I have made my own adjustment in line 25 to allow for recalculations of druids speed in flight form:
New: if newspeed == speed and (not (IsMounted() or IsSwimming() or IsFlying()) or newpitch == pitch) then return end Old: if newspeed == speed and (not (IsMounted() or IsSwimming()) or newpitch == pitch) then return end
Broker_Speed r14 is installed correctly in my AddOns folder, and it shows up in the AddOns list at the logon screen, but nothing showing up with Broker2Fubar & Fubar. No options found anywhere, either.
Edit: it appears that r15 has fixed this problem. Thank you.
The addon unfortunately does not show Dragon Riding speed. It shows 0%.
Addon have stopped working at patch 7.1... Can someone fix it ?
if newspeed == speed and (not (IsMounted() or IsSwimming() or IsFlying()) or newpitch == pitch) then return end
if newspeed == speed and (not (IsMounted() or IsSwimming()) or newpitch == pitch) then return end
local pitch --near local speed
local newpitch = GetUnitPitch("player")
if ((newspeed == speed) and (newpitch == pitch)) then return end
speed = newspeed
local totalspeed = ((speed / 7 * 100) * math.cos(pitch))
if(totalspeed - floor(totalspeed) > 0.5) then
totalspeed = totalspeed + 0.5
dataobject.value = floor(totalspeed)
Now should add an option, for absolute speed and relative speed.
Broker_Speed r14 is installed correctly in my AddOns folder, and it shows up in the AddOns list at the logon screen, but nothing showing up with Broker2Fubar & Fubar. No options found anywhere, either.
Edit: it appears that r15 has fixed this problem. Thank you.
Now I hope the author of Broker_NameToggle fixes the same problem with his AddOn. http://cladhaire.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=516&a=viewbug&bugid=5505
Looks like 1.1 has the update Ydrisselle.
I've got an update that uses the new APIs. Just trying to get it committed.
Can somebody update this addon with Northrend data? (hint: Arrowmaster has updated SpeedFu ;) )