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UploadedMar 6, 2012
Size48.87 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.3.0
tag 0.16
Talryn <git@talryn.sent.com>
2012-03-06 20:38:38 -0500
Tagging as 0.16.
- Add Divine Aegis to Power Word:Shield bar.
- Add method to cleanup version number.
- Change to new ElvUI format for the shared table.
- Add Divine Aegis support.
- Health Bar should be visible when in Config mode.
- Fixed the other method name typo.
- Fixed typo in method name.
- Code cleanup. Added LDB options for short label and data feed.
- Fixed borders still showing up when customized.
- Added customization for addons such as ElvUI and Tukui. Lots of code clean up.
- Added customization options for skinning. Cleaned up some code.
- Fixed issue with health bar showing up at startup when Hide OOC is set.
- Added text formats for the Health Bar.
- Added decimal point precision. Added ptBR locale. Added basic Health Bar.
- Improved handling of maximum/capped blood shields. Added more debugging output.
- Updating the max shield value when updating the shield bar.
- Added a None option for the shield progress bar.
- Added code to fix an issue with the shield progress bar when switching modes.
- Dry code for making the shield bar progress configurable as time remaining or current value.
- Removing old code. Changing the default shield bar to be only the current value. Old default makes less sense now. Changing shield progress bar to track the time left on shields.
- Fixed some issues with configuration of the new bars.
- Changed how time is handled for damage taken calcs--now relying only on timestamps for time. Added new debugging output.
- Removed some extra est heal bar updates. Changed how latency is handled.
- Fixing error with PW:S bar and a non-numeric value. Changing the new bars to be tank only for now.
- Other shield bars are now separate and configurable.
- Fixed bug with BS mode for Est Heal Bar. The dsMinHeal variable cannot be used since it takes into accoutn healing modifiers.
- Update Est Heal Bar on damage taken
- Updated TOC for 4.3. Added different latency options for Est Healing. Added some support for tracking other shields.
- Removed some unused code. Fixed an issue with the reset not working. Added ability to toggle between using the aura and the combat log data for the Blood Shield bar.
- Updated TOC for 4.2
- AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets should have been included.
- Added 4.2 Dark Succor support. Also works in 4.1 still.
- Added support for Dark Succor glyph for Est. Heals. Added untested support for Luck of the Draw buff.
- Reverting oscarucb's changes and fixing the variable name that was probably the issue he was trying to fix.
- make sure to properly detect respecs and reset talent checks accordingly
- Added 4.2 compatibility.
- Updated for 4.1.
- Conditional code to support 4.06 and 4.1
- Forgot to declare tconcat.
- Added font flag options.
- Code cleanup. Adding last fight stats.
- Initial changes for 4.0.6
- Initial updates for 4.0.6
- Changing DS heal to 20% for the hotfix.
- Added function to control bar locking and disabled mouse when locked.
- Updating DS values for next patch
- Fixed est heal bar showing up when it is disabled.
- Added messages in case Blood Shield gets actual shield data in the SPELL_AURA_* events.
- Moving BS verbose output to function so it is conditioal.
- Adding check for mastery for Blood Shield. Disabling the bar texture option when background isn't shown.
- Added text format options for BS bar. Fixed issue with dragging the bars.
- Fixing issue with est heal bar showing up for non-DKs
- Added minimum BS calculations.
- Added Guardian Spirit to healing buff tracking.
- Fixed an error with the estimated healing bar calcs.
- Added option to show/hide est heal bar text.
- Adding VB to the verbose output.
- Updating the healing debuffs.
- Fixing mistake on predicted heal value.
- More healing debuff code fixes.
Sal Scotto:
- Updated mortal strike listm removed a few that failed to lookup
- Fixing some typos
- Added one more MS.
Sal Scotto:
- Added a few more version of Mortal Strike.
- Missed two spots that calculate healing.
- Fixes and additional code for healing debuff check.
Sal Scotto:
- Added in Healing Debuff auras to check
- Fixing issue with isDK check not working based on variable declaration.
- Added shield time remaining with options. Added sound options for shield applied and removed.
- Code formatting changes. Fixed issue with shield bar background setting not being applied on load.
- More fixes for the non-Blood option
- Added checks for blood DK to shield bar functions.
- Adding option to enabled for non-Blood DKs. Resetting lock status along with other options.
Sal Scotto:
- Removed unneeded check
- Localized talent error message
- Formatting display name in options
- More cleanup and formatting of the options.
- Split out the options into multiple dialogs.
- Added an option for the background color of the minimum version of the Est Heal bar.
- Fixing typo of ResetFononts. Adding option for depleted shield bar color. Changing default bar positions so they don't overlap.
Sal Scotto:
- Set both bar default textures to the same
- Added scaling options
- Added GetAddonMetaData call to get the title field for options
- Added localization to tooltip on databroker
- Adjusted the LSM widgets a little
- Fixed embed.xml and adjust init call order
- Fixed a minor bug in background status bar texture selction
- Added show/hide status bar background, border. Updated bar code to store position in the DB instead of layout cache. Added full profile support. Added in more checks for VB talent and glyph
- Code Cleanup. Added options for bar colors and text. Hide Est Heal Bar OOC. Add Est Heal Bar to Config Mode. Added ICC buff, VB, and VB glyph detection to calculations.
- Added stats reset option. Localized heal bar text. Added physical spell absorb tracking.
- Removed some rounding that caused numbers to be off slightly. Added spell name to verbose damage info.
- Cleaned up damage tracking code and added code to count partial absorbs on the shield bar
- Added more LDB feed data
- If player dies, hide the BS bar
- Removing verbose messages for spec detection.
- Adding addon name and version to LDB feed
- Fixing status bar code inside a verbose check
- Fixes for early errors from GetTalentTabInfo
- UpdateMinHeal called too early, moving it
Sal Scotto:
- Min heal updates as your health changes now even when idle so you can see buff effects
- Added option grouping and enable options for bars.
Sal Scotto:
- Fixes for font changes and LSM
- Fixing LSM shim
Sal Scotto:
- Shi method if LSM is missing
- Fixing LSM pkgmeta and embeds
- Adding LSM to .pkgmeta
Sal Scotto:
- Fixed lsm check
- Fixed a localization error
- Cleaning up min DS heal calcs and Self Heal formatting.
Sal Scotto:
- bug fix
- bug fix
- Fix for font select
- Drycode, added optional support for lib shared media fonts.
- More options for bar height/width and font size
- Added minimap icon option. Fixed error with uninitialized variable.
- Added LDB data. Added variable for Imp DS talent name.
Sal Scotto:
- Added a config mode, renamed some of the options to be more precise. added some text so you know what the bar your looking at represents
- Status bar now reflects precents and depltes as your shield is consumed.
- Fixed lock option
- Created variable for some values. Cleaned up some code. Added DS_SPELL_HEAL.
Sal Scotto:
- Fixed talent check, double slashed were having it not detect proper spec. Toc update
- More updates so when we switch to a non blood spec we hide away the bars and stop event processing
- imp ds now checks ranks to determine percentage.
- code updates, added mastery vent and talent check for imp DS
- typo fix
- Added in another event check to show the predicted when we cast deathstrike to see if it matches the actual heal.
- fixed variable name
- Some cleanup, and localization fixes
- Minor fixes
- Initial commit
- "blood-shield-tracker/mainline: Initial Import"