Fancy up the default AddOn List! Inspired by ACP by sylvanaar and it predecessors.
BetterAddonList has the following enhancements:
- Search!
- Move the panel.
- Create sets that allow you to quickly enable or disable groups of addons. Including multiple sets in one allows you to create base sets of addons for enabling across multiple characters.
- Shift-click the check box to "protect" an addon, preventing it from getting disabled.
- Enabled addons with missing or disabled dependencies are shown in red.
- Load AddOn button is always shown for unloaded load on demand addons.
- See how much memory enabled addons are using.
Slash Commands
- show the addon list, /bal
and /acp
can also be used
/addons load [set]
- enable only the addons in a set, other addons are disabled
/addons enable [set]
- enable addons in a set
/addons disable [set]
- disable addons in a set
/addons save [set]
- save all enabled addons to a set
/addons delete [set]
- delete a set
/addons disableall
- disable all addons
/addons reset
- Reset addons to what was enabled at login
Protected addons will never be disabled.
In reply to aCOOLa91:
Yes please update for TBC as soon as you can :)
In reply to aCOOLa91:
Yes please update for TBC as soon as you can :)
Will it be possible to made the addon sizeable to make it bigger?
It would require a lot of rewriting, so not something I plan on doing
In reply to nebula169:
*sad noises*
In reply to Sekorhex:
make this into a macro
/run AddonList:SetScale(1.5)
You can mess around with the number to see what size you like
In reply to discordgregory:
Thanks for this but i mean to make the list longer, because i have to much addons^^
Is there a limit of how many addons one can have? Like 318 perhaps... Could that be increased?
I Think this error is from this addon....
22x SharedXML\AddonList.lua:591: AddOn index must be in the range of 1 to 318
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetAddOnInfo'
[string "@SharedXML\AddonList.lua"]:591: in function <SharedXML\AddonList.lua:590>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `AddonTooltip_Update'
[string "@SharedXML\AddonList.lua"]:470: in function `AddonListScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll'
[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetVerticalScroll'
[string "@SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:64: in function <SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua:63>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetValue'
[string "@SharedXML\AddonList.lua"]:466: in function `AddonListScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll'
[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetVerticalScroll'
[string "@SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:64: in function <SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua:63>
(*temporary) = 0
That's a weird error, I assume that 318 is the number you currently have, (ie, return from GetNumAddOns) and for some reason the UI tried to go higher than that. I don't suppose you have any addons with all number names?
First, thank you for the addon and continued maintenance. this is a cant live without addon for sure.
Suggestively though, i would really love to see functionality/compatibility for titan panel. theres already a reloadui plugin for TP so it would be incredibly convienient to have betteraddon plugin putting a display of the currently loaded addon profile with a dropdown to select/adjust other profiles (and/or mini map button for the same feature) to eliminate haveing to open the game menu, then select addons, before being able to select your profiles.
anyway. thanks again for your contribution. much loved and appreciated.
When you search and then enable/disable an addon in the filtered view it still only shows the number of items it did for the search but the addon names goes back to the default list.
IE I search for ElvUI and 2 addons are on the list, I click the button to disable ElvUI and its still just 2 addons in the list but the first one is no longer ElvUI but like AtlasLootEnhanced. Probably something to do with it rebuilding the list without applying the search filter again.
I couldn't get the list to change when checking/unchecking addons. I don't suppose you can record a clip of this happening to you?
Seems to have been fixed in the latest release, the checkbox is still wacky though when disabling addons while searching (not unticking)
Nevermind my other post, here's a video of it spazzing out.
Just wanted to comment and mention I have the exact same issue and it drives me absolutely nuts, lol
Does it still happen with all other addons disabled?
No, its with ElvUI, turning of their skinning of the addon manager fixes the problem.
I worked some with the code in your addon and changing line 669 to
local enabledState = GetAddOnEnableState(character, addonIndex)
local enabled = enabledState > 0
local checkbox = _G["AddonListEntry"..i.."Enabled"]
checkbox.state = enabledState
Makes elvUI read the list (because they use a lot of their own checkstates (ie AddonListEntry1Enabled.state to check the return value of GetAddOnEnableState).
I also made a pull request to the ElvUI team where I updated their skinning formula to no longer use the AddonList.offset measurement but instead refer back to AddonList..i..Title:GetText() to get the name of the addon and pass it to their functions. This will make their skinning function not query an addon that is outside the current search filter.
Thanks for looking into it. Multiple addons hooking the same display function is usually awkward. In this case it looks like they delay hooking so it's a safe bet that iterating _G["AddonListEntry"..index] instead of doing their own show checks will work just fine.
In reply to nebula169:
Great addon, a must have. so thank you a bunch for the work and maintenance of this great addon.
One thing i would reeeealy love to see added in though, is functionality with titan panel. theres already a reload ui plugin for TP that puts a button on either the TP bar, or on the minimap if you desire. it would make things much more convienient to have a plugin for the TP bar that shows the currently loaded addon profile, with a dropdown to select/manage other addon set's without having to open the game menu, and open betteraddons first.
anyway.. thank you so much for the work and maintenance of this great addon.
Really nice addon, much more comfortable than ACP. Thank you for your work :)