This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Sure you hate me by now but:
Error that did not allow editing of buff number colour(was simply attempting to chance buff number colour):
Interface\AddOns\BunchofBars_Buffs\Buffs.lua : 364: attempt to index field 'font' (a nil value)
Line 364: n = n + 1
Function associated:
function plugin:GetSetColor(r, g, b)
if type(r) == "nil" then return self.db.profile.color.r, self.db.profile.color.g, self.db.profile.color.b end
self.db.profile.color.r = r
self.db.profile.color.g = g
self.db.profile.color.b = b
for _,frame in pairs(self.core.frames) do
local buffbar, n =[], 1
while buffbar[n] do
buffbar[n].font:SetTextColor(self.db.profile.color.r ,self.db.profile.color.g, self.db.profile.color.b, 1)
n = n + 1
Raid frames have returned after a restart of WoW.
When the error occured i was:
-Out of Combat
-Out of Range of all 25 raid members
-Not within the groups 1-5 which is what my filter is set to
Had another error on loading the world after a disconnect:
"interface\addons\bunchofbars\Prototype.lua: 86: attempt to index field 'frames' (a nil vlaue)"
It didn't load the raid frames that should have existed from when I DC'd, can't update or reload
Line 86: if self.core.frames[unit] and UnitExists(unit) then
Function associated with line 86:
function BunchOfBars.modulePrototype:UpdateUnit(unit)
-- maybe use for ... and UnitIsUnit
if self.core.frames[unit] and UnitExists(unit) then
self:OnUpdate(self.core.frames[unit], self.core.frames[unit].parts[])
Line 113: UnitFrame_Update(self); Function that goes with line 113 of PartyMemberFrame.lua:
function PartyMemberFrame_UpdateMember (self)
if ( HIDE_PARTY_INTERFACE == "1" and GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 ) then
local id = self:GetID();
if ( GetPartyMember(id) ) then
local masterIcon = getglobal(self:GetName().."MasterIcon");
local lootMethod;
local lootMaster;
lootMethod, lootMaster = GetLootMethod();
if ( id == lootMaster ) then
RefreshBuffs(self, 0, "party";
Error happens when you try to show the Blizzard party frames (ie. Uncheck the "Hide Blizzard Party" option) and sometimes prevents the showing of the blizzard party frame. Error msg is as follows:
"Interface\FrameXML\PartyMemberFrame.lua: 113: Attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)"
You can enable the Name module and disable the Debuffs module by opening the modules.xml file with a text editor. There are some comments in there telling what to do.
Just looking at your code there for debuffs briefly i noticed
["WARLOCK"] = {
[BS["Dust Cloud"]] = true, -- Chance to hit reduced by 30%.
[BS["Banshee Curse"]] = true -- Reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 10%.
Since the spell hit and melee hit are now the same i think it would be appropriate not to ignore these afflictions. Especially say with a warlock tank, knowing he has 30% less hit would help because knowing blizz they will repeat the afflictions in wrath
Right, that was my concern as well (Names on the left). I really liked freeing up the bars to have the negative amount of the health on the bar. That worked exceptionally well. Also I notice now (per your post) that we now have debuff Icons. Is there a way to override buffs? (similar to the old style where the bar just glowed a different color) When they have a debuff, override buffs(in the same location) with the debuffs icon. Or maybe an option to remove the icon all together?
I have tested in a BT raid, worked excellent. Just a minor annoyace with the debuffs in different possitions and the inability to see the -HP's. Great job keep up the work!
tested in one raid situation, works well, makes raiding life so much easier and makes it much cleaner...awesome mod. Any possibility of being able to move the text back to the left position where it used to be? this would be mighty handy, i liked the old format :D though i understand this may not be feasible and I somehow think i'll survive with the name elsewhere
I love this mod, and unfortunatly I'm not too keen on code, but what would I use to get the same effect on my health bar text as I had with the old version using:
It will reset all your settings so if you have added any new debuffs you might want to save those.
It will also look a bit difference since I added a new Debuffs module and disabled the Name module (which will now show on the healthbar).
Let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.
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Thanks a bunch, They're perfect.
