Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars.
Status for Dragonflight / 10.0
- Hold-to-cast is not currently available for addons
- Action Bars have been slightly re-arranged in Bartender4 for Dragonflight
- Bar 1-8 now reflect Blizzard Bars 1-8 (these are old 1, 3-6, and the 3 new bars)
- The old bars 7-10 are now called "Class Bar 1-4" (Shapeshifting, Stances, etc)
- The old bar 2 is now called Bonus Action Bar
- Support for all Action Bars and all related bars
- 10 Action Bars (13 in Dragonflight!)
- Stance Bar
- Pet Bar
- Bag Bar
- Micro Menu
- XP/Reputation Bar
- All Bars are fully customizable (Scale, Alpha, Fade-Out settings, ...)
- Very flexible and customizable Show/Hide driver based on Macro Conditions
- Additional Layout and Paging settings for Action Bars
- Page all bars based on Stance or Modifier
- Possess Bar support
- Custom State driver support with Macro Conditions
- Options to hide specific elements of the buttons (Macro Text, HotKey, more could be added on demand)
- StickyFrames support
- Masque/ButtonFacade support!
- Easy Hotkey Binding using KeyBound
- Options to control the hiding of the default blizzard artwork (you might still want that to be displayed..)
Q: I cannot move/drag my skills on my bars?
A: Hold Shift to move skills safely. You can also unlock your bars in the Bartender4 options, but using Shift is safer and recommended.
Q: How do i access the Configuration?
A: You can open the configuration with the Slash Commands (/bt or /bartender) or through the Bartender4 LDB plugin.
Q: Where are my keybindings? And how do i bind new keys?
A: Bartender4 buttons should automatically inherit keybindings from the Blizzard bars. For new keybindings, you can use KeyBound to re-bind your keys. You can access KeyBound by its slash command (/kb) or through the button in the BT4 config. Hover a button, press key → voila!
Q: Can I skin the buttons beyond the built-in options?
A: Bartender4 allows skinning through Masque! After installing both Bartender4 and Masque, you can customize the BT4 appearance in the Masque options.
Q: How do i disable the snapping of the bars?
A: Currently, you can temporarily override the snapping by holding down the Shift Key while moving your bars, or uncheck the option in the popup when your bars are unlocked.
Feature Requests/Bug Tracker
Please submit Bugs and/or Feature Requests using the Ticket System on the WoWAce Project page or in the Bartender4 Forum Thread. Please provide as many information as possible, including your client language, the exact version you are running, how to reproduce any errors, and a stack trace, if applicable.
WoWAce Project: Bartender4 on WoWAce
Custom State Header: Info page on WoWAce
When moving or disabling the bag bar, the bag bar collapse button right arrow does not get moved or disabled and remains on the screen as of version 4.14.4
totem bar broken
They seem to have updated the mod language for WotLK Classic with the most recent patch, possibly aligning some things more closely with retail. I saw someone post that they moved everything into C_Container. Hopefully won't be a ton of work, thanks for keeping Bartender working for everyone, don't know what I would do without it!
Sry my english isn´t the best.
I have since the beginning of WotLK Classic a Problem.
I wanna use the Blizzard Vehicle UI but everytime i change to a "Vehicle" (infight) there is no UI.
1. Nothing happens (normal UI without function)
2. The entire UI is invisible (like ALT+Y)
I changed the Vehiclebar.lua with a version from github and try some other things. The only difference - it works on my maincharacter but i don´t know why.
My supposition - the problem is the fact "infight". While questing (for example) all works fine.
I hope for some help pls.
EDIT: Found out the problem, this only happens if you DON'T have your talents saved as a loadout (no loadouts created for the spec, just using DEFAULT), if you have not created a loadout then the abilities slotted to the action bars 2 and 3 (possibly others) will share between specs when you switch to a different class spec.
Having a problem with bar 2 and 3, they won't switch to my third spec.
Rogue, mainly playing Outlaw, when I switch to Assassination the abilities will switch, however when I switch to Subtlety which is my third spec it will display the abilities I have slotted for OUTLAW?
When I am in Subtlety spec, moving those buttons on bar 2 and 3 will also move them for my Outlaw spec.
