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Ok, another odd behavior. This was working [mostly] fine albeit some functions unavailable due to being in Cata Classic, however starting since ElvUI rolled out their 13.81 update, I get LUA errors and the addon no longer functions.
2x BloodShieldTracker/HealthBar.lua:315: attempt to index field 'healthbar' (a nil value)[string "@BloodShieldTracker/HealthBar.lua"]:315: in function <BloodShieldTracker/HealthBar.lua:311>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@BloodShieldTracker/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:45: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:43>[string "@BloodShieldTracker/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:839: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:661>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@ElvUI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <.../ElvUI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua:64>[string "@ElvUI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:300: in function `Fire'[string "@ElvUI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceGUI-3.0-41/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua"]:64: in function <>
Locals:info = <table> { 1 = "healthBarOpts" 2 = "hide_ooc" uiName = "AceConfigDialog-3.0" type = "toggle" options = <table> { } option = <table> { } uiType = "dialog" appName = "Blood Shield Tracker"}val = true(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = false(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'healthbar' (a nil value)"addon = <table> { SpellNames = <table> { } AbsorbShields = <table> { } addonVersion = "11.0.2" addonNameCondensed = "BloodShieldTracker" modules = <table> { } AbsorbShieldsOrdered = <table> { } CustomUI = <table> { } addonTitle = "Blood Shield Tracker" DsHealAPModifiers = <table> { } tierCount = <table> { } callbacks = <table> { } CURRENT_BUILD = "4.4.1" isDK = true BfA = false playerName = "Nausican" LDBDataFeed = false addonName = "Blood Shield Tracker" CurrentProfileVersion = 5 HealingDebuffs = <table> { } Bar = <table> { } configMode = false UpdateDisplayEvents = <table> { } Cata = true ItemNames = <table> { } CURRENT_UI_VERSION = 40401 db = <table> { } FrameNames = <table> { } options = <table> { } DEBUG_BUFFER = "" CURRENT_BUILD_DATE = "Nov 12 2024" MIN_UPDATE_TIME = 0.050000 SpellIds = <table> { } OtherShields = <table> { } currentSpec = "Frost" DarkSuccorBuffValue = 2 GlyphIds = <table> { } IsBloodTank = false defaults = <table> { } MAX_BLOOD_CHARGES = 12 DataFeed = <table> { } playerLevel = 85 effectiveAP = 0 idle = true DEBUG_OUTPUT = false BloodShieldTracker = <table> { } CURRENT_INTERNAL = "57564" Talents = <table> { } LUCK_OF_THE_DRAW_MOD = 0.050000 bars = <table> { } maxHealth = 1 MAX_BONESHIELD_CHARGES = 10}_G = <table> { ContainerFrame5Item7 = ContainerFrame5Item7 { } DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded." QuestieFrame1464 = QuestieFrame1464 { } UNIT_NAMES_COMBATLOG_TOOLTIP = "Color unit names." LE_GAME_ERR_CHAT_RAID_RESTRICTED_TRIAL = 798 SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_71 = "This partygoer wants to dance with you." LE_GAME_ERR_PET_SPELL_TARGETS_DEAD = 413 ContainerFrame3Item34SubIconTexture = ContainerFrame3Item34SubIconTexture { } MultiBarLeftButton7 = MultiBarLeftButton7 { } BGRLiveItemButton223 = BGRLiveItemButton223 { } LE_GAME_ERR_INVALID_FOLLOW_PVP_COMBAT = 365 MerchantItem3AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem3AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text { } OPTION_SHOW_ACTION_BAR5_TOOLTIP = "Attached to the left side of Action Bar 4 by default" BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Show Enemy Name Plates" CHAT_HEADER_SUFFIX = ": " MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 = MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 { } ElvUI_Bar13Button10Shine14 = ElvUI_Bar13Button10Shine14 { } CALENDAR_RAID_RESET_DESCRIPTION = "%1$s resets at %2$s." BGRLiveItemButton317IconTexture = BGRLiveItemButton317IconTexture { } LE_GAME_ERR_RECRUIT_A_FRIEND_FAILED = 1018 ElvUI_Bar5Button12Shine7 = ElvUI_Bar5Button12Shine7 { } CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight { } LE_GAME_ERR_ONLY_ONE_QUIVER = 33 SpellButton6Cooldown = SpellButton6Cooldown { } LOSS_OF_CONTROL_DISPLAY_FEAR = "Feared" OverrideActionBarButton6Shine11 = OverrideActionBarButton6Shine11 { } LibDBIcon10_BugSack = LibDBIcon10_BugSack { } QuestieFrame1785 = QuestieFrame1785 { } CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton = CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton { } ElvUI_Bar6Button6 = ElvUI_Bar6Button6 { } AUCTIONATOR_L_DEFAULT_LIST_HEADER = "Default Shopping List" ACTION_SPELL_MISSED_POSSESSIVE = "1" RaidUtility_CloseButton = RaidUtility_CloseButton { } TELLMEWHEN_VERSION_FULL = "11.0.13 " CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameFilterOptionsFilterRoleTankMiddleMiddle = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameFilterOptionsFilterRoleTankMiddleMiddle { } DetailsFrameworkBarNumber720231_sparkMouseover = DetailsFrameworkBarNumber720231_sparkMouseover { } ContainerFrame4Item16Cooldown = ContainerFrame4Item16Cooldown { } TomTomWorldMapDropdown.23ef46a9f80MenuExpand = TomTomWorldMapDropdown.23ef46a9f80MenuExpand { } ElvUI_Bar10Butt
It was due to me not being in Blood spec. I dunno if you can flag it to not load / throw errors when in DPS spec, but man, that would be handy. FML. Deleted my entire UI and WTF folders thinking it was some bizarre conflict. lmao
Sorry you had those issues. I am releasing a new version 11.0.3 that hopefully will resolve the errors. I may also need to just take the Total Absorbs Bar out for Cata but for now it should not cause issues.
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