Sure you hate me by now but:
Error that did not allow editing of buff number colour(was simply attempting to chance buff number colour):
Interface\AddOns\BunchofBars_Buffs\Buffs.lua : 364: attempt to index field 'font' (a nil value)
Line 364: n = n + 1
Function associated:
Raid frames have returned after a restart of WoW.
When the error occured i was:
-Out of Combat
-Out of Range of all 25 raid members
-Not within the groups 1-5 which is what my filter is set to
Had another error on loading the world after a disconnect: "interface\addons\bunchofbars\Prototype.lua: 86: attempt to index field 'frames' (a nil vlaue)"
It didn't load the raid frames that should have existed from when I DC'd, can't update or reload
Line 86: if self.core.frames[unit] and UnitExists(unit) then
Function associated with line 86:
Line 113: UnitFrame_Update(self);
Function that goes with line 113 of PartyMemberFrame.lua:
Error happens when you try to show the Blizzard party frames (ie. Uncheck the "Hide Blizzard Party" option) and sometimes prevents the showing of the blizzard party frame. Error msg is as follows:
"Interface\FrameXML\PartyMemberFrame.lua: 113: Attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)"
Set "Hide Billzard Party"
--> Next connection error find it.
Here is the text format you want Ska:
[AFK or Status or -MissingHP:Hide(-0)]
haven't played with dogtag before but I'm guessing these new alias are an addition in the 3.0 version.
@Skaboy - here is the format you want so that your bars look like they previously did
[-MissingHP(unit=unit, known=false)][Offline:AFK:HasDivineIntervention:Dead?IsFeignedDeath:HasSoulstone:Dead]
EDIT: The missing hp bit works but the second bit is wrong for some reason, shall try to fix
Help Plz T.T
it uses LibDogTag-3.0 which is the latest dogtag. /dogtag works for me, also when I only have BoB enabled.
What version of Dogtag does this use? That didn't need seem to work.
New version is now downloadable from the Recent files on the right.
Removed the +hit debuffs from the ignore list
You can use something like this:
Try /dogtag to test your own status tags.
You can enable the Name module and disable the Debuffs module by opening the modules.xml file with a text editor. There are some comments in there telling what to do.
Just looking at your code there for debuffs briefly i noticed
["WARLOCK"] = {
[BS["Dust Cloud"]] = true, -- Chance to hit reduced by 30%.
[BS["Banshee Curse"]] = true -- Reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 10%.
Since the spell hit and melee hit are now the same i think it would be appropriate not to ignore these afflictions. Especially say with a warlock tank, knowing he has 30% less hit would help because knowing blizz they will repeat the afflictions in wrath
Right, that was my concern as well (Names on the left). I really liked freeing up the bars to have the negative amount of the health on the bar. That worked exceptionally well. Also I notice now (per your post) that we now have debuff Icons. Is there a way to override buffs? (similar to the old style where the bar just glowed a different color) When they have a debuff, override buffs(in the same location) with the debuffs icon. Or maybe an option to remove the icon all together?
I have tested in a BT raid, worked excellent. Just a minor annoyace with the debuffs in different possitions and the inability to see the -HP's. Great job keep up the work!
tested in one raid situation, works well, makes raiding life so much easier and makes it much cleaner...awesome mod. Any possibility of being able to move the text back to the left position where it used to be? this would be mighty handy, i liked the old format :D though i understand this may not be feasible and I somehow think i'll survive with the name elsewhere
I'll post this here, then going forward I'll update where you want me to.
Error: AceComm-2.0: AceComm-2.0 requires AceEvent-2.0
AddOn: BunchOfBars
File: AceOO-2.0.lua
Line: 734
Count: 1
Can't think of the ones which did it and fixed it off the top of my head.
On another note, are plans for Heal Lines and Target in the works? Those were massively beneficial for me as a raid leader.
In any event, thanks so much for putting out a test, so far the previous error I posted is all I've seen. I'll continue to relay any other issues.
I love this mod, and unfortunatly I'm not too keen on code, but what would I use to get the same effect on my health bar text as I had with the old version using:
Any feedback would be great. Right now my bars are reading Unknow tag... Here's a screen shot of how it looked before.
You can find a test version of the new BoB here:
It will reset all your settings so if you have added any new debuffs you might want to save those.
It will also look a bit difference since I added a new Debuffs module and disabled the Name module (which will now show on the healthbar).
Let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.