Simplified Chinese
All Namespaces
- Abbreviated
- Absorbed/Total Shields/Percent:
- Absorbs Tracked
- AbsorbsTracked_OptionDesc
- Actual
- All
- All Minus Selected
- Alternate Minimum
- AlternateMinimum_OptDesc
- AlternateMinimumHdr_Desc
- AltMinMode_Desc
- AltMinPercent_OptDesc
- AMSBar_Desc
- Anchor
- Anchor Point
- Anchor_Desc
- Anchor_OptDesc
- AnchorPoint_OptDesc
- Anti-Magic Shell Bar
- Appearance
- Applied Sound
- AppliedSoundDesc
- Bar Background Color
- Bar Color
- Bar Depleted Color
- Bar Point
- BarBackgroundColor_LowHealth_OptionDesc
- BarBackgroundColor_OptionDesc
- BarColor_OptionDesc
- BarHeight_Desc
- BarPoint_OptDesc
- BarTextColor_OptionDesc
- BarTexture_OptionDesc
- BarWidth_Desc
- Blizzard
- Blood Charge Bar
- Blood Shield
- Blood Shield Bar
- Blood Shield bar height
- Blood Shield bar width
- Blood Shield Data
- Blood Shield Max Value
- Blood Shield Usage
- BloodChargeBar_Desc
- BloodChargeProgress_OptionDesc
- BloodShieldBar_Desc
- BloodShieldBarColor_OptionDesc
- BloodShieldBarTextColor_OptionDesc
- BloodShieldDepletedBarColor_OptionDesc
- BloodShieldTracker_Desc
- Bone Shield Bar
- Bone Wall Bar
- BoneShieldBar_Desc
- BoneShieldProgress_OptionDesc
- BoneWallBar_Desc
- Borders
- Bottom
- Calculated
- Change the height of the blood shield bar.
- Change the height of the estimated healing bar.
- Change the width of the blood shield bar.
- Change the width of the estimated healing bar.
- Charges
- Colors
- Colors for Low Health
- Colors for Minimum Heal
- Colors for Normal Health
- Colors for Optimal Heal
- Compact Runes
- Config Mode
- Could not determine talents.
- Current and Maximum
- Current and Percent
- Current Value
- Custom
- Data Feed
- DataFeed_OptionDesc
- Death Strike
- Death Strike Heal
- Delimited
- Dimensions
- ElvUI
- ElvUIBorders_OptionDesc
- ElvUIEnabled_OptionDesc
- ElvUIFont_OptionDesc
- ElvUIFontFlags_OptionDesc
- ElvUITexture_OptionDesc
- Enable
- Enable the Blood Shield Bar.
- Enable the Estimated Healing Bar.
- EnableBarDesc
- Enabled
- EstHealBarMinBackgroundColor_OptionDesc
- EstHealBarMinColor_OptionDesc
- EstHealBarMinTextColor_OptionDesc
- EstHealBarOptColor_OptionDesc
- EstHealBarOptTextColor_OptionDesc
- EstHealBarShowText_OptDesc
- Estimate Bar
- Estimate Bar Value
- EstimateBarBSText
- Estimated Healing Bar
- Estimated Healing bar height
- Estimated Healing bar width
- EstimatedHealingBar_Desc
- Fight Duration:
- Fixed
- Font
- Font Flags
- Font size
- Font size for the bars.
- Font to use for this panel.
- Font to use.
- FontMonochrome_OptionDesc
- FontOutline_OptionDesc
- FontThickOutline_OptionDesc
- Frame
- Frame_OptDesc
- Full
- General Options
- HealBarText
- Health Bar
- HealthBar_Desc
- Height
- Hide out of combat
- HideOOC_OptionDesc
- HideOutOfCombat_OptionDesc
- IllumBar_Desc
- Illuminated Healing Bar
- Include Blood Shield
- Include Divine Aegis
- IncludeBS_Desc
- Included Absorbs
- IncludeDivineAegisDesc
- IncludeGeneric_Desc
- Last Blood Shield Value
- Last Death Strike Heal
- Last Fight Data
- Latency
- Layout
- Left
- Lock bar
- Lock damage bar
- Lock estimated healing bar
- Lock shield bar
- Lock status bar
- Lock the damage bar from moving.
- Lock the estimated healing bar from moving.
- Lock the shield bar from moving.
- Lock the status bar from moving.
- LockBarDesc
- Low Health Bar Background Color
- Low Health Bar Color
- Low Health Text Color
- Low Health Threshold
- LowHealthThreshold_OptionDesc
- Min - Max / Avg:
- Minimap Button
- Minimum Bar Background Color
- Minimum Bar Color
- Minimum Text Color
- Mode
- Monochrome
- None
- Number Format
- Number of Minimum Shields:
- NumberFormat_OptionDesc
- Numeric Timer
- One
- Only Current
- Only for Blood DK
- Only Maximum
- Only Percent
- OnlyForBlood_OptionDesc
- Optimal Bar Color
- Optimal Text Color
- Outline
- Percent
- Percent_OptDesc
- Position
- Position_OptionDesc
- Precision
- Precision_OptionDesc
- Progress Bar
- ProgressBar_OptionDesc
- Purgatory Bar
- PurgatoryBar_Desc
- PW:S Bar
- PWSBar_Desc
- Raw
- Removed Sound
- RemovedSoundDesc
- Resolve Bar
- Resolve Mode
- ResolveBar_Desc
- ResolveMode_OptDesc
- Right
- Scale
- ScaleDesc
- seconds
- Selected
- Shield Bar
- Shield Frequency:
- ShieldProgress_OptionDesc
- Shields Total/Refreshed/Removed:
- ShieldSoundEnabledDesc
- ShieldTextFormat_OptionDesc
- Shift + Left-Click to reset.
- Short Label
- ShortLabel_OptionDesc
- Show on Cooldown
- Show Text
- Show Time
- Show when Ready
- ShowBar
- ShowBarDesc
- ShowBorder
- ShowBorderDesc
- ShowCooldownDesc
- ShowReadyDesc
- ShowTime_OptionDesc
- Skinning
- Skinning_Desc
- SoBStacks_OptionDesc
- Sound
- Specializations
- StatusBarTexture
- Target Swing Timer
- Target Swing Timer Bar
- TargetSwingTimer_Desc
- Text Color
- Text Format
- TextFormat_OptionDesc
- Texture
- Thick Outline
- Time Remaining
- TimePosition_OptionDesc
- Toggle config mode
- Toggle the minimap button
- Toggles the display of informational messages
- Top
- Total Absorbs Bar
- Total Data
- TotalAbsorbsBar_Desc
- Tukui
- TukuiBorders_OptionDesc
- TukuiEnabled_OptionDesc
- TukuiFont_OptionDesc
- TukuiFontFlags_OptionDesc
- TukuiTexture_OptionDesc
- Usage Min - Max / Avg:
- Use Aura
- UseAura_OptionDesc
- Value
- Verbose
- Width
- X Offset
- XOffset_Desc
- XOffsetAnchor_Desc
- Y Offset
- YOffset_Desc
- YOffsetAnchor_Desc
- Zero