Bayi's Extended Questlog
Extended QuestLog is an extension of the QuestLog. It has a new bigger layout and allows you to watch all 25 quests instead of 10.
Bug Reporting:
If you find an error, open a ticket on
or use the wowace forum at
You can login on the sites with your curse account.
Translators Wanted
If you are interested to translate this project, please visit
thank you for your help
- ACE mod
- FuBar support
- DewDrop configuration menu
- Mod can be disabled/enabled on the fly
- All frames are moveable/lockable
- All settings are stored on a per character basis
- Display Info and Play sound when a Quest is Completed
- Display quest info in related mobs and items tooltips
- Watch Achievements, restore it after logout -> login
- Quest Levels
- Maximizable/Minimizable
- Maximize on Select
- Movable
- Click a header to Track/Untrack all quests in it
- Click a quest to copy the questname and objectives in to the chatframe
- Show Zones in Tracker
- Remove Finished Quests
- Hide Objectives for Finished Quests
- Add New Quests
- Show Minimize button in Tracker
- Tracker font can be changed
- Quest Markers with Symbols or Listing
- Colors can be changed: Zone Color, Header Color, Background Color, Objective Color
- Hovering over a quest title with the mouse displays the quest's short description
- Clicking a quest title in the tracker opens the quest log with that quest
- Right-Clicking a quest title in the tracker removes the quest from the tracker
- moveable
- resizeable
- resore after logout
- minimizeable
Todo list:
- Draggeable Quests between categories
- Optional Titanbar support
- Party/Raid 'Who is on Quest' display and from a bigger range (addon communication)
- Questlog browsable with other characters
- ...and many more
The addon is compatible now with the most other quest addons out there.
Please note that some features are disabled and cant be reenabled if some addons loaded:
Fubar_QuestsFu - disables beql tracker as QuestsFu has its own tracker
CTMod - disabled questlevel display and tracker moving as this is handled by CTMod
- General
Q:Is this addon complete ?
A:No this addon still in a beta like state, most things work and it should be usable for now, but dont except a fully functioning addon before rc1.0. This addon is here now for testing and developing it, so please download it and test it and if u find bugs post it here
Q:How can i submit a bug report
A:Much things are needed for a bug report. First if u discover a bug check the comments or the bug reporting tool on this site to see was it already reported by somebody. In the bug report please submit the following data:
- Description of the bug
- Client Locale
- How do u reproduce the bug?
- Are other addons loaded ? (see below)
- Is the bug without addons ?
- Which addon is loaded when the bug appeared (see below)
If the bug isnt there with default UI, but is there with all the addons loaded do the following to find out which addon is causing it:
1 Disable all addons
2 Check if the bug is there
3 Enable one of ur addons
4 Do 2,3 until u have all the addons loaded
- Features
Q:My 'Lock Tracker' function is grayed out and i cant move the tracker
A:CT_Core and other frame mover addons are hooking the QuestWatchFrame:SetPoint() function which makes beql unable to position the tracker where it like it to be. So if CT_Core is loaded the addons quest tracker mover functions are disabled, u cant enable them with theese addons loaded. To move the tracker u must use the other mover addon (CT_Core, MoveAnything etc.)
Q:bEQL's tracker is gone and the tracker options are grayed out.
A:If Fubar_QuestsFU the addon disables his tracker use QuestsFU's tracker.
Q:Adding new quests doesnt work
A:The 'Add new quests' function requires a perfect translation into your locale to work, without this it cant find the line 'Quest Accepted: '.. to pick up the quest name to add it to the tracker. Currently only enUS and enGB are 100% supported. The localization will be complete when the addon will be released (1.0).
Some locales for some languages are still missing, if u fell that is not good so u could write theese files yourself :). Use the localization.lua and localization-de.lua as templates. localization.lua will hold all the strings im using, and localization-de is now the best (not compelete) file written.
Keep in mind that there is no if GetLocale() == .. line in the default (localization.lua) file but in the others (see localization-de.lua) u MUST include them.
Special Thanks:
Daniel Rehn - Orignal mod, graphics
elitenls - an EQL version
Craig Coleman - for helping coding
all testers - for testing it (wyveryx, optmusprime and many more..)
TheBlackDrem - Quest auto complete
Brainsen - German translation
Unrak - heavy testing and helping to find bugs
Mans - Russian translation
damjau - Korean translation
nekromant - Spanish translation
Scylia - French translation
It seems to be a counter of some sort with the text 'QuestNr:' and 'AchievementNr:'.
I can make the numbers go up by simply disabling and re-enabling the trackers. Seems a little pointless to me.
Hopping for a real release soon.
Is this still alive?
Requesting update... for Beql as well as for Aat.
Open file World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\beql\questtracker.lua in a text editor.
Delete all the lines where a word "print" exists (there's 6 of them).
That's it :)
I give my thanks to the authors, it's the only quest tracking addon since 3.3 changes that meets all my requirements :)
The only problem I have is that the quest window gets bugged some times when their is a quest that pop up directly after you have turned in one quest.
But that may be some other addon I have to.
Doesn't get a useful debug message.
how to close debug frames?
I am becoming disappointed with the BEQL tracker. I really do not like the new layout of the tracker. Secondly, all of the items to complete a quest are not being listed. I have checked my setting and they seem to be all set properly. I could use Quest Helpers tracker, but I do not care for it that much, so if all the items for a quest were listed I can live with the new design of BEQL's tracker.
So, I use bEQL and Quest Helper. Since I like QH's dynamic quest tracker more, I use that instead of bEQL's. The problem I encounter, if I disable bEQL's quest tracker, even with QH's enabled, the default Blizzard tracker gets toggled back to show itself somehow. If I have either quest mod loaded exclusively, Blizzard's tracker gets hidden correctly. But when both are loaded, something is toggling Blizzard's back to active. Any ideas?
With the latest update, the quest tracker no longer docks to the right side of the screen.
If you have your tracker set there and a quest with longer text shows up it now goes off the screen, whereas before it would auto-adjust so that it would not exceed the border of the screen.
Error: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
File: Interface\AddOns\beql\options3.0.lua
Line: 180
Count: 1