Broker: TimeToExecute
Broker: TimeToExecute
Uses linear regression and a log of hitpoint values to estimate how long a boss has left to die and reach execute range.
Requires a LibDataBroker Display Addon, like StatBlockCore or ElvUI.
Mathematics are based on the TimeToExecute Addon developed by Tifordin in 2009.
- Two estimates: one to execute time and one to kill time.
- Flexible timer uses the configured amount of historic data to determine how quickly the target unit is currently dropping. Because only recent data is considered, the estimate will automatically adjust to factor in heroism/bloodlust, DPS deaths, execute range, DPS stoppage phases, etc. Because only historic data is used, there is no prediction made for future heroism/bloodlust, etc.
- Ability to track focus (enabled by default). If there is an enemy unit that is alive and focussed, the timers will track the focus instead of the current target. If the focus dies (or there is no focus set), tracking reverts back to the target.
- Configurable execute percentage.
- Configurable history time (increasing means slower adjusting to recent events, but more resilience against temporary bursts or drops).
- Configurable refresh time (default 0.2 sec).
slash command- Alt+click the displayed addon for a configuration interface
- Blizzard Interface options dialog
- Configuration can be changed during fights, to adjust as quick as possible.
You can help localise this addon. Fortunately there is not a lot to translate, other than configuration.
Couldn't open Broker_TimeToExecute\lib\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
For the love of god someone update this.
Please, either accept Russian localisation pending, or make it so English is default. I cannot use this addon because all interface is messed up like "\\1053\\1072\\1089\\1090\\1088\\1086\\1081\\1082\\1072 \\1072\\1076\\1076\\1086\\1085\\1072"...
U can fix, go to AddOns\Broker_TimeToExecute\locale\ruRU.lua
and replace all text to this:
local name = ...
local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale(name, 'ruRU')
if not L then return end
L["Core options"] = "Главные настройки"
L["Estimation options"] = "\\1053\\1072\\1089\\1090\\1088\\1086\\1081\\1082\\1072 \\1074\\1088\\1077\\1084\\1077\\1085\\1080"
L["Exec now"] = "\\1069\\1082\\1079\\1077\\1082\\1091\\1090 \\1092\\1072\\1079\\1072"
L["Execute percentage"] = "\\1055\\1088\\1086\\1094\\1077\\1085\\1090\\1099 \\1101\\1082\\1079\\1077\\1082\\1091\\1090 \\1092\\1072\\1079\\1099"
L["History time (seconds)"] = "\\1047\\1072\\1087\\1086\\1084\\1080\\1085\\1072\\1085\\1080\\1077 \\1094\\1077\\1083\\1080 (\\1074 \\1089\\1077\\1082\\1091\\1085\\1076\\1072\\1093)"
L["Max history count"] = "\\1052\\1072\\1082\\1089\\1080\\1084\\1072\\1083\\1100\\1085\\1086\\1077 \\1082\\1086\\1083-\\1074\\1086 \\1094\\1077\\1083\\1077\\1081 (\\1076\\1083\\1103 \\1079\\1072\\1087\\1086\\1084\\1080\\1085\\1072\\1085\\1080\\1103)"
L["Open configuration interface"] = "\\1054\\1090\\1082\\1088\\1099\\1090\\1100 \\1085\\1072\\1089\\1090\\1088\\1086\\1081\\1082\\1080"
L["Refresh time (seconds)"] = "Время обновления (секунды)"
L["to Exec"] = "до казни"
L["to Kill"] = "до убийства"
L["Use focus target"] = "Учитывать цель в фокусе"
Getting a Wow Error since patch:
Date: 2016-11-30 16:17:41
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua line 19:
Cannot find a library instance of "CallbackHandler-1.0".
[C]: error()
!Swatter\Support\LibStub.lua:23: GetLibrary()
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:19: in main chunk
(*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "CallbackHandler-1.0"."
Swatter, v7.0.3 (<%codename%>)
BrokerTimeToExecute, v1.1.6
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.1.0.70100 <none>
Question, does this only work on bosses or can it be used on what ever your current target is?
7.1 Error:
Thanks for reporting. Znuff fixed the issue in 1.1.2.
If you are getting lots of LUA errors post 7.1 add this at line 92 of core.lua:
if targetType == nil then return end
Note that it doesn't fix the problem, only suppresses the error. The addon still seems to work fine for me.
Thanks for quick patch, the actual issue has been fixed by Znuff in 1.1.2.
1) is it listed under elvui data texts? I don't see it.
2) If it's the first time loading the addon, I won't see a bar because it has no history to make an estimate ?
3) The /timetoexecute command correctly opens the config but I don't see the bar or the anchor.
I don't use ElvUI myself, so I don't actually know how or why it wouldn't show up. I hope you were able to solve this by now, otherwise maybe one of the newer versions does work or perhaps there is someone who does use ElvUI who can help.
Have you entertained the Idea of tracking multiple targets? Or having a mode that tracks only targets in the Boss Frame? The Iron Maidens fight in BRF comes to mind.
Can I acess the information given somehow through Weak Aura custom functions?
For those wondering how to enable this on ElvUI: go to Data texts and enable it on one of the panels.