Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars.
Status for Dragonflight / 10.0
- Hold-to-cast is not currently available for addons
- Action Bars have been slightly re-arranged in Bartender4 for Dragonflight
- Bar 1-8 now reflect Blizzard Bars 1-8 (these are old 1, 3-6, and the 3 new bars)
- The old bars 7-10 are now called "Class Bar 1-4" (Shapeshifting, Stances, etc)
- The old bar 2 is now called Bonus Action Bar
- Support for all Action Bars and all related bars
- 10 Action Bars (13 in Dragonflight!)
- Stance Bar
- Pet Bar
- Bag Bar
- Micro Menu
- XP/Reputation Bar
- All Bars are fully customizable (Scale, Alpha, Fade-Out settings, ...)
- Very flexible and customizable Show/Hide driver based on Macro Conditions
- Additional Layout and Paging settings for Action Bars
- Page all bars based on Stance or Modifier
- Possess Bar support
- Custom State driver support with Macro Conditions
- Options to hide specific elements of the buttons (Macro Text, HotKey, more could be added on demand)
- StickyFrames support
- Masque/ButtonFacade support!
- Easy Hotkey Binding using KeyBound
- Options to control the hiding of the default blizzard artwork (you might still want that to be displayed..)
Q: I cannot move/drag my skills on my bars?
A: Hold Shift to move skills safely. You can also unlock your bars in the Bartender4 options, but using Shift is safer and recommended.
Q: How do i access the Configuration?
A: You can open the configuration with the Slash Commands (/bt or /bartender) or through the Bartender4 LDB plugin.
Q: Where are my keybindings? And how do i bind new keys?
A: Bartender4 buttons should automatically inherit keybindings from the Blizzard bars. For new keybindings, you can use KeyBound to re-bind your keys. You can access KeyBound by its slash command (/kb) or through the button in the BT4 config. Hover a button, press key → voila!
Q: Can I skin the buttons beyond the built-in options?
A: Bartender4 allows skinning through Masque! After installing both Bartender4 and Masque, you can customize the BT4 appearance in the Masque options.
Q: How do i disable the snapping of the bars?
A: Currently, you can temporarily override the snapping by holding down the Shift Key while moving your bars, or uncheck the option in the popup when your bars are unlocked.
Feature Requests/Bug Tracker
Please submit Bugs and/or Feature Requests using the Ticket System on the WoWAce Project page or in the Bartender4 Forum Thread. Please provide as many information as possible, including your client language, the exact version you are running, how to reproduce any errors, and a stack trace, if applicable.
WoWAce Project: Bartender4 on WoWAce
Custom State Header: Info page on WoWAce
The last boss in DrakĀ“Tharon Keep, when you transforms, my new abilitys
as skeleton never shows up. Ive tried to unmark all the boxes in the
flap Visibility, but still I dont see those extra abilitys as skeleton. X/
just started using BT4 and it's mighty fine thanks.. just wondered if there is a way to "Stop" it from automatically adding the new skillz i learn to Bar 1 as it seems to keep adding them without me doing anything
1) I can't see the exit Vehicle button (stance?) when I am IN the vehicle (but I can get it to show up when there is NO vehicle, which shouldn't happen.
2). I can get my action bars to disappear when I am IN the vehicle, but I can't get the Vehicle's action buttons to show up/replace action bar 1. I just get a blank UI. Thus forcing me to button mash and hope the vehicles abilities go off.
I am running Windows XP if that means anything. But yeah, VERY anoying for the Argent Tourney stuff. Hope this gets fixed as this is a truly great mod otherwise.
I also have problems! When I enter a vehicle in game, the features on the vehicle is not shown, what means trouble in Trial Of Crusader and somewhere else, where mounts are needed.
Hope this will be solved.
Kind regards RagDolly.
my totembar is still not showing up but is definately marked green on my screen while unlocked
My TotemBar, PetBar abd Bar6 are not working.. I can still change positions of the Totembar when unlocked, but it doesnt show up.. Petbar and Bar6 seem to have disappeared completely..
I am not using this ButtonFacade thing and yes I have deleted the folder in the interface folder multiple times.. still same bugs ingame
need help
A Key Ring
Iv noticed next to the bags there is no key ring so i cant check what rings i have and being a blacksmith using different keys to open box's and doors i need to keep my keys up to date.
Any chance you could add it in ither next to the bags or as its own little bartender bit.
Running version v4.4.4.2
Everything works fine on my Druid, switching forms etc all work fine.
But in instances at random points bars 3 & 4 will change to bar 2, so I end up with
x1 Bar 1
x3 Bar 2
There is nothing I can do to get them back apart from copy a previously saved WTF I have as a backup.
Load the game and all is back to normal again.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks.
I've updated BT4 several times, and used it single to make sure its is fault that:
1) I can't see what I write
2) My stance bar (Druid Forms) is gone.
Anyone having the same issue and know how to solve it?
Any help would be awesome. (I don't mind having to paste something into some line of code/ finding and deleting something... I would appreciate any info/help!)
P.S. for the smart aleck out there, YES i would still be wanting bartender4 to be up and running.
Sometimes the keybinds just stop working and I can't do shit with my vehicle unless I click the buttons with my mouse. It looks like it is trying to use my normal abilitys as if i wasn't in a vehicle and it keeps saying "You can't do that now."
If I do a /reloadui my keybinds will work again for a while but then randomly break again...
Message: ..\AddOns\Bartender4\MicroMenu.lua line 54:
Usage: SecureHook([object], method, [handler]): Attempting to hook a non existing target
(tail call): ?
[C]: error()
...e\AddOns\Bartender4\libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:341: SecureHook()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...AddOns\Bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:531: EnableAddon()
...AddOns\Bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:543: EnableAddon()
[C]: LoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:234: UIParentLoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:257: CombatLog_LoadUI()
Swatter, v5.6.4424 (KangaII)
Bartender4, v4.4.1
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.0.30300 <us>