Bazooka is a Data Broker Display similar in functionality and looks to FuBar.
Feature highlights
- Top/Bottom alignment or free moving of bars.
- Left-click drag moves, alt-right-click drag resizes the bar (unless the frames are locked).
- Drag-and-drop plugin placement with highlighted drop positions.
- Configurable background / font / icon size.
- The usual options for data broker displays (show text/icon/label, optionally show title in place of label if it's missing).
- Support of iconCoords and icon[RGB] (TomTom arrow, for example).
- Left / Center-Left / Center / Center-Right / Right placement position for plugins within bars, allowing easy layout of plugins. Plugins placed in the Center area are centered as a bunch.
- Optional auto-fade while in combat / out of combat.
- Optionally disable mouse / tooltips.
- Optional simple tooltips (just show title if Alt is held while moving the mouse pointer over the plugin).
- Optional highlight on mouseover for the active plugin.
- Load-on-demand configuration options, small memory footprint for "standard" operation.
- Bulk mode configuration that allows configuring multiple bars/plugins easily.
- Restrict plugin text width
- Disable minimap icons
- Tooltip scale override
- Support for OnMouseWheel, OnReceiveDrag and OnDoubleClick script handlers for plugins
- Optionally override plugin defined text colors
Getting started
- Create new bars from the main options window
- Drag plugins to desired location
- Drag plugins off bars to disable them
- Dragging bars while holding Alt will change their attached/detached state. Otherwise top/bottom bars will snap back to top or bottom depending on where you drop them.
Using the bulk configuration (standard method)
- Uncheck Auto-apply.
- Check the bars/plugins you want the settings to apply to.
- Check Apply next to the settings you want to change, and set them to the value you need.
- Click Apply at the bottom of the options. The changes you selected will be applied to all selected bars/plugins at this point.
Using the bulk configuration (auto-apply method)
- Check Auto-apply.
- Check the bars/plugins you want the settings to apply to.
- Change the settings (or click the Apply text next to them if their current value is the one you want). The changes will be applied immediately to all selected bars/plugins.
Slash commands
- Open configuration.
/bazooka locked
- Toggle locked/unlocked state.
/bazooka hidebars
- Make the bars hidden. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
/bazooka showbars
- Make the bars visible. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
/bazooka togglebars
- Toggle hidden/visible state of bars. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
Obtaining plugins
You can find Data Broker plugins at these places:
- Data Broker plugins on Curse
- Data Broker plugins on WowAce
- Data Broker plugins on WoWInterface
- Tekkub's list
In reply to Forge_User_78333392:
Most probably you have some old library loaded by some other addon. I just managed to try my addons on classic, and Bazooka works fine (the options, too).
Try disabling your other addons to find which one loads the outdated lib.
So how is the Classic version coming along?
Any chance of adding a guild module similar to Titan Panel's Guild Info plugin?
Looks like this:
In reply to Arxon_Havenloft:
Bazooka itself should be working in classic (although I didn't yet have time to test it myself).
As for the guild roster thing, find any guild manager you like that has LDB (LibDataBroker) support.
In reply to mitchnull:
Yeah as far as I can tell there isn't one that's why I was asking. No biggy. It's still early I'm sure people will get around to creating more addons after they get tired of leveling haha.
In reply to Arxon_Havenloft:
You can give ElkGuild a try:
In reply to Elkano:
Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you :)
In reply to mitchnull:
I can confirm that so far Bazooka is working fine in Classic. Only problem is the shortage of LDB plugins available for Classic. :(
In reply to Arxon_Havenloft:
Are you sure that's from the Titan Panel Classic, I've been using it and there's no guild display like that.
In reply to Cleric670:
Make sure you're downloading the classic version.
I'll link it here:
Edit: The pic is just some random pic I found online that best described what I was looking for. I know that titan had an addon/plugin such as this in the past and on vanilla servers that's why I was looking for it again. ElkGuild is exactly what I was looking for.
Classic is getting close and I need to decide what information bar to use.
I'd love to use Bazooka, but can anyone verify that it works with Classic?
there is no v 2.9.2 in the files listing
In reply to amey0:
The v2.9.2 build got b0rked. I tagged a new one (v2.9.3) with the same content.
In reply to mitchnull:
I'm a bit confused. v2.9.3 says game version 8.1.5. Is it for Retail only (8.2) or can it now be used for Classic too?
