Blood Legion Cooldown
Helps track raid cooldowns visually with icons and bars. It is designed to have minimal impact and be very simple to understand and configure.
/blcd opt :: open the options screen
/blcd show :: toggles visibility of the addon
/blcd reset :: reset all running cooldowns and available counts
/blcd wipe :: reset cooldowns after a wipe
/blcd lock :: lock/unlock the cooldown frame position
/blcd extra :: filter out extra raid members (only the first 10/25 members of the raid will be tracked)
/blcd clearextra :: resets extra filtering to show all players
/blcd rescan :: rescan the raid for talents
When reporting a bug please include the following information:
- What version of BLCD did you see the error in?
- Do you have ElvUI installed and enabled?
- Do you have any other addons installed and enabled? (Please list them)
- The full text of any lua errors (installing BugSack and !BugGrabber will allow you to easily report lua errors)
Todo List:
- Adjustable bar size
- Adjustable bar text size
- Bar texture and font
- Resume current bars after /reload or when joining a group (latter option would require other users to have addon)
- Horizontal layout
Tranquility is now a 3 minute cooldown, the addon still reports 8 minutes.
You must have an extremely old version. This was changed back when 6.0 dropped.
I double checked the code:
[740] = { -- Tranquility
spellID = 740,
name = "DRU_TR",
CD = 180,
cast = 8,
class = "DRUID",
spec = 105,
index = getIndex(),
Hi, like others (tho it should never go without saying) I love your addon. its priceless for raidleading or healers.
With the changes to battlerez being shared - is there any way to incorporate a timer on the res till the next one becomes available? As far as i can find We show the cd of player A till their personal cast comes off cd, and the tool tip has details about recharge time total - but not a timer to see "you can res a player in 15 , 14 , 13, 12 etc seconds..." which can sometimes be a make or break thing. If there was some way to show maybe a generic timer till bres recharge occured it would be awesome.
many thanks again for the great addon.
There is a battle rez monitor on the top of the frame that is enabled by default. It'll show when a boss is engaged.
In light of the recent announcement from Blood Legion, will you be continuing to update this?
is there a way to make the announce go to raid warning?
Yes. I'll put it in the todo list.
Thank you very much.
There is a problem with Clemency for paladins. Affected spells ( Sac and HoP) display as they are on cooldown when used once even though the paladin still has 1 charge left. Would be nice if you could fix.
Try the latest version. I'm requiring that talents be gathered for paladins before I display clemecy affected spells.
- What version of BLCD did you see the error in? - Version: 3.62
- Do you have ElvUI installed and enabled? - No
- Do you have any other addons installed and enabled? (Please list them) - So many ... but irrelivant
- The full text of any lua errors - None
Addon is not correctly tracking feral Stamp Roar w/ Glyph Stamp Roar
Changing line 606 in core.lua to """
elseif ( spellId == 77764 or spellId == 106898) and cooldown['spellID'] == 77761 then
""" fixes this issueThank you. Didn't know stamp roar had another ID. Seems druids are the main culprit for most of these spells!
can you add Clemency for paladins?
It's in on the latest alpha, working out any bugs that may be found.
Is a way to make the text for the cooldown to make it bigger?
i dont know anything from lua so i wanted to know if theres a simple way (besides to wait for next update) to make the text bigger, or the icons smaller.
First of all, i'm sorry for my bad english.
I really love your addon, and i'll use it as long as it get updates.
In my opinion the addon will be better, if there was "normal" bar and text options like Textfont, Font-Size, Font-Outline and bar hight.
I know it is many work, but sometimes i habe to scale down the CD-Frame because the group have to many people and the frame is in the raidframe. The names of the players in the CD Bar of BLCD so sometimes are not readable because there to small and have no outline. :/
Hope you can add this in a future build! :)
This is a good idea. I'll make the height of the bars adjustable along with the font size.
I would like to place it on the bottom of my screen but then because of how high it goes, it cuts into the middle of my screen. I cant have it to the left, cause thats where my raid frames are, and to the right is my bdm counts. I need it to but grouped horizontally instead of vertically.
This is in the works. It's a big overhaul though.
I dont know what Im doing wrong but the addon is not showing any Cooldowns for me, well ever. Even with every other addon disabled. Was the same with ora3