There are no plans to do any major bug fixes for Cartographer (v2 or v3). If there is an update it will only be a minor fix. (It has already been this way since at least 2008.) Cartographer(v2) uses an outdated framework that will not be updated in the case of major breakages so Cartographer(v2) would require a complete rewrite. Neither of the two main developers (Ckknight and Arrowmaster) have the time nor desire to do this currently. Occasionally a new version might be released to include fixes made by other developers or new versions of embedded libraries.
Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. It is based on Rock and other libraries of the WoWAce community.
- Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds outside of the zone.
- Coordinates : adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
- Foglight : Shows unexplored areas on the map. replacement for MozzFullWorldMap or Unexplorer. Much more efficient, though.
- Group Colors : turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
- Instance Maps : shows maps of instances.
- Instance Notes : adds boss notes and such to instance maps.
- Look 'n' Feel : allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
- Notes : lets you put notes on the map, similar to MapNotes.
- Zone Info : on hovering over a zone, it will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the group size the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
I still don't know what an orange post bar means.
I don't code addons so I have no idea what they are capable of.
I didn't know and asked and gave you a good laugh at my expense.
I find that incredibly useful when playing bgs to know what class/group is where on battlefield.
A BIG @#$@# YES!!
I miss the instance maps, the movable/resizable window, the notes, the fog removal, even the small things like partial transparency, corpse position and zoneinformation, but most of all: questinfo which depends on cartographer.
Just wanted to show my appreciation for this piece of software, hope the authors, or some new guys decide to fix some of it. Even a stripped down light version would be great.
First you need to download both Cartographer and Mapster. Log in to your account but DISABLE the Look n' Feel in Cartographer. Also DISABLE anything in Mapster that doesn't have to do with resizing the map (so disable everything but the first one). So far I have not been spammed with error messages, yet the map can tend to get glitchy. HOWEVER, whatever you do DO NOT click the arrow in the upper right hand corner of the map, it will mess everything up and you will have to restart the game.
This should temporarily fix it, but I'm not 100% sure.
I've yet to see any. They either wooden shit or complicated unbelievably.
Not to mention my database of notes, which is HUGE. Not something I'm to loose willingly.
StijnH, thanks for your efforts here. You are correct, Mapster is good. I just wish there was a keybind to go between the two regular and smaller maps. :/
Thanks to all those who made this add on what it was and in advance to anyone who brings 100% functionality back to this add on.