Blood Shield Tracker
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Blood Shield Tracker is an addon to track the value of the Death Knight Blood Shield. It can show bars for the following items:
- The current Blood Shield value (when Blood Shield is up).
- The estimated heal of a Death Strike or the Blood Shield value.
- The current Power Word:Shield value on the player.
- The current and maximum health of the player.
Blood Shield Bar
- Appears when Blood Shield is up and shows the current shield value.
- Updates the current value of the Blood Shield. It provides both an absolute value and a percent of the remaining shield value. With stacking Blood Shields, the maximum and percent values are less useful but it might be interesting for some people so I left that option. The current value is key thing to use.
- Disappears when the Blood Shield buff ends.
Estimate Bar
- Predicts the size of the Death Strike heal or Blood Shield based.
- The user can configure if the bar predicts the Death Strike heal or Blood Shield value.
- The bar can be configured to show the estimated value as a percentage of maximum health instead of the absolute value.
Bone Shield Bar
- Shows the current number of Bone Shield charges, time left on the buff, or the time until Bone Shield is usable again.
Power Word: Shield Bar
- Shows the current value of the Power Word: Shield on you. It is shown when a shield is on you and hidden when no PW:S is on you.
- By default this bar includes the Divine Aegis shield too. You can disable that in the options if you wish though.
- It is fully configurable just like the other bars.
Total Absorbs Bar
- Shows the total of various absorbs on you. It includes the following absorb types and you can configure which ones you want included:
- Blood Shield
- Power Word: Shield
- It is fully configurable just like the other bars.
- Provides a bar to track the remaining absorb from Anti-Magic Shield.
- It is off by default and needs to be enabled first.
Health Bar
- Provides a health bar to make monitoring your health easier. Based on your UI setup, you may find this very useful to keep near the other Blood Shield Tracker bars and your rune addon of choice.
- It is off by default and needs to be enabled first.
- It is fully configurable and has an option to change color based on a user-set threshold.
LDB / Minimap Data
The LDB or minimap icon provides a tooltip with some statistics for your Blood Shields. The following statistics are provided for the session and for the last fight:
- The total number of blood shields.
- The number of shields refreshed. This is the number that are re-applied before the previous shield was removed (i.e., stacking).
- The number of removed shields.
- The minimum, maximum, and average shields maximum/starting values. The maximum value is the full, initial value of the shield.
- The total amount absorbed by the shields, the total value of all shields, and percent of the shields used. This lets you see how much of the shields were used to absorb damage.
In addition, for the last fight it provides:
- The duration of the fight.
- The average number of seconds between Blood Shields (or successful Death Strikes).
The LDB can be configured to use a shorter label and can also set a data feed to display values such as the last Death Strike, last Blood Shield, and the Estimate Bar value.
Blood Shield Tracker provides several configuration options. It also supports LibSharedMedia so fonts and textures loaded there can also be used. It also provides full support for profiles.
You can change the following:
- If the minimap button is shown. The addon also provides an LDB data feed.
- Whether a bar is shown.
- If a bar is locked and cannot be moved.
- The width, height, and scale of the bars
- The font, font size, and font options of the text on the bars
- Whether the background/bar is shown or just the text.
- The color of each bar and bar text, including setting the minimum and optimal heal colors.
- The texture to use for each bar.
- Whether a bar has a Blizzard-style border around it.
- The format of the text on a bar.
Blood Shield Tracker provides support for skinning. In particular, it will match the look and feel of ElvUI and Tukui. There are settings in the configuration to control it selectively. By default, it will override the textures, font, and borders of the bars to match the UI. The user will just need to position the bars to where he or she would like them. If you do change the Skinning settings, you will need to reload the UI since the changes are only made when the addon loads.
If you need to access the configuration but cannot find it, you can always type /bst in a chat window.
I cannot see the blood shield bar even though it's enabled, locked to a prominent place etc.
