BiSList allows you to configure you BiS list and keep track on how far you are from them.
Optionally, you can activate whisper modules, which notices you whenever any of your BiS items are being looted. You could also enable to whisper your master looter or whoever you wants. (Currently under developement)
You can also share you BiS item's lists with any player.
To create yout BiS List just go to Interface->BiSList menu. There you can type the item's names, as long as a note with something useful to remember. I personally use the notes to remember the the boss that drops the item and wether it's suitable for both main and off spec, but that's up to you!
Note: I created this addon just to have a "notepad" inside wow, but then I realised it could be something more. It's my first addon developed in the Ace3 framework, so it can look ugly (ok, it's actually awfull), but it'd functional and does what it is meant to do.
I'll be reading comments everyday, and any suggestion would be appreciated! ^^
/bislist -> Shows the current UI
/bistest -> Shows the UI under developement
Message: Interface\AddOns\bislist\Core.lua:5: Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Cannot find a library instance of "AceHook-3.0".
I hope this helps :)
Sorry for taking so much time to answer, I've been on holyday :P
I would love to be able to try your addon so any help you can give to get it working would be greatly appreciated.
whats the meaning of BiS?
First, thanks for testing my addon. Please let me know if you're experiencing the bug where item's icons are not showing in the main screen. I just tried with a couple of clients, one of them working, the other not, so some feedback would great.
BiS it's a shortcut for "Best in Slot". It's just a way to tag the best gear set for each class/spec. With this addon you can create and share those BiS lists amongst your characters and your friends'.
I will feed you back with any problems or bugs i encounter
so nice of you to place efforts for add ons to be used by all of us.