AnkhTimer is a shaman ankh/reincarnation cooldown plugin for any DataBroker display.
Supported features
-Show the number of ankhs in your bags
-Show the current cooldown of your Reincarnation spell
-Automatically buy ankhs from vendors (this can be turned off in the configuration menu)
-The first time a player visits a vendor that sells Ankhs a popup dialog will show giving the possibility to change default settings (this will only show the first time)
-Easy configuration
-Localization (only English supported atm)
-Lightweight, does not consume much memory
Planned features
-Add an option to automatically announce reincarnation cooldown to the group/raid when the player dies
Bugs & limitations
-If the addon was not present/enabled when using the reincarnation spell it will not be possible to show the cooldown until the spell is used the next time
Latest changes:
-Updated for patch 3.3
-Reincarnation timers changed to reflect new talent cooldowns (7/15 minutes cooldown)
-Updated for patch 3.2
-Fixed a bug related to dual-spec, the cooldown is now properly calculated even if changing to another spec with different reincarnation talents
-Fixed a bug and improved the colors on the number of Ankhs and the cooldown
-Putting the addon in sharp revision
AnkhTimer does not provide it's own display, you will need a LDB-based display addon, such as Fortress, Carousel, StatBlockCore, Titan etc.
For those of you new to using LDB based plugins You can find a great description, and links to more information here:
Update this addon PLEASE !!!
Write that as a macro and pull it onto your bar.
Keeps track of the cooldown and how many reagents you have left.
Now supports the new talent cooldowns (7/15).
My initial plan was to add a feature that detected if the Glyph of Renewed Life is present and then turned off auto-buy and also visual presentation of the number of Ankhs currently in your bags since its irrelevant.
I actually have code ready for this and its also tested it for a while but there are few issues with the use case.
I will try and give an example:
-A player having dual-spec, for instance restro and elemental
-One spec using Glyph of Renewed Life (elemental) and the other is not (restro)
-This would mean that in one spec you will auto-buy Ankhs and in the other not
-If you 99% of the time play as elemental (with Glyph) and quickly respec to help heal you might accidentally buy your self 10 Ankhs
-If you run both spec 50/50 I suspect that you in most cases like to buy Ankhs regardless of what spec you currently have to make sure you are always filled up
So, basically the idea is good but I cant find a use case that is logical.
Instead the player will have to manually set their preferences.
To promote this I have added a pop-up the first time you visit a vendor to remind you that auto-buy is turned on and that you can turn it off in the settings.
Any chance of a feature to monitors if you have the Glyph that lets you not use Ankhs?
Any feedback is welcome.
Since localization is now supported I am interested in getting in contact with persons who like to help translate to other languages.
Any feedback is welcome.
I will try to release it.