This addon makes the Blizzard windows movable.
To temporarily move a window, just click the title of the window and drag it to where you want it. Shift + right-click resets the position.
Use ctrl + scroll wheel over a window title to adjust the scale of the window. Ctrl + right-click resets the scale.
Use alt + drag to detach child frames from their parent. Alt + right-click re-attaches the child frame. (Examples of child windows are calendar event info frames, and similar)
- The default Blizzard separate bag frames are not movable - the default combined bag frame is movable
- BlizzMove does not disable Blizzard's built-in panel positioning logic. This means that opening, for example a profession window, might close or move other windows. To disable this default Blizzard behaviour, you can install No Auto Close.
- Due to a blizzard bug, there are issues when you rescale the map in retail. This cannot be fixed by us, and if you want it to work, let blizzard know.
Access some in-game options, by typing /bm in chat.
You may look for additional plugins here.
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub if you have issues.
Join the BlizzMove discord.
Developers can hook their own frames into BlizzMove, to let us handle all the work to make your frames movable 🙂.
The reset addon trick, login without the Interface directory (Renamed my one with all the addons inside) solved this problem, hope it will remain in good state now, if somebody else having the same issue.
Could someone make it so blizMove will move the Pet health bar thats at the top of the screen while doing pet battles. I uce a broker addon and it covers the pet bar. I also asked the broker addon as well but moving it would be better.
hoping you can help, I don't now how to code an update for myself, but I'd really love the Moveable Bags addon updated. or maybe a newly created version of it. I've always preferred this over any of the other newer bag mods(...hate OneBag styles), I just want to move my bags where I want and lock them in place.
Thanks, Silver
Looks like it has been updated;)
Found a small "bug" (or is it a "feature") when using the new dressing window and moving it to the side past your window border. The fram goes out but the picture tries to stay inside by compressing you, which does look funny as hell. First time I saw it was on my dwarf who because of this feature looked more lik a human or elf then a dwarf
Don't think you can fix it any other way then preventing the dressing window from being moved outside the border, but you can also keep it this way
Default wow does not allow you to position your scroll up/down and social buttons. Any way to integrate that into this addon? that would be awesome! Also: Default wow does not let me minmize the chat window past a certain size, thought I know its possible, because nUI uses one that is much smaller than default allows. Just suggestions for the next update... otherwise, thank you for the great addon!
Another neat feature would be to move the player debuff box. It would be nice to be able to move it down to a position more in my sight range so I didn't constantly have to look up to see what is going on with my debuffs.
Oh, and yess, your protrait has triggered a chocolate frenzy! XD
With Blizzmove loaded, I didn't get the background decoration on the glyph frame and was unable to remove glyphs. After disabling BlizzMove and reloading, the glyph frame was back to normal.
Not a regular challenge to me, but it might bite the odd user.
   // Pres
BlizzMove: Frame: CharacterFrame will be saved.
BlizzMove: Frame: CharacterFrame will NOT be saved.
Where as other windows will correctly 'lock' or 'unlock' position with CTRL Right Click, the CharacterFrame immediately indicates both states.
I am able to resize the CharacterFrame window, as well as move, resize and save positions-size changes to other Blizzard Frames (included Objective Tracker thanks to the post below- thanks for that)!
Is this a known bug with CharacterFrame? Anything else I can try to trouble-shoot?
Thanks for the great simple, but entirely useful add-on.
Also, is it possible to move the chat window?
thanks. also, nice work. =)
Just add this line at line 234:
SetMoveHandler(WatchFrame, WatchFrameHeader)
You can now move the objective tracker by its header. :)