In reply to Painstormx:
To the best of my knowledge we can only specify a single "interface version" in the .TOC file, so in classic you'll have to use "load out-of-date addons". The compatibility here means that (hopefully) it won't fail loading / function properly in classic once the interface version check is skipped.
Maybe we'll have some way to make an addon truly "compatible" for both game versions. We'll see.
In reply to mitchnull:
I can see that others package a extra Classic version along with the Retail one, which they then set to the to version 1.13.
How you want to handle it is of course up to you, but I just can't see anywhere if the current version is for Retail only or it supports Classic too?
In reply to Painstormx:
The best way to handle this would be with 2 branches, 1 for retail (master) 1 for classic (both would have the different toc versions and wouldn't need users to click load out of date addons), then develop new features and fixes on a feature branch that you can merge in to one or both branches, but that's obviously fiddly :) I went a different route for my addons develop only for classic, 1 branch :D
using your fixed version i am getting this error on classic:
35x Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0-90068.lua:347: attempt to call global 'UnitHasVehicleUI' (a nil value)
Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0-90068.lua:347: in function `Refresh'
Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0-90068.lua:134: in function <Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:132>
self = <table> {
Unregister = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:241
topFrames = <table> {
ProcessQueue = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:297
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:159
Refresh = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:322
PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:314
hooks = <table> {
TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:167
PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:309
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:155
PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:305
GetScreenBottom = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:197
EnableTopAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:262
WorldMapFrame_Hide = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:163
IsBottomAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:276
DisableTopAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:269
RegisterTop = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:207
IsTopAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:258
UIParent_ManageFramePositions = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:179
PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:183
FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:175
EnableBottomAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:280
DisableBottomAdjusting = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:287
bottomAdjust = true
GetScreenTop = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:187
FCF_UpdateDockPosition = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:171
topAdjust = true
bottomFrames = <table> {
RegisterBottom = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:224
frame = <unnamed> {
screenHeight = 853.333374
topOffset = 813.333374
bottomOffset = 0
frames = <table> {
1 = "PlayerFrame"
2 = "TargetFrame"
3 = "MinimapCluster"
4 = "PartyMemberFrame1"
5 = "TicketStatusFrame"
6 = "WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame"
7 = "MainMenuBar"
8 = "MultiBarRight"
9 = "CT_PlayerFrame_Drag"
10 = "CT_TargetFrame_Drag"
11 = "Gypsy_PlayerFrameCapsule"
12 = "Gypsy_TargetFrameCapsule"
13 = "ConsolidatedBuffs"
14 = "BuffFrame"
16 = "ChatFrame2"
17 = "GroupLootFrame1"
18 = "TutorialFrameParent"
19 = "FramerateLabel"
20 = "DurabilityFrame"
21 = "CastingBarFrame"
22 = "OrderHallCommandBar"
23 = "MicroButtonAndBagsBar"
24 = "UIWidgetTopCenterContainerFrame"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "player"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'UnitHasVehicleUI' (a nil value)"
fullyInitted = true
JostleFrame = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
Schedule = <function> defined @Bazooka\libs\LibJostle-3.0\LibJostle-3.0.lua:140
tmp = <table> {
1 = GroupLootFrame1 {
2 = TutorialFrameParent {
3 = FramerateLabel {
4 = DurabilityFrame {
blizzardFrames = <table> {
1 = "PlayerFrame"
2 = "TargetFrame"
3 = "MinimapCluster"
4 = "PartyMemberFrame1"
5 = "TicketStatusFrame"
6 = "WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame"
7 = "MainMenuBar"
8 = "MultiBarRight"
9 = "CT_PlayerFram
other than that it works beautifully - thank you - amey0
In reply to amey0:
Please check v2.9.2, I hope the Jostle issue is fixed (I cannot test at the moment)
Edit: the packager seems to be down... please wait for the new release.
Just tested Bazooka out on classic stress test, addon currently does not work (due to dual spec, pet battle and order hall features), I have ported a fixed version of the addon on github, not sure if the author is intending to get a fixed version for classic, but in the mean time working version can be found here:
Installation note, download Bazooka through curse client in normal way, then copy my folder over the top of the existing one, I have excluded config as I didn't need to change anything here.
In reply to PrivateSniper:
I also fixed it in issue #62 LOL. However, it seems only the project owner has access to SVN?