This addon makes the Blizzard windows movable.
To temporarily move a window, just click the title of the window and drag it to where you want it. Shift + right-click resets the position.
Use ctrl + scroll wheel over a window title to adjust the scale of the window. Ctrl + right-click resets the scale.
Use alt + drag to detach child frames from their parent. Alt + right-click re-attaches the child frame. (Examples of child windows are calendar event info frames, and similar)
- The default Blizzard separate bag frames are not movable - the default combined bag frame is movable
- BlizzMove does not disable Blizzard's built-in panel positioning logic. This means that opening, for example a profession window, might close or move other windows. To disable this default Blizzard behaviour, you can install No Auto Close.
- Due to a blizzard bug, there are issues when you rescale the map in retail. This cannot be fixed by us, and if you want it to work, let blizzard know.
Access some in-game options, by typing /bm in chat.
You may look for additional plugins here.
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub if you have issues.
Join the BlizzMove discord.
Developers can hook their own frames into BlizzMove, to let us handle all the work to make your frames movable 🙂.
In reply to LoneStar2911:
are you sure this is because of blizzmove? after reloading the ui with blizzmove enabled, are you unable to set your member note?
are you able to set it if you disable blizzmove?
I've noticed multiple addons cause issues with setting notes after being logged in for a bit; and sometimes the error message blames the wrong addon for it
In reply to Forge_User_36661579:
Yeah, I think you're probably right. I loaded up only BlizzMove today and I was able to make a member note without an issue. Thanks.
Somebody know what addon cause this lua error (mainly in M+ dungeons)?
Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LevelUpDisplay:SetPoint.
Edit: it seems deleting the section from local-layout file fixed it, so strange.
Message: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LevelUpDisplay:SetPoint.
Time: Sat Feb 22 16:28:29 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LevelUpDisplay:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPoint'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua"]:820: in function `LevelUpDisplay_StartDisplay'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua"]:264: in function `PlayBanner'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\TopBannerManager.lua"]:57: in function `TopBannerManager_BannerFinished'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua"]:1598: in function <Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua:1577>
Locals: (*temporary) = LevelUpDisplay {
0 = <userdata>
mapID = 252
fastHideAnim = <unnamed> {
challengeModeBits = <unnamed> {
blackBg = LevelUpDisplayBlackBg {
currSpell = 0
challengeModeFrame = LevelUpDisplayChallengeModeFrame {
scenarioBits = <unnamed> {
StopBanner = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua:267
gLine2 = LevelUpDisplayGLine2 {
gLine = LevelUpDisplayGLine {
type = "challengemode"
level = 11
recordTime = 2209820
PlayBanner = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua:262
spellFrame = LevelUpDisplaySpellFrame {
SetHeight = <function> defined =[C]:-1
ResumeBanner = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\LevelUpDisplay.lua:273
SetPoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1
scenarioFrame = LevelUpDisplayScenarioFrame {
SetWidth = <function> defined =[C]:-1
moveFrame = LevelUpDisplay {
SpellBucketFrame = <unnamed> {
hideAnim = <unnamed> {
scenarioFiligree = <unnamed> {
levelFrame = LevelUpDisplayLevelFrame {
(*temporary) = "TOP"
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = -190
In reply to KoborOld:
What do you mean by "Edit: it seems deleting the section from local-layout file fixed it, so strange." because I have this error as well
In reply to Palonblade:
find your character's folder inside your WTF folder in wow dir, there is a layout-local.txt file there. open it, search for "LevelUpDisplay", delete that section ( from frame, until next frame line)
In reply to KoborOld:
thank you for this. I also had this error and this seems to fix it.
Is it possible for a setting in the addon to permanent store location or use default ones?
This way each group can use by their taste, maybe those need to set it ON, who wish to store it?
Current build doesn't work with rematch.
In reply to Forge_User_33479825:
rematch completely replaces the pet journal frame; and we only work with default blizzard frames for now (we're planning to add a way for users to add their own frames to be moved, which'd include things like rematch)
for now you can do 2 things; make a macro saying "/run BlizzMove:SetMoveHandle(CollectionsJournal, RematchJournal)", which only works out of combat, after you loaded the pet journal
or you can edit the BlizzMove.lua file, look for the line with ' ["Blizzard_Collections"] = function().... ' and replace it with
In reply to Forge_User_33479825:
Just use the Rematch standalone frame. It’s movable by default, and better anyways.
Is the "[BlizzMove]: Has just moved a frame. SHIFT+Click to reset the position." only shown once per frame? I hope so .. (version 2.14)
Moving the Quest objectives still causing issue.
If there is at least one World Quest tracked only that section is Visible, normal quest list is gone.
If Untracking all World Quest only that time can see normal quests.
Only fix is to delete the Objective frame section from locale-layout file.
In reply to miarella:
Thank you, not have GitHub account.
Think the move is may not causing problem instantly (or not have tracked both version quests), but definitely occured at next login.
In reply to KoborOld:
I added the link so you can check the progress :)
In reply to onerebelmermaid:
Just seen a similar issue at MoveAnything list, maybe these two list loosing their 'connection' with moving them?
quest/objective frame won't reset after /reload or relog and unable to manually reset with shift+click too.
Auction frame move fix...edit line 65 to...
["Blizzard_AuctionHouseUI"] = function() BlizzMove:SetMoveHandle(AuctionHouseFrame) end,
Hope this helps! :)
In reply to dredd65:
are you using the latest version of the addon? for me it's been movable for a while now