Buffet is a food/water macro generator originally developed by tekkub and currently maintained by mZHg.
What's new :
- Added support for Toxic Health Potion (Retail; enUS/frFR/deDE)
- Added list of available items in custom macro, sorted by value decreasing, see the GitHub wiki page for more info
Feel free to report any bug or request any feature here :)
- Dynamically scan your bag for usable food, drink, potion, rune, managem and bandage
- Provide 6 macros auto-magically updated (out of combat)
- Consumable and food/drink
- Food and Drink only
- Consumable only
- Allow configuration of modifiers used by macros
- Option to default macros to hearthstone if no item found
- Option to consider "well-fed" food items in macros
- Option to consider "toxic" potion items in macros (Retail)
- Support dark and demonic runes
- Support Classic Wow
- Custom macro using lua scripting language, see here for more info
- User-defined ignore list (per characters)
Currently supporting the following localizations:
For retail:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
- Italiano (itIT)
For Cataclysm:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
- Korean (koKR) provided by coderhyme
For classic:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
Partially supporting the following localizations:
For Retail, Cataclysm and Classic:
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN) provided by Witnesscm
If you want to contribute to localizations, pull requests are welcome!
In reply to mZHg:
Fantastic; thank you!
Any chance of adding Healing Potion Injector and Mana Potion Injector to the macro?
In reply to Naamtar:
Can you give me wowhead links of the items please ? I'll see what I can do :)
In reply to mZHg:
In reply to Naamtar:
Working on it.
In reply to mZHg:
Another problem I've noticed is Skullfish Soup item=33825 takes priority over normal vendor water when out of combat.
In reply to Naamtar:
Skullfish Soup should be fix in the last beta release, I'm still working on injector and few other things.
In reply to mZHg:
Appreciate it!
Hello, this addon is amazing. I've been using the below code that another user created, but I'm no good at coding myself. Is it possible to adjust this for the shift modifier for bandages to be used in combat as well as out of combat? Thank you!
In reply to Kr0qgarr:
try removing "nocombat" from the bandage condition, should do it.
In reply to mZHg:
Thank you for the prompt response! Sadly that doesn't seem to have any effect. Altering the bandage line to the below code didn't seem to change anything - using shift out of combat still changed to bandages, and in combat it had no effect. Unless I misunderstood? I'm not skilled in this regard.
In reply to Kr0qgarr:
Try this:
In reply to mZHg:
Hey, that did it! Thank you very much!
Thanks for the TBC update!!! mZ, any chance of updating Tek's Steal Your Carbon as well?
In reply to realnoobtaco:
I'm using "Auto Restocker" on classic, I haven't tested it on TBC yet.
any way of having the "food only" buff work in arena? in dungeons/raid/etc "normal" food also acts as water, including mage water. in arena you can only drink. but it's super annoying having to switch out macros just for that. :)
In reply to b9ty:
There is two macro, one for food, one for drink. Can you use the other one ?
In reply to mZHg:
I could, but then I always had to change them out when doing arena.
If I only use the water macro, it uses up all my PVP water while doing something else like dungeons.
If I only use the food macro it's fine for everything, but it does nothing in arena.
Would be cool if the food only macro switch to water in arena, as you simply can't eat there.
In reply to b9ty:
It might be possible with a Custom Macro, I'll have to test later today.
In reply to b9ty:
Here, have a look at the last custom macro on this page:
Use the last Beta version of Buffet so you can create your own custom macro.