BG Spy
BG Spy
BG Spy is an enemy team talent specialization reader and reporter for use in battlegrounds.
Full team listing and specific role listing is supported.
Lists can either be displayed in the players chat box or sent to the battleground channel.
/bgs or /bgspy and include any additional parameters:
help - Show this help screen
r - Report list to Battleground chat
f - List players of friendly team
Different list types:
s - List talent spec numbers on team
t - List tanks on team
h - List healers on team
d - List DPS on team
k - List players possible of knockback effects on team
Example - /bgs rfh - Report friendly healers
Is there an updated addon with the same features that this amazing one had?
I love this addon and it makes me sad that it hasn't been updated for Wod :( I automatically type /bgs r in bg's even though it's not loaded lol
this is a great addon but why does it only report in say channel i want it to report in the instance channel weres the options to do that ?
its been a few months since you posted but since no one else answered i guess i tells you in the commands: section that r is for report list to battleground chat. so the first thing you want to put after /bgs is r.../bgs rfh report friendly healer.
/bgs r reports everything for both teams
/bgs rh reports enemy healers...
and so on.
if you just type /bgs help you will get a list of all the commands.
And the answer is a big no.
No updates for a year and no comments since October 2013. Is this still a good addon for April 2014?
hello ,
i was hoping you could help us all by adding an " Menu > interface > addons > BGspy " menu , it would be easier and faster to change options or call for different kind of lists , as i use many different kind of addons , it is harder to remember all the individual commands and acronyms for all of them :p
i hope you will consider adding this feature ,
formerly I found this addOn very useable, but since about 2months it isn't working anymore - no reports, no lists, nothing.
I deleted it seconds ago
Seems to me it would be fairly easy to add something which would do this:
Parse server name and report as a possible premade whenever there are 5 or more players from the same server: This wouldn't apply to the large scale BGs but would be great for 10-15 man BGs.
I have been fiddling with this idea for a while now and I plan to release it in the new version in early April.
BG Spy 1.2.6
Updated for 5.2.0. Fixed the bug that meant you had to open the score board to display reports if you did them too fast.
Knockbacks are still incorrect and need updating. If you know what classes/specs/pets have knockback let me know either by reply or private message.
Thanks to Growltiger for their solution to the scoreboard data throttling problem. Thanks to Faynt from Frostmourne for his help testing.
what are all the commands?
BG Spy 1.2.5
I have updated the report commands to send chat messages to 'Instance' instead of 'Battleground'.
There is a new help screen that can only be accessed by typying '/bgs help'. This will display a list of all possible options.
If you type a valid command while not in a Battleground, a description of the command is shown.
The incorrect data problem came about because WoW no longer automatically udpates the Scoreboard data, you must request new data, usually done by opening the Scoreboard. I have implemented a simple fix that will work in most cases. When you type a command, new data is requested and then the BG Spy command is displayed once the data is received. So if you request information too quickly (opening the scoreboard and typing BG Spy commands), the server will not send you new data. I'll look into a better fix soon.
tl;dr: If your command doesn't show up, open the Scoreboard to get new data and force a check.
Thanks to Queis from Frostmourne for his help testing.
Not sure if you notice your private messages, so I'll repost; I enhanced these changes to allow for reporting in between the throttled requests, basically takes the reporting code out of the update handler and keeps track of the last time an update was processed.
It ignores an update where the scoreboard is empty, which seems to happen when you first enter a BG.
Context diff here if anyone else wants to use this before this gets done in the release version:
*** Original/BGSpy.lua 2012-12-02 12:58:28.000000000 -0600
--- BGSpy.lua 2013-01-25 01:14:24.000000000 -0600
*** 397,402 ****
--- 397,421 ----
local inBattleground
local nextReport = {}
+ local function showReport()
+ local list = nextReport.list
+ -- Set the arguments for the list functions
+ local side = == GetBattlefieldArenaFaction() and 1 or 0
+ local report = == 1
+ nextReport.set = false
+ -- Run a list function
+ if list == "s" then
+ DisplaySpecs(side, report)
+ elseif list then
+ DisplayRole(side, report, list)
+ else
+ DisplaySummary(report)
+ end
+ end
SLASH_BGSPY1, SLASH_BGSPY2 = "/bgspy", "/bgs"
SlashCmdList.BGSPY = function(msg)
*** 429,435 ****
--- 448,460 ---- = nr = nf
nextReport.list = list
+ if nextReport.time > GetTime() or
+ GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration() > 0 then
+ showReport()
+ else
nextReport.set = true
+ end
*** 455,480 ****
inBattleground = true
nextReport.set = false
if nextReport.set then
! nextReport.set = false
! local list = nextReport.list
! -- Set the arguments for the list functions
! local side = == GetBattlefieldArenaFaction() and 1 or 0
! local report = == 1
! -- Run a list function
! if list == "s" then
! DisplaySpecs(side, report)
! elseif list then
! DisplayRole(side, report, list)
! else
! DisplaySummary(report)
--- 480,495 ----
inBattleground = true
nextReport.set = false
+ nextReport.time = GetTime()
+ if GetNumBattlefieldScores() > 0 then
if nextReport.set then
! showReport()
+ nextReport.time = GetTime() + 5
I just edited the LUA file and replaced the one "BATTLEGROUND" with "INSTANCE" and it seems to be working just fine.
That is a good fix to enable reporting. The errors with incorrect team information will still exist though and you will need to manually open the Scoreboard to request new data.
I seemed to have to replace it with INSTANCE_CHAT. Is this similar to you?
This addon is broken now it seems even when score board is open it will not print a summary to the channel. Seems the change to the chat windows has made it inefective.
I will be posting an update soon fixing the chat report and wrong count number issues.
i do it one macro:
"/bgs r" <----but if you use it, do not print a summary of the BG channel. what is wrong?
and a question: append multiple switches can be combined? possibly within a Macron? and if so what is the correct form?