This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Sets you to DND when you fight a boss, and some other crap.
ocal function incomingFilter()
if not boss then return end
if type(arg2) ~= "string" or arg2 == pname or
(UnitExists("target") and UnitName("target") == arg2) or UnitInRaid(arg2) or
(type(arg6) == "string" and arg6 == "GM") then return end
if not whisperers[arg2] or whisperers[arg2] == 1 or arg1 == "status" then
-- Let him know we are fighting a boss
whisperers[arg2] = 2
local total = GetNumRaidMembers()
local alive = 0
for i = 1, total do
if not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(GetRaidRosterInfo(i)) then alive = alive + 1 end
SendChatMessage(dndString:format(boss, bossHp, alive, total), "WHISPER", nil, arg2)
local function checkTarget(id)
return UnitExists(id) and UnitAffectingCombat(id) and UnitClassification(id) == "worldboss"
local function scan()
if checkTarget("target") then return "target" end
if checkTarget("focus") then return "focus" end
if UnitInRaid("player") then
for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
if checkTarget("raid"..i.."target") then return "raid"..i.."target" end
for i = 1, 5 do
if checkTarget("party"..i.."target") then return "party"..i.."target" end
them are from simplebosswhisperer... and them need some small changes for bosswhisperer
local dndString = dndBanner .. "I'm busy fighting %s (currently at %d%% with %d/%d players alive). You'll be notified when combat ends."
local combatEndedString = dndBanner .. "Combat ended after %d minutes."
local locale = GetLocale()
if locale == "deDE" then
dndString = dndBanner .. "Ich bin im Kampf mit %s (noch %d%% Leben with %d/%d players alive). Du wirst nach Kampfende benachrichtigt werden."
combatEndedString = dndBanner .. "Kampf beendet nach %d Minuten."
FYI this is causing my chat window to not display any channels or chat messages. I know a few other addons that deal with chat functions have also caused this. Try disabling to see if you get your chat function back.
If anyone knows anything about coding these adddons and this is a simple fix, I would love to know and can do it myself. Otherwise, I will wait for an update. Thanks!
ocal function incomingFilter()
if not boss then return end
if type(arg2) ~= "string" or arg2 == pname or
(UnitExists("target") and UnitName("target") == arg2) or UnitInRaid(arg2) or
(type(arg6) == "string" and arg6 == "GM") then return end
if not whisperers[arg2] or whisperers[arg2] == 1 or arg1 == "status" then
-- Let him know we are fighting a boss
whisperers[arg2] = 2
local total = GetNumRaidMembers()
local alive = 0
for i = 1, total do
if not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(GetRaidRosterInfo(i)) then alive = alive + 1 end
SendChatMessage(dndString:format(boss, bossHp, alive, total), "WHISPER", nil, arg2)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", outgoingFilter)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", incomingFilter)
local function checkTarget(id)
return UnitExists(id) and UnitAffectingCombat(id) and UnitClassification(id) == "worldboss"
local function scan()
if checkTarget("target") then return "target" end
if checkTarget("focus") then return "focus" end
if UnitInRaid("player") then
for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
if checkTarget("raid"..i.."target") then return "raid"..i.."target" end
for i = 1, 5 do
if checkTarget("party"..i.."target") then return "party"..i.."target" end
them are from simplebosswhisperer... and them need some small changes for bosswhisperer
local dndString = dndBanner .. "I'm busy fighting %s (currently at %d%% with %d/%d players alive). You'll be notified when combat ends."
local combatEndedString = dndBanner .. "Combat ended after %d minutes."
local locale = GetLocale()
if locale == "deDE" then
dndString = dndBanner .. "Ich bin im Kampf mit %s (noch %d%% Leben with %d/%d players alive). Du wirst nach Kampfende benachrichtigt werden."
combatEndedString = dndBanner .. "Kampf beendet nach %d Minuten."
i like "the with %d/%d players alive"
Assigned to Zaqzon :)
Going to try to add all authors from the ToC:
If anyone knows anything about coding these adddons and this is a simple fix, I would love to know and can do it myself. Otherwise, I will wait for an update. Thanks!
Get it from the svn repository of the update-3-0-2 clone (see
As far as I can tell, the autopackager doesn't publish clones anywhere, so I can't give you a direct download link, sorry.
I'll see if I can push my changes into the mainline so it gets published here too.