I suspect this is a bug. It doesn't do this on my warrior, I can play Arms, Fury, or Prot and bar 2 and 3 can slot separate abilities for each spec.
Hi, I cannot find similar problem anywhere but I cannot see quality ranks on my consumables, like runes, potions, etc.
Is there an option to toggel and I'm too blind to find it or Bartender blocks it out?
Hello All,
Is there a way to NOT have bars switch between specs? I am a monk and run 3 different specs so for 2 bars I want dynamic buttons but for the other 4 bars I run I want them to be static. Is this possible?
First: Thanks for this addon. One of my staples since I can recall.
Second: I'm not sure if this is expected, but I haven't encountered this prior to my return for Dragonflight. I always use a macro that I manually click on the action bar to toggle the button lock state of BT4. My macro is: /bt buttonlock
When I click the macro I get the message that buttons are unlocked, however I cannot move any of the buttons. If I click, hold, and drag the macro button a bit and then move it back, the rest of my bars remain unlocked. Hitting the macro when I'm done will lock everything again. If I assign a hotkey to that keypress, it will behave normally as it always has. It's only when I manually click and release the button that I encounter this behavior.
I have a feeling this may be expected because it behaves as it used to if I uncheck "Toggle on action on key press instead of release" (is that new?) Is it actually firing the macro twice on key press?
Hello, merry Christmas at everyone!
I have an issue whit the evoker's cast.
Although i have this following settings
Esc>Option>Game>Combat>Input for enhanced spells>Hold and release
When charging "Breath of Fire" or "Eternity Sourge talent spell, on relase of the keyboard key, the cast instead make ending and starting the spell, the casting continues to advance, ignoring my relase command.
How can i solve this? Thanks.
I've taken to using Bartender4 in conjunction with ButtonForge, essentially, by disabling all bars through B4, and recreating them as ButtonForge bars instead. Worked like a charm until Dragonflight. Now I find I cannot disable bar 1 at all, and I cannot change the contents of that bar either. This is fine when I'm on a dragon, since DF automatically turns my Bar 1 to a dragon riding bar, but when I'm *not* on a dragon, the Bar 1 bindings are conflicting with my Buttonforged alternate bar 1, and there's no way to disable the default Bar 1, OR to change the buttons to my own configuration so it doesn't conflict. Any suggestions?
Today I ended up disabling the Extra Action Bar in Bartender settings and interestingly enough, that's exactly the suggestion I found in the settings itself. It says there you should disable it in Bartender and then fully reload (presumably log out/in rather than just /reload) and use Blizz UI's default Edit Mode to change position of that button/bar.
It's working at least for now since I made those changes.
Im Having problem on extrabutton while on playball mechanics on Boss Crawth in Ageth’ar Academy..can anyone pls help me how i can solve this problem..tnx
Is there any way to disable the button glow?
I've sussed out it's being triggered from the ShowOverlayGlow(button) method in LibActionButton-1.0.lua but would like to have an option to toggle it rather than hacking the library.
Hey, every time I swap Talents some Talents that I have in macros on the "Bonus Action Bar" get send to my main action bar as if I hadn't added them to my actionbars yet. Is there any way I (or you) can fix that? It's obviously rather annoying having to pick these spells up to remove them each talent swap.
Edit: Oh and my "exit vehicle" button has disappeared, where can i find it?
Having problems with part of my bags and the minimenu not being where they are supposed to be:
The bags were above where the micro menu is now but dis/re-enabling the one bag option fixed that (though it only fixes it for that session).
I have an issue with Extra Action Button only during combat as well.
In Algeth'ar Academy when we get to Crawth's platform, I can pickup the balls and Extra Action Button shows up to throw the balls for boss to spawn. But during the fight, there's no Extra Action Button when picking balls to the Play Ball mechanic.
In reply to lovelywaz:
Having that problem too, Have you solve it? Pls share me????tnx
In reply to lovelywaz:
Having that problem too, Have you solve it? Pls share me????tnx
In reply to lovelywaz:
Having that problem too, Have you solve it? Pls share me????tnx
In reply to lovelywaz:
Same problem with extra action button not showing during the community feast. I got it to show once by opening the bartender config and unlocking the buttons. But after locking and using the button, it would not show up again.