BuffEnough is a personal buff monitor that answers the simple question 'Am I buff enough?' If you're like me, when a raid leader does a ready check, you go through a mental checklist as you look over your buffs and gear, to make sure that you really are ready. Did I remember to do my own buff, do I have all pally blessings, do I have the correct pet out, am I still flasked/elixired, is my durability okay, did I forget to take off my riding crop, etc, etc.
This is what BuffEnough does for you. It scans the raid to figure out what you should have, and then scans your buffs and gear to figure out what you do have. If the box is green, the answer is 'yes', you're buff enough. If the box is red or yellow, then you're still missing something and hovering your mouse over the box will tell you what it is in the tooltip.
/be or /buffenough - brings up the command line list
/be config - brings up the config UI (can also be accessed by Blizzard's interface options)
This addon is similar but different than Energized. I prefer it. For example, the idea behind BuffEnough is that you shouldn't need to customize it - it should just work.
The original goal of BuffEnough, in general, is to do this automatically. If it needs a significant amount of configuration, it's not doing what it originally was intended to do. What, exactly, do you need to prioritize? There aren't many mutually exclusive buffs - paladin blessings is really the only thing. I suppose there could be a flag whether you want to prioritize kings or might in situations where you can't have both (no druid, only one paladin).
I know there's more stuff to do, like throw weapon poison (didn't know it existed) and hunter pet buffs. This is something I plan to do.
Yup that's it I suppose, possibility to prio pala blessings would do. Don't worry about pet buffs, don't exist anymore. Happiness and food (which is there already) will do the thing. Thanks.
With pet buffs I mean things like the equivalent (or best effort) kings, fort etc that hunter pets now can give the raid. I'm going to do some experimentation and see if I can come up with something. I'll see about adding a priority setting for kings vs might (right now, I value kings higher).
Hehe, ok, one last thing for now I think - BuffEnough aint checking for Throw weapon poison for Rogues, would be nice to implement toggle that check as well I think.
Scanning isn't made with a particular frequency. It's done when something that might affect the buff situation occurs (event based). I suppose a delay could be added, preventing scanning from happening too often.
Also, while you're at it. Would be good to implement a "Scan Threshold" configurable, like... between 1-60 sec? To make Buffie less intrusive, and to suit everyones needs.
Hey mate, nice to see BuffEnough back! Energized does the job nicely, but I'm a sentimental guy. Anyway, if you could add Pet happiness check please :-) Tried by using Custom option, didn't work for me.
This addon is similar but different than Energized. I prefer it. For example, the idea behind BuffEnough is that you shouldn't need to customize it - it should just work.
no reason to take it over, the addon is just called energized now....
I know there's more stuff to do, like throw weapon poison (didn't know it existed) and hunter pet buffs. This is something I plan to do.
Anyway, if you could add Pet happiness check please :-) Tried by using Custom option, didn't work for me.
I've taken over BuffEnough now and will see if I can't fix it up real quick.