
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


BubbleLoot provides an automated mechanism to perform loot handling within PUG environments. It automates the listing of loot to the raid, handles bids via whisper or raid, displays the results of the winning bid (by whichever bidding algorithm chosen) and master loot assigns the item to the winner. The master looter doesn't need to do anything for loot to be performed other than open up the loot window.


It iterates over the epic items in an open loot window by the master looter doing.
(a.) RW Post bids on <item>. You have <x> seconds.
(b.) It supports bids as either "main", "off" or "pvp"
(c.) Bids can be accepted as either/or "raid" or "whisper"
(d.) It performs the /roll and whispers the person back with the result
(e.) It can optionally post the results of "whispers" to the raid
(f.) Once the time elapses, it uses an algorithm to determine who wins
- currently only one algorithm is supported (main>off>pvp)
- and it supports a fairness system (person with less loot gets priority)
(g.) A summary of all bids and the winner is posted to RW
(h.) The item is automatically master looted to the winner
(i.) It moves on to the next item.

Other Features

The addon supports a number of basic whisper commands to allow raid members to inspect the system including:
(a.) LOOT - addon responds with a list of loot won by the whisper originator (b.) LOOT <player> - addon responds with a list of loot won by the name player
(c.) COUNTS - addon responds with a sorted list of priorities based on assigned loot counts

How It Works


Motivation For Writing

This was written by the author as a means of learning the Ace3 programming API, however it also happened to be the most convenient mod for the authors requirements.

Future TODO

  • Support DKP using officer notes.
  • Provide a GUI frontend
  • Support different loot assignment algorithms



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 19, 2009
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License


Recent Files

WoW Retail

  • r5
    Mar 30, 2009
  • r8
    Apr 1, 2009