Buffet is a food/water macro generator originally developed by tekkub and currently maintained by mZHg.
What's new :
- Added support for Toxic Health Potion (Retail; enUS/frFR/deDE)
- Added list of available items in custom macro, sorted by value decreasing, see the GitHub wiki page for more info
Feel free to report any bug or request any feature here :)
- Dynamically scan your bag for usable food, drink, potion, rune, managem and bandage
- Provide 6 macros auto-magically updated (out of combat)
- Consumable and food/drink
- Food and Drink only
- Consumable only
- Allow configuration of modifiers used by macros
- Option to default macros to hearthstone if no item found
- Option to consider "well-fed" food items in macros
- Option to consider "toxic" potion items in macros (Retail)
- Support dark and demonic runes
- Support Classic Wow
- Custom macro using lua scripting language, see here for more info
- User-defined ignore list (per characters)
Currently supporting the following localizations:
For retail:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
- Italiano (itIT)
For Cataclysm:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
- Korean (koKR) provided by coderhyme
For classic:
- English (enUS)
- Deutsch (deDE)
- Español (esES)
- Français (frFR)
Partially supporting the following localizations:
For Retail, Cataclysm and Classic:
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN) provided by Witnesscm
If you want to contribute to localizations, pull requests are welcome!
In reply to roweboy1974:
Fixed in version 110.
I would like to have a macro for wellfed food (buff food). Would that require modification to your addon or can it be added in a new macro without modifying your lua code? I've looked at the wiki and it looks like new lua code.
In reply to fireymerlin:
If you want only wellfed food, create a new custom macro in options with:
In reply to mZHg: Thanks. I didn't see the cusom macros part. I had to click on the "-" to the left of Buffet.
What do I put in the code if I don't want it to default to the hearthstone? I would like it to just show the "?"
In reply to fireymerlin:
Try this:
Could you update it to the latest Classic Era Game Version of 1.15.2?
Would be awesome, thanks a lot in advance!
In reply to maximus210793:
Any particular issue or just a toc update?
In reply to mZHg:
toc update would be fine :)
In reply to maximus210793:
Hi again. I've noticed that it still sometimes prioritizes some battleground specific items over non-BG items while outside of a BG (an example being [Arathi Basin Iron Ration]). I -think- I also experienced this issue at the beginning of SoD for WSG items, but it was later fixed, so you might already be aware.
In any case, thank you! This addon is the BEST.
In reply to Pragma808:
I'll check for [Arathi Basin Iron Ration], but if you found more, ideally give me wowhead link of the items so I'm sure I got the right ones ;)
Hey, first of all ty for the fantastic addon. I have a quick (and maybe dumb) question: on one of my character I use a "toxic" potion as health consumable (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=415810/potion-of-withering-dreams) and I noticed that the addon isn't considering it for the ConsumableHP macro. Is there a way to make it work with that type of potion?
In reply to StormPooper42:
In reply to StormPooper42:
Please note that the support for toxic potions will become an option, off by default, in the incoming release. You will need to enable it in the options.
Is there a way to create a custom macro that prioritizes the worst food/drink/etc in your bags? Such a thing would be useful while leveling when want to use up your lower level consumables before you outlevel their usefulness.
In reply to Pragma808:
It was a planned feature, unfortunately I never finish it :(
I'll try to find some time to work on that.
In reply to Pragma808:
Available in last release (105), you can find macro examples here:
In reply to mZHg:
A gentleman and a scholar. Thank you!
would it be posible to have one macro to eat and drink at the same time?
In reply to BigDirtyDead:
You can make a custom macro for that, you'll find one here: