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UploadedAug 11, 2016
Size63.22 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 7.0.3
tag 7.0.9
Talryn <git@talryn.sent.com>
2016-08-12 00:20:29 -0400
Tag as 7.0.9.
- Fix error in Estimate bar.
- Force update to Estimate bar color after combat.
- Fix issue with Bar custom borders.
- Fixes, mostly for modules. * Do not load for non-DK. * Fix issue with skinning and font settings. * Sync changes in Bar for secondary value and font. * Update Guardian Spirit to 40% * Fix error with Guardian Spirit. * Code cleanup for modules. * Force Estimate Bar update after combat ends.
- Bar visibility, remove T14 code. * Fix issues with bar visibility based on settings. * Remove old T14 code as legacy set bonuses are not active.
- Bar texture fix, addon.Print * Change addon.Print to work correctly. * Set each bar to use its own texture.
- Remove Bone Wall Tracker.
- Merged Bar, add Talents and Target Swing Timer. * Merge Bar code. * Add callbacks. * Add Talents data. * Add new experimental Target Swing Timer. * Code cleanup.