BLT Raid Cooldowns
Inspired from BloodLegion Raid Cooldowns. ElvUI greatly improve the core design.
BLT Raid Cooldowns tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights.
Configure the options in the blizzard option panel (type /bltrcd config to open directly the panel)
There are 5 default categories :
- AOE_HEAL : CD to protect the raid (tranquility, revival, ...)
- SINGLE_HEAL : CD to protect one member (eg the tank)
- DEFENSIVE : tracks self defensive CD (personal cd)
- UTILITY : tracks some utilities (Gorefiend's Grasp, Aspect of the fox, ...)
- AOE_STUN : Shockwave, Binding Shot, Leg Sweep, ...
Move categories panel using /bltrcd sim
You can add/edit/remove category and cooldown in the configuration panel using /bltrcd config
Icon tooltip show who can cast the spell, and how much it was used after each bossfight.
Left click on a CD icon to report who can cast the CD
Right click on a CD icon after a bossfight to report usage
- /bltrcd config - Open configuration panel.
- /bltrcd show - Show/Hide the frame.
- /bltrcd sim - Lock/Unlock and Enable/Disable Simulation for each category of cooldown.
- /bltrcd report - Show the report frame.
Please remember that we are always interested by your feedback. About anything you want to share or ask. You may file tickets from our project page about anything, and you may also contact us on IRC: @
Hi, my addon isn't showing any cooldowns being used. It just shows my fort brew and Zen medit. When i used them, no cd proc. It's not picking up anyones spell use... Please help!
Hello, I have a question as well - will this take into account modifiers such as the legendary bracers for Mistweaver Monk? I currently use the Exorsus Raid Tools feature to track raid CDs, but turns out it does not keep track of the CD reduction on Revival (and I'm not the monk) due to the bracers. Happy to switch to this if it is accurate in that regard.
Hi, i have a question about modifying some things on the addon; is it somehow possible to keep track of interrupt abilitys ? can i input it somehow so i can see everyones interrupt CD for some rotation and so on?
Any ETA?
Update is coming.
Stay tuned.
I think I have a fixed version of this now - Updated the libs and a few other bits. Also cleaned up the available buffs and added DHs. Not sure how to get it added to the repo though. Might have to form a branch,
for the love of god, would someone please take the reigns on this and update or rewrite it!!!! this addon is the only one other than hermes that allows grouping and customization the way it does. its obvious hermes was abandoned long ago, but BLT was better anyway. in fact the only functionig raid cooldown addon that i can find is within exorsus raid tools, but it doesnt allow for much customization with groups and such. this was a great and necessary addon... i certainly appreciate the work that the team did on this addon... but it sure sucks that it was seemingly abandoned.
Two problems.
1. i dont know if theres a problem or if im missing something... but why does this addon not scan properly?? when im in a raid group, it only shows the abilities of random people until they actually USE their cooldowns during an encounter... then the CD populates onto my BLT bar/list. That is counter intuative to the purpose of this addon.
2. the Brez indicator/icon will not move when in /bltrcd sim
i love this addon, however i'm getting some wrong cd's
For instance using prot warrior tier 18 2 set reduces my Last stand by half, however i'm getting the full cd on the bar. This is confusing since i have my Last stand keybinded and not added to my actionbar.
The same wrong cd happens with shield wall. I'm getting an invalid remaining cooldown.
I can't tell if it hapens to more classes as i stick to warrior as my main.
I also don't know if more classes have a reduction on certain abilities while using tier pieces but it might be handy to look into. It might also just be a setting but i can't figure out where i should change it then.
Good catch, gonna look into it ! I keep you in touch.
nice addon but how can i move it? it is stuck on top left of the screen blocking most of my raid and my character
type /bltrcd sim to get the config screen and them pull the frames away
How can i restart the cooldowns after a wipe?
Cooldowns are automatically reset after a boss wipe !
My addon sometimes don't restart the cooldowns after a successful boss or wipe. I don't know if this is a problem of my config, but a command to restart cooldowns would be nice.
Is it possible to have the option to choose the scale of bars, texts and icons? Currently they're all grouped up in one "Set Scale" global option. Also, we can't config the BRez monitor at all.
Thanks for the good work :-)
Can we have an option to manualy exclude people in Groups 7/8? The current automatic "filter additional people" option is turned off in the code by an "if false".
Gonna check but it's not an easy one ! You need to check when people swap group & co :(
Is it possible to have the frames show only when in combat?
Hum you can't atm ! Gonna see if it's easy to implement :)