This addon makes the Blizzard windows movable.
To temporarily move a window, just click the title of the window and drag it to where you want it. Shift + right-click resets the position.
Use ctrl + scroll wheel over a window title to adjust the scale of the window. Ctrl + right-click resets the scale.
Use alt + drag to detach child frames from their parent. Alt + right-click re-attaches the child frame. (Examples of child windows are calendar event info frames, and similar)
- The default Blizzard separate bag frames are not movable - the default combined bag frame is movable
- BlizzMove does not disable Blizzard's built-in panel positioning logic. This means that opening, for example a profession window, might close or move other windows. To disable this default Blizzard behaviour, you can install No Auto Close.
- Due to a blizzard bug, there are issues when you rescale the map in retail. This cannot be fixed by us, and if you want it to work, let blizzard know.
Access some in-game options, by typing /bm in chat.
You may look for additional plugins here.
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub if you have issues.
Join the BlizzMove discord.
Developers can hook their own frames into BlizzMove, to let us handle all the work to make your frames movable 🙂.
Great addon! Is there any way to enable only moving windows and not scaling? Or changing the keybinds? I am constantly accidentally scaling the appearance tab with the current controls and would rather it not even be possible. Thank you!
Hi! is there a way to lock a window so you don't accidentally move it around after a change?
In reply to Viacoloris: there's a setting to only move frames while holding shift
Hello! Is it possible to add objective tracker into the addon? There is kinda plugin which does it but would be great if we will have in-built functionality for it
In reply to Jazzmania: we decided that we didn't want the objective tracker as part of the main addon, since it's not clean like the rest of the addon (since it requires a "dragger" button)
the plugin is the official solution
In reply to Numy: Oh, I haven't noticed that you are the developer of the plugin as well xD Ok, get it
In reply to Jazzmania: Check out Syling Tracker, really nice SCROLLING quest tracker
Bug report:
BlizzMove: The frame you just moved (CollectionsJournal) is probably in a broken state, possibly because of other addons. Copy the text from this popup window, and report it to the addon author.
Bad anchor connections for "CollectionsJournal":
"MountJournalIcon" is outside anchor family, but referenced by "MountJournal.MountDisplay.InfoButton.29f67bae520" (created in "Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Collections/Blizzard_MountCollection.xml:570", and "Interface/AddOns/MountJournalEnhanced/UI/DisplayStatistics.lua:83" respectively)
"UIParent" is outside anchor family, but referenced by "UIParent.29f665587e0" (created in "Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.xml:4", and "Interface/AddOns/AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua:154" respectively)
In reply to Delicate11951: caused by MountJournalEnhanced
**Classic Fresh**
Nothing is dragable. I can resize windows but I can't drag any panel.
In reply to DonkeyBombGames: try disable all other addons, maybe one of them is interfering
In reply to DonkeyBombGames: Had the same thing, was cause by the addon MoveAny. If its the same for you, open with /moveany and disable the checkbox for 'move windows'
Cannot move the new LFG tool for Classic/SoD
In reply to Zautix: fixed in next version
"BUG" Blizzard_PlayerSpells > PlayerSpellsFrame is causing talent frame to be zoomed in upon opening.
Hi since today bug with objectif frame , i have no interface addon installed, i do reload for work again few minutes
Could having the auction house window open and a profession window open at the same time be added to blizzmove? i know it can be done with demodal and blizzmove together but when i use both addons at once it messes up my game, all windows default to the center of the screen and other buggy stuff.
In reply to Cigarette77: the recommended way is to use blizzmove together with
they're designed to work together smoothly
In reply to Numy: thats better then demodal so far but it still causes windows default positions to be different than normal unfortunately. i wish there was a way to make permanent positions for windows with blizzmove and then after you move them around and close them or reload ui they reset to the positions you set them to.
the permanent blizzmove option doesnt do that because if you move it after it just make the new position permanent.its only good for windows you'll never move.
In reply to Cigarette77: yeah I see what you mean
there's not tooo much that can be done about it
but it I were to add an option in NoAutoClose to adjust the default position for everything, would that fix things?
by the nature of how you keep those panels open, you lose basically *all* default behavior :/