This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
This Addon requires AVR and BloodQueen. It will draw a follow line with AVR between yourself and the other person involved with a bite.
Note: This won't work without a couple of modifications to the BloodQueen addon. Hopefully I can get the changes added.
Sorry if i missed the point but are there changes i need to make to the pre-installed addons you mention? and if so can you indicate what these changes are.
Or is this not going to be possible untill the bloodQueen author sorts his sh*t out?
Ty for the addon btw, you should get it implemented as part of avr and/or bloodQueen so people dont need all 3 addons.
Or is this not going to be possible untill the bloodQueen author sorts his sh*t out?
Ty for the addon btw, you should get it implemented as part of avr and/or bloodQueen so people dont need all 3 addons.
I'll probably end up posting a patch soon for the folks that want it early.
Only the RL needs the BloodQueen addon, so all your raiders should need is AVR and BloodQueen_AVR. This addon will remain standalone.