There are no plans to do any major bug fixes for Cartographer (v2 or v3). If there is an update it will only be a minor fix. (It has already been this way since at least 2008.) Cartographer(v2) uses an outdated framework that will not be updated in the case of major breakages so Cartographer(v2) would require a complete rewrite. Neither of the two main developers (Ckknight and Arrowmaster) have the time nor desire to do this currently. Occasionally a new version might be released to include fixes made by other developers or new versions of embedded libraries.
Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. It is based on Rock and other libraries of the WoWAce community.
- Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds outside of the zone.
- Coordinates : adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
- Foglight : Shows unexplored areas on the map. replacement for MozzFullWorldMap or Unexplorer. Much more efficient, though.
- Group Colors : turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
- Instance Maps : shows maps of instances.
- Instance Notes : adds boss notes and such to instance maps.
- Look 'n' Feel : allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
- Notes : lets you put notes on the map, similar to MapNotes.
- Zone Info : on hovering over a zone, it will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the group size the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
I found out, after a few hours of work, that FuBar is disabling Cartographer completely for me.
I updated most of my AddOns today and have encountered the following problem: My Cartographer and CTMapMod won't work with each other like they used to. Before I never had a problem with either of them and I used them together. Now, they do one of two things: Either 1)Cartographer does not work at all and CTMapMod appears to have full functionality or 2)Cartographer appears to work normally with a GuildPosition error and CTMapMod will not work - the notes will be visible but I cannot see what the note is when I mouse over it and I cannot create or delete CTMapMod notes. I have spent hours trying to troubleshoot this on my own and can only come up with a possible addon conflict. Characters that do not have the same addons enabled as my main char have situation #2 from above and my main has situation #1 from above. My guess from that is that an addon is somehow causing a conflict. When I turned all of the mods off except Cartographer and main switched from situation #1 to situation #2. At this point I am tired of trying to figure it out and am not going to turn on and off each and every other mod to further troubleshoot the issue.
Does the author of