
Type /bigb or /bankitemsgb to see what is currently in your guild bank. You must visit your guild bank once to initialize. Note that Guild Banks are a shared repository and changes can occur to it by other members of your guild.
Read below for other commands.
- CurseForge:
- Project site:
These plugins allow clicking on the panel/plugin icon to open BankItems, giving a summarized view of inventory slots and money of each character on the same realm, and deleting data with the menu quickly.
- LDB plugin for BankItems: BankItems provides a LDB launcher if LibDataBroker-1.1 is detected to be loaded. (built-in)
- /bi : open BankItems
- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags
- /bi allbank: open BankItems and all bank bags only
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bi clearall : clear all players' info
- /bi showbuttun : show the minimap button
- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button
- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi search itemname : search for items
- /bis itemname : search for items
- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info
Most options are found in the GUI options panel.
Not a bug
If you close your bank after retrieving/storing an item in it too quickly and the server hasn't updated your inventory, BankItems is unable to record the change to your bank when the item actually moves later. The WoW API does not give you any data about your bank once BANK_FRAME_CLOSED
event has fired.
Tooltip information regarding items on the Auction House, Mailbox and Guild Bank(s) may be out of date and thus be inaccurate. They will only be updated on your next visit to the respective places.
Original concept from Merphle
Maintained by JASlaughter, Galmok@Stormrage-EU, and Xinhuan@Blackrock/Barthilas/Frostmourne-US.
getting thousands of errors and it wont stop and i dont even have those lines anymore i just updated it from here and the lines are gone but the errors keep going on
In reply to Vrije:
In reply to Frankzzz:
Oh, nice, I see this addon's updated. Even though still not working, that's a good sign :) BagSync's author seems to be inactive, so this is my last hope to avoid using ArkInventory, which is nice but too heavy for my old PC.
The advice to remove those lines folks below wrote seems to be working. Except that when away from the bank, item icons aren't shown - but on mouseover they're still there at least for the bank.
While you're on it, I wonder if there's any chance you'll support LiteBag addon? Which is tiny and actually lite, using default bag/bank ui, and it's much easier to view inventory content as a single bag.
Any hopes for an update for Patch 8.0?
So 8.0.1 broke my already-modified version of BankItems, but since I just can't let this addon go, I took a crack at the issue.
I seem to have gotten it stable by opening BankItems.lua and deleting the following lines:
They reference non-existent events, which seemed to be throwing errors. Hope this helps.
In reply to KevinB550:
Thank you, BankItems works perfectly again thanks to your new file.lua
I've made some changes to the .lua file, so this great addon should work again (fixed the broken API calls PlaySound, GetInboxItem and GetSendMailItem). Unfortunately the lua file is quite large, so posting it here wouldn't be helpful at all. Therefore I've uploaded it to fileshare (if you've got a better idea where to put it, just tell me).
Dowload the file from the link below (it's only the BankItems.lua file), locate the broken one in your WoW addons/BankItems folder and replace it with the downloaded one.
Link to fileshare
Have fun!
the counts for items mailed between alts is funky seeing stuff like this
If I donate some money will you update the app. None of the other bag addons is as good as this one.
In reply to joelteha:
2x BankItems\BankItems- Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])
[C]: in function `PlaySound'
BankItems\BankItems- in function <BankItems\BankItems.lua:1041>
[C]: in function `Hide'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2440: in function `SetUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2516: in function `HideUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2170: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2162>
[C]: in function `SetAttribute'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2966: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2953>
[C]: in function `HideUIPanel'
BankItems\BankItems- in function <BankItems\BankItems.lua:6094>
(*temporary) = "igMainMenuOpen"
I recently deleted my wtf folder and had to go through the process of setting up my addons. I had the line 73 issue. The fix that worked for me was not deleting my bankitems.lua from saved variables. It was actually going into the BankItems folder opening localization-ptBR.lua at line 73 (is use Notepad++) at that line is ] = ]. Delete it so that it looks like:
--Translation missing
-- L["BANKITEMS_CAUTION_TEXT"] = [=[CAUTION: Some items were not parsed/displayed in this report because they do not exist in your WoW local cache yet. A recent WoW patch or launcher update caused the local cache to be cleared. Log on this character and visit the bank to correct this OR hover your mouse on every item in every bag to query the server for each itemlink (this may disconnect you).
--Translation missing
I no longer get the line 73 error.
In reply to therealkahless:
To anyone else with the problem of the above person, providing a solution, but having the same issue as my self.
I can only say, get Notepad++ (do a google search) and install the program that fits your operating system and open the above mentioned file in Notepad++ and find line 73 or do a search with CTRL+F within the document and delete the ] = ] that's at line 73. Don't worry about the lines being in order of 72, 73, 74, ect... Notepad++ will correct it itself. Then save the document and log back in to the game.
In all fairness that sounds really easy to do and I'm mostly sure I've found the right section in the localization-ptBR file and I have opend it in notepad (not notepad++ (what ever the "++" means)).
However, to someone like me, who's not sure if I should mess with it, besides that, the line 73 error is getting on my nerves as it happen on every relog and every /reload on any toon no matter it's level, race, class ect.
You write:
--Translation missing
--L["BANKITEMS_CAUTION_TEXT"] = [=[CAUTION: Some items were not parsed/displayed... (ect ect ect
My file says: (click spoiler to see it all)
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags"] = "-- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi allbank : open BankItems and all bank bags only"] = "-- /bi allbank : open BankItems and all bank bags only"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server"] = "-- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info"] = "-- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi clearall : clear all players' info"] = "-- /bi clearall : clear all players' info"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button"] = "-- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server"] = "-- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi search itemname : search for items"] = "-- /bi search itemname : search for items"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bi showbutton : show the minimap button"] = "-- /bi showbutton : show the minimap button"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank"] = "-- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info"] = "-- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info"
--Translation missing
-- L["-- /bis itemname : search for items"] = "-- /bis itemname : search for items"
--Translation missing
-- L["%d guild bank(s) selected"] = "%d guild bank(s) selected"
--Translation missing
-- L["%dg %ds %dc"] = "%dg %ds %dc"
--Translation missing
-- L["%s data not found. Please log on this character."] = "%s data not found. Please log on this character."
--Translation missing
-- L["%s data not found. Please visit the Auction House on this character."] = "%s data not found. Please visit the Auction House on this character."
--Translation missing
-- L["%s data not found. Please visit the Void Storage on this character."] = "%s data not found. Please visit the Void Storage on this character."
--Translation missing
-- L["(Not seen before)"] = "(Not seen before)"
--Translation missing
-- L["|cffeda55fAlt-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"] = "|cffeda55fAlt-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"
--Translation missing
-- L["|cffeda55fClick|r to toggle BankItems"] = "|cffeda55fClick|r to toggle BankItems"
--Translation missing
-- L["|cffeda55fCtrl-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"] = "|cffeda55fCtrl-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"
--Translation missing
-- L["|cffeda55fShift-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"] = "|cffeda55fShift-Click|r to toggle BankItems %s"
--Translation missing
-- L["<%s>'s guild bank has not purchased any guild bank tabs."] = "<%s>'s guild bank has not purchased any guild bank tabs."
--Translation missing
-- L["All players' data have been cleared."] = "All players' data have been cleared."
--Translation missing
-- L["All Realms"] = "All Realms"
--Translation missing
-- L["Bag %d Item %d:"] = "Bag %d Item %d:"
--Translation missing
-- L["Bags"] = "Bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Bank"] = "Bank"
--Translation missing
-- L["Bank Item %d:"] = "Bank Item %d:"
--Translation missing
-- L["BankItems Bindings"] = "BankItems Bindings"
--Translation missing
-- L["BankItems Options"] = "BankItems Options"
--Translation missing
-- L["BANKITEMS_CAUTION_TEXT"] = [=[CAUTION: Some items were not parsed/displayed in this report because they do not exist in your WoW local cache yet. A recent WoW patch or launcher update caused the local cache to be cleared. Log on this character and visit the bank to correct this OR hover your mouse on every item in every bag to query the server for each itemlink (this may disconnect you).
--Translation missing
-- L["Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm or faction."] = "Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm or faction."
--Translation missing
-- L["Check to show characters from the opposite faction (includes BankItems tooltips)."] = "Check to show characters from the opposite faction (includes BankItems tooltips)."
--Translation missing
-- L["Contents of:"] = "Contents of:"
--Translation missing
-- L["Equipped"] = "Equipped"
--Translation missing
-- L["Equipped Items"] = "Equipped Items"
--Translation missing
-- L["Export BankItems..."] = "Export BankItems..."
--Translation missing
-- L["Group similar items"] = "Group similar items"
--Translation missing
-- L["GuildBank"] = "GuildBank"
--Translation missing
-- L["has"] = "has"
--Translation missing
-- L["Ignore unstackable soulbound items"] = "Ignore unstackable soulbound items"
--Translation missing
-- L["Include the following guild banks:"] = "Include the following guild banks:"
--Translation missing
-- L["Items in Mailbox"] = "Items in Mailbox"
--Translation missing
-- L["Left-click to open BankItems."] = "Left-click to open BankItems."
--Translation missing
-- L["Lock main window from being moved"] = "Lock main window from being moved"
--Translation missing
-- L["Mailbox data not found. Please visit the mailbox on this character."] = "Mailbox data not found. Please visit the mailbox on this character."
--Translation missing
-- L["Minimap Button Position %d"] = "Minimap Button Position %d"
--Translation missing
-- L["Minimap Button Radius %d"] = "Minimap Button Radius %d"
--Translation missing
-- L["Money (cumulative)"] = "Money (cumulative)"
--Translation missing
-- L["Money:"] = "Money:"
--Translation missing
-- L["No Guild Bank Data"] = "No Guild Bank Data"
--Translation missing
-- L["No Guild Bank Tabs"] = "No Guild Bank Tabs"
--Translation missing
-- L["Note - Blizzard frames doesn't like it if your scale isn't 100% when using this option."] = "Note - Blizzard frames doesn't like it if your scale isn't 100% when using this option."
--Translation missing
-- L["of"] = "of"
--Translation missing
-- L["OfflineBank"] = "OfflineBank"
--Translation missing
-- L["On the command \"/bi\":"] = "On the command \"/bi\":"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open auction house bag"] = "Open auction house bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open bank bags"] = "Open bank bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open BankItems and..."] = "Open BankItems and..."
--Translation missing
-- L["Open BankItems bags with Blizzard bags"] = "Open BankItems bags with Blizzard bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open BankItems with Blizzard windows"] = "Open BankItems with Blizzard windows"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open currencies bag"] = "Open currencies bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open equipped items bag"] = "Open equipped items bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open inventory bags"] = "Open inventory bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open mail bag"] = "Open mail bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open reagent bank"] = "Open reagent bank"
--Translation missing
-- L["Open void storage bag"] = "Open void storage bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Options..."] = "Options..."
--Translation missing
-- L["Right-click and drag to move this button."] = "Right-click and drag to move this button."
--Translation missing
-- L["Scaling %d%%"] = "Scaling %d%%"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search bank and bank bags"] = "Search bank and bank bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search BankItems..."] = "Search BankItems..."
--Translation missing
-- L["Search equipped gear"] = "Search equipped gear"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search for \"%s\" complete."] = "Search for \"%s\" complete."
--Translation missing
-- L["Search guild banks"] = "Search guild banks"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search inventory bags"] = "Search inventory bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search mailbox"] = "Search mailbox"
--Translation missing
-- L["Search these bags..."] = "Search these bags..."
--Translation missing
-- L["Show All Realms"] = "Show All Realms"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show bag prefix"] = "Show bag prefix"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show extra item tooltip information"] = "Show extra item tooltip information"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show Opposite Faction"] = "Show Opposite Faction"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show reagent bank contents in a bag"] = "Show reagent bank contents in a bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show the minimap button"] = "Show the minimap button"
--Translation missing
-- L["Show void storage contents in a bag"] = "Show void storage contents in a bag"
--Translation missing
-- L["Tab %d Item %d:"] = "Tab %d Item %d:"
--Translation missing
-- L["Toggle BankItems"] = "Toggle BankItems"
--Translation missing
-- L["Toggle BankItems and all Bags"] = "Toggle BankItems and all Bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Toggle BankItems and all Bank Bags"] = "Toggle BankItems and all Bank Bags"
--Translation missing
-- L["Toggle BankItems Guild Bank"] = "Toggle BankItems Guild Bank"
--Translation missing
-- L["Total"] = "Total"
--Translation missing
-- L["Total: %d"] = "Total: %d"
L["Transparency %d%%"] = "Transparência %d%%"
--Translation missing
-- L["Type /bi or /bankitems to open BankItems"] = "Type /bi or /bankitems to open BankItems"
--Translation missing
-- L["View bank/inventory/mail contents from anywhere!"] = "View bank/inventory/mail contents from anywhere!"
--Translation missing
-- L["View Guild Bank contents from anywhere!"] = "View Guild Bank contents from anywhere!"
--Translation missing
-- L["You do not have any guild bank data to display."] = "You do not have any guild bank data to display."
--Translation missing
-- L["You have not seen the contents of \"%s\" before"] = "You have not seen the contents of \"%s\" before"
Question: How much of what you've written do I need to replace and where do I need to put it in?
Do I keep any of the stuff that I have, and what should I keep or not keep?
I get that I need to put in the stuff that's in capital letters, but the "I get that I" part stops there.
I'm afraid I'm utterly lost when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Please help a helpless
Try Bank's Watch addon. A bit diff interface but same functions.
is there still an author working on this projekt? it was one of my favs and i would love to use it again....
Date: 2017-11-30 17:58:09
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\BankItems\localization-ptBR.lua line 73:
unexpected symbol near ']'
MoncaiCompare, v7.2.0
Swatter, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
Ace3, v
ArgusEliteTracker, v1.1.1
AskMrRobot, v55
AucAdvanced, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucFilterBasic, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucFilterOutlier, v7.5.5724.5459(7.5/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v7.5.5724.5585(7.5/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatiLevel, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatPurchased, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatSales, v7.5.5724.5598(7.5/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatStdDev, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatWOWEcon, v7.5.5724.5613(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v7.5.5724.5575(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v7.5.5724.5719(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v7.5.5724.5599(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v7.5.5724.5686(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v7.5.5724.5715(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v7.5.5724.5576(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v7.5.5724.5651(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v7.5.5724.5633(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v7.5.5724.5631(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v7.5.5724.5720(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v7.5.5724.4979(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v7.5.5724.5347(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v7.5.5724.5721(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v7.5.5724.5705(7.5/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v7.5.5724.4828(7.5/embedded)
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BadBoy, vv7.3.66
BadBoyCCleaner, vv7.3.0
BadBoyGuilded, vv7.3.0
BadBoyIgnore, vv7.3.0
BankItems, v7.3.0.0
Configator, v5.1.DEV.431(/embedded)
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.430(/embedded)
Stubby, v7.5.5724 (TasmanianThylacine)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.405(/embedded)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.3.2.70300 <none>
Still looking for an updated version of this add-on. After commenting out the suggested lines, and making the sound changes, and the other suggestions here, it is STILL not working correctly!! I cannot see the items in the bank. I can do searches, and find specific items held by various characters but cannot see the bank at all- the slots are just blank. There is supposedly an "alpha" version of this that's been around for several months now. When is this going to be fixed? Is anyone still actually maintaining this add-on??
My problem with this addon was that it was completely freezing the game when I went to open my guild bank. For a while, it was like a 10-20 second freeze, then I could get into my gbank fine after that, and thereafter while I was on that toon.
However, with the 7.3 update to WoW, it would complete crash the game whenever I dared to open the gbank.
I finally got around to testing all of my addons by adding them one at a time, and it appeared that TradeSkillMaster was the culprit. Once I found that, I only had BankItems and TSM loaded, and it would still give me a few seconds of freezing before letting me into the guild bank. With all of my addons loaded, plus BankItems and TSM, total freeze.
As a workaround, I will keep TSM disabled, and only load it when I want to use my auction alts to post stuff to the AH.
To recap what others have said, just remove the BankItems.lua file from SavedVariables, delete the BankItems folder, and go to to download the most updated version. And keep TSM disabled until needed!