I can see the value of the blood shield if I mouseover the buff, on the tooltip, but blood shield bar never shows.
version 11.0.3 Cataclysm Classic 4.4.1
/dump IsSpellKnown(77513)
returns false in Cata Classic, despite I can see the mastery active on my talent frame and the spellid is correct.
/dump IsPlayerSpell(77513)
returns true as it should
Ok, the usage of a quirky API for detecting mastery comment above is valid but that's not the issue with why the blood shield bar doesn't work in Cata.
Yeah I can't figure it out, now it suddenly works.
Love u man!
up! Please make a port to cata classic :')
can you please port this to cata classic? I literally cant play blood dk without it
Is there any chance this will be ported over to cata classic?
First of all, thanks for your hard work. Been using the addon for many years.
Feature request: ability to set the Estimate Bar's "Alternate Minimum" option by percent rather than a fixed value.
In reply to kalibos2005:
I added this in the latest alpha. Made a few changes so I wanted to wait before a release. Please test it if you can. If you see anything else, please open a ticket. Sometimes I miss comments.
In reply to Talryn:
Appears to work perfectly. Thank you very much!
Is there any way to anchor to the Personal Resources Display? I've tried NamePlatePersonalResource and NamePlatePersonalResourceFrame, as well as toggling show in/out of combat in case it was triggering at the wrong time.
Any help greatly appreciated.
In reply to Rekompense:
It looks like you can probably get it to work although it depends on how your Personal Resources Display is configured. I believe there are ways to remove the runes from the bottom of it.
If you use the frame name ClassNameplateManaBarFrame it will anchor to the mana bar at the bottom of the PRD. If you want to anchor it below the runes on the PRD, use the frame name DeathKnightResourceOverlayFrame.
The only issue I see is that the PRD can move and disappear when out of combat. The BST frames may then show up in odd places. I guess if you hide it out of combat it might fix some of the issue.
Let me know how it works out. I could add an anchor point in the menu instead of having to manually enter a frame name, but I don't use the PRD enough to know what works well enough.
This add-on used to work on all my toons. Since the last patch i can not get the addon to work on anything but my DK, nor and i get it to even show up on the mini map or anything for my other toons. I loved using the Health bar for other toons. I tried to change the setting for profiles and stuff but can not get it. Please help if you can. Really love using your add-on
I had requests to disable the addon completely for non-DK characters. The Health bar (and some other things) did use to work but was changed in a little while ago. To enable it again might require some new setting to override the current behavior.
Can you add a config option to only show estimate bar in combat?
There is a Hide Out of Combat option.
Hello there!
I am absolutely in love with your addon, this is the first comment I ever do because I like it so much it has to get fixed.
I seem to be having the same issue with GraveclawMOFU in the comment below mine. I set scale to 1.5, move them to the position I want and lock. Still, every time I reload my UI the scaling resets even though the position is at "locked". I have to retype scale to 1.5, even though it says 1.5 on it, and it will be where it has to be. I do not have locked anchors on any setting. The two bars I am using are estimated heal and blood shield bar which are enabled and locked.
Please fix this and you have the perfect addon
It sounds like there is an issue with the scaling. I'm looking into it. I don't change the scale of my UI from 1.0 since it always breaks something else. I'll try to get it fixed shortly.
bars still not moveable. you can move with x/y axis for sure, but evertime you have to reload the game or ui it will reset. Fixes would be fine <3 BTW best Blood DK Addon.
You should be able to move them by dragging them. Config mode should let you see the bars. Each bar itself has a Locked setting which you must uncheck. Once unlocked, you can drag it anywhere you wish. The X, Y coordinates do not update in real time but should if you close the window and re-open it.
Whether I reload or log back in, the position is always saved. The only reason I can think of why it may not work is if the config files are read-only or if you set an anchor point for the bar. Check the Anchor section at the bottom of the settings for a bar and make sure the Anchor is set to None. If you set an anchor it overrides your X, Y and positions the bar based on the other bar specified.
I did find a bug where the locked setting for a bar was not set properly at first and I had to toggle it after login to get the bar to move. I'm pushing an update to fix that.