There are no plans to do any major bug fixes for Cartographer (v2 or v3). If there is an update it will only be a minor fix. (It has already been this way since at least 2008.) Cartographer(v2) uses an outdated framework that will not be updated in the case of major breakages so Cartographer(v2) would require a complete rewrite. Neither of the two main developers (Ckknight and Arrowmaster) have the time nor desire to do this currently. Occasionally a new version might be released to include fixes made by other developers or new versions of embedded libraries.
Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. It is based on Rock and other libraries of the WoWAce community.
- Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds outside of the zone.
- Coordinates : adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
- Foglight : Shows unexplored areas on the map. replacement for MozzFullWorldMap or Unexplorer. Much more efficient, though.
- Group Colors : turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
- Instance Maps : shows maps of instances.
- Instance Notes : adds boss notes and such to instance maps.
- Look 'n' Feel : allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
- Notes : lets you put notes on the map, similar to MapNotes.
- Zone Info : on hovering over a zone, it will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the group size the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
ID: 53
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua line 497:
Usage: UnitDebuff("unit", index [,raidFilter])
[C]: ?
[C]: UnitDebuff()
..\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:497: MapUnit_IsInactive()
..\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:677: MapUnit_OnUpdate()
[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1:
[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1
Atlas, v1.10.2
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.10.2
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.10.2
AtlasEntrances, v1.10.2
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.10.2
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.10.2
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.01.05
AucAdvanced, v5.0.2249
AucFilterBasic, v5.0.2249 (BillyGoat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.0.2249 (BillyGoat)
AucStatSimple, v5.0.2249 (BillyGoat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.0.2249 (BillyGoat)
Auctioneer, v4.0.5
Bagnon, v1.4.3
BagnonForever, v1.0.0
BlackList, v1.1.3
BonusScanner, vv2.4
Cartographer, vr49736
cgProfiler, v1.49966
CTBarMod, v2.003 (CTMod 2.0)
CTBottomBar, v2.003 (CTMod 2.0)
CTBuffMod, v2.03 (CTMod 2.0)
CTCore, v2.002 (CTMod 2.0)
CTExpenseHistory, v2.002 (CTMod 2.0)
CTMailMod, v2.01 (CTMod 2.0)
CTMapMod, v2.002 (CTMod 2.0)
CTPartyBuffs, v2.01 (CTMod 2.0)
CTRABossMods, v1.31 (CTMod 2.0)
CTRaidAssist, v2.003 (CTMod 2.0)
CTTimer, v2.02 (CTMod 2.0)
CTUnitFrames, v2.002 (CTMod 2.0)
CTViewport, v2.01 (CTMod 2.0)
DamageMeters, v5.7.0
DGPS, v2.1
Enchantrix, v4.0.3.2025
EnchantrixBarker, v3.9.0.1560 (Wallaby)
EnhancedLFG, v$Revision: 51329 $
EnhTooltip, v4.0.5
FishingBuddy, v0.9.3e
FBOutfitDisplayFrame, v0.9.3a
FBTrackingFrame, v0.9.3a
FBMergeDatabase, v0.9.3a
FuBar, v49656
Gatherer, v3.0
Informant, v4.0.5
KLHThreatMeter, v20.4
MapNotes, v3.44.20200
Misdirectionhelper, v1.4beta
MobInfo2, v3.46
MobInfo2Browser, v1.31
MozzFullWorldMap, v3.14.20200
myAddOns, v2.7
Omen, v2.1r49423
OmniCC, v2.0.6
Opium, v2.7a
petster, v20100.00
Prat, v2.0 51543
RogueDamage, v1.60
sct, v5.7
simpleMinimap, v20003-6
Stubby, v1923
Swatter, v4.0.5
LootLink, v350
Titan, v3.1.1.20200
TitanAmmo, v3.1.1.20200
TitanBag, v3.1.1.20200
TitanClock, v3.1.1.20200
TitanCoords, v3.1.1.20200
FBTitan, v0.9.3a
TitanItemBonuses, v3.1.1.20200
TitanLootType, v3.1.1.20200
TitanMoney, v3.1.1.20200
TitanPerformance, v3.1.1.20200
TitanRegen, v3.1.1.20200
TitanRepair, v3.1.1.20200
TitanRider, v3.1.1.20200
TitanXP, v3.1.1.20200
VisualThemes, vr51294
WIM, v2.2.28
WoWKB, v20003.6
Any one know how u fix the error with dewdrop2.0 even if u finde the lua file and put in it still wont worke so any have some good ide how to fix it :O
I, too, hate Rock. How can I disable it. It has totally screwed up my Pitbull. It won't allow me to use half the things I relied upon with Pitbull Unit frames.
Well, I installed it, and whenever I herb/mine something, it doesn't save the pick-up, anyway to fix it?
whats up with this error thing sayin domthing bout DewDrop not found or somthing like that??? its not even showing the cartographer at all
my group colors dont work, lol its silly that im even caring about such a feature but sometimes it just looks better to the eye, anyway to fix it? i also did re dl.
Curious and I may be talking about the wrong addon here, but did Cartograhper lose the ability to mark all the mineral veins I mine on the maps. I used to have loads in almost every map of the zones I visited and mined but now with the new game update and addon patches I'm not seeing them show up on any maps when I mine an ore vein.
Man I hate rock. I prefer to edit my addons with their own addon menus. Not this damn one. Trying to configure an adon that should have a nice tab gpu, having to through a crap load of drop downs is a pain i nthe ass. ANyway to disable it? Otherwise I'm ditching cartographer.
By accident i pressed the clear notes button on my map and now my herbalism and mining nodes all disappeared from it. Is there a way to get them back on the world map?
I love Cartographer, and use the Waypoint feature CONSTANTLY, by clicking Coordinate links in the game. However, for some reason, the red arrow that directs you where to go isn't showing up anymore. It has been replaced by weird white squiggly lines. I'm not sure what happened.
So, I downloaded it again, and replaced it. Same thing@!!! Someone please help me. E-mail me, or go on WOW if you must. I'm on Scarlet Crusade, Horde, "Jab" orr! Help!
When i log in, i get an error message that says it cannot find "Dewdrop-2.0" Or something. And i still got the normal WoW map.
I've checked my UI folder and the Dewdrop-2.0 IS there. Help anyone?
Been getting this error all morning and seems to be tied to the mining aspect of Cartographer, but not sure.
[2007/10/11 07:46:08-3-x10]: Interface\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:497: Usage: UnitDebuff("unit", index [,raidFilter]):
Interface\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:497: in function `MapUnit_IsInactive':
Interface\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:677: in function `MapUnit_OnUpdate':
<string>:"*:OnUpdate":1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>
Same thing happening to me, on every map that seems to have some notes on it.
I cant seem to get Cartographer working with wowkb addon, any way you could fix this litle problem? :P i get errors everytime i open up Cartographer, and i know its wowkb because i've updated every other addon to 2.2 patch :) thanks for the help!
Error report:
On login, every toon ever realm.
Date: 2007-10-09 00:00:23
ID: 51
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Cartographer_Trainers\addon.lua line 1:
Cannot find a library instance of AceAddon-2.0.
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
...e\AddOns\Cartographer\libs\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:516: AceLibrary()
Cartographer_Trainers\addon.lua:1: in main chunk
Atlas, v1.10.2
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.10.2
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.10.2
AtlasEntrances, v1.10.2
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.10.2
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.10.2
BaudBag, v1.293
Cartographer, vr49736
CartographerTrainers, v1.0
Swatter, v4.0.5
On world map when hovering over party member or guildie
Errors out every single time (except now that I'm trying to provide debug info lol).
Error is only on hover over party/guild member, and can be cancelled out with no problem, but it's annoying for obvious reasons.
For herbalism, mining etc.. what it fails to tell you is that those are seperate mod pack/files. In the instructions here it does say "Put the Cartographer folder, Cartographer_Herbalism, and Cartographer_Mining into \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ " but what It doesnt tell you is that they are not included. You need to go to the Wow ace website, look up stuff starting with the letter C, then download herbalism and mining depending on what you want or just get both, and then install those to your addon folder, not the cartographer folder. Hope this helps.
Is it me or did the options menu changed completely?
There seems to be a conflict with Atlas and AtlasLoot, when I disabled these, it worked (I am talking about the newest version that is on the homepage, newer than the one on here (today 7th oct)).
It's still buggy as hell tho, and the Herbalism addon doesn't seem to work either... Herbalism is why I downloaded Cartographer in the first place, so now I'm gonna try Gatherer instead....
Other than that it looks like a pretty good addon, but until it's more bugfree and compatible with AtlasLoot, I'm afraid I won't use it.
Whoa, I was courageous and tried the update you posted, ryoohki, and it worked. I'm actually surprised.
Ya, you can always find Cartographer updates at