This addon makes the Blizzard windows movable.
To temporarily move a window, just click the title of the window and drag it to where you want it. Shift + right-click resets the position.
Use ctrl + scroll wheel over a window title to adjust the scale of the window. Ctrl + right-click resets the scale.
Use alt + drag to detach child frames from their parent. Alt + right-click re-attaches the child frame. (Examples of child windows are calendar event info frames, and similar)
- The default Blizzard separate bag frames are not movable - the default combined bag frame is movable
- BlizzMove does not disable Blizzard's built-in panel positioning logic. This means that opening, for example a profession window, might close or move other windows. To disable this default Blizzard behaviour, you can install No Auto Close.
- Due to a blizzard bug, there are issues when you rescale the map in retail. This cannot be fixed by us, and if you want it to work, let blizzard know.
Access some in-game options, by typing /bm in chat.
You may look for additional plugins here.
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub if you have issues.
Join the BlizzMove discord.
Developers can hook their own frames into BlizzMove, to let us handle all the work to make your frames movable 🙂.
Every time I change Blizzmove to the latest retail version it changes it back to the classic version and I get the yellow triangle with ! mark
It is still doing it
In reply to whitie:
It is still doing it
In reply to whitie:
this is only because curseforge was incorrectly freaking out; the retail and classic version are identical
it should be fixed in v3.3.0 now though
in the addon for classic/SoM the latest update changed the retail .toc file to use the updated interface version but the classic toc file (for both the addon and the debug) still has ## Interface: 11401 instead of ## Interface: 11402
thank you for your time
Can you make it so that the minimap also can be moved? Just want to drag it from the cornor position to more central place.
In reply to Djuntas:
get addon sexy map it allows you to move mini-map and customize it
posted in the issues section but will comment here too.. using SoM/clssic, open the talent window using the n key and it will pop an message in chat
BlizzMove: Could not find frame ( Build: 41077 | Version: 11401 | BMVersion: v3.2.4 ): TalentFrame
BlizzMove: Frame was marked as incompatible, but does exist ( Build: 41077 | Version: 11401 | BMVersion: v3.2.4 ): PlayerTalentFrame
-sad- updated addon for classic era today, still using toc interface version 11400 instead of the 11401 for the current game.. can you update the version please?
thank you!
In reply to arkasaest:
In reply to Numedain:
ty kindly!
Just curious, why aren't frame positions saved? TIA
In reply to marblexavier:
hi, if you go to the settings, you can enable that
but it's buggy, and hard to fix (there's also not much motivation to fix permanently saved positions)
addons like MoveAnything or ElvUI are better suited for that task; the goal of BlizzMove is to allow intuitive moving of frames; not to redesign your UI :)
In reply to Numedain:
Ah, I see. Thanks for the response.
Just tried BlizzMove and it's a great if not better replacement for MoveANything however there is one item I'm missing and I'm wondering if there is any chance to be implemented in the future which is the ability to move the Bnet Toast Notifications. Thanks in advance :-)
In reply to Galthariel:
I recommend lS Toasts (it's an "L" not an "I") for moving toast notifications.
In reply to Galthariel:
I'd say in general BlizzMove is not meant to replace addons like MoveAnything (or elvui's anchor moving functionality)
BM is for moving frames around while they're open, to make it feel natural, just like you can move your browser around, or discord etc in windows
it's not meant for changing the default position of the UI :) (even if it's somewhat able to, it's buggy, and probably won't be fixed much over time)
so don't count on toasts in general being added :) though you can ofc create a plugin yourself to add the support
but I'm glad you like it anyway :)
BlizzMove doesn't seem to work on the Guild bank frame. Will this ability be coming?
Many thanks!
In reply to HoorMaister:
(for reference: this was fixed a few versions ago, BCC issue)
tbc v3.1.3bcc
no addons loaded except for blizmove
you are breaking the right click functionality of the who window.
I should be able to right click peoples names in the social window who tab and get a right click menue with target/ignore/etc
edit: this only happens if the who tab has a lot of people (is scrollable).
In reply to Fred7:
(for reference: this was fixed in v3.1.4bbcc, but according to it came back)