BarberShop Profiles
BarberShop Profiles is an addon that adds support for appearance profiles to the in-game barbershop in order to make it easier to switch back and forth between different characters.
Profiles can be saved, loaded and deleted, and are stored per race on your account so you can access the same appearances on any other character of the same race.
Hey there!
Will you be updating this for War Within? ^_^ thanks for your time and effort :)
In reply to DeVeteran:
Hey, and sorry for the late reply! The addon should be flagged as compatible with War Within now :)
Hi, any chance to add a scroll to the profiles list? it currently does not, and cannot view more profiles, and any chance to make a seperate profile based off per char instead of race?
i like this addon and i like to save a profile for each xmog to have to match best but I run out of space to make more profiles =(
In reply to Chloe_Necri:
This is now implemented in version 1.2.0. Sorry for the wait, I don't play WoW these days, so was a bit tricky to do without the ability to test it myself.
In reply to jyggen:
this is amazing and thank you very very much for your time and work <3 omg yay!
Can you make it for wotlk?
In reply to jonzherkaexodia:
The barbershop in WotLK does not expose the API functionality this addon needs in order to function correctly. I believe it wasn't exposed until the Shadowlands pre-patch.
Absolutely great! I have one suggestion though, I'd very much like character specific profiles as well. I don't always want them to be available on all of my same-race characters**.
I was using Narcissus for this but I only wanted this functionality out of it. Sadly, the addon itself messes with the saved camera presets all of which I use, so I had to get rid of it. Thank heavens for this one!
**Technically, I can name the presets to include the character name and differentiate the profiles that way but that's a bit clunky for a reason: I don't know how overwriting the presets I made on different classes would work - possible problems right there.
In reply to Arxareon:
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. It's not _as_ straight-forward to do since it requires the ability to toggle between the two save modes somehow, but maybe a simple slash command will suffice. I'll see what I can do. :)
In reply to jyggen:
It wouldn't be a priority but thanks for looking into it! :)
Nice! This looks awesome... installing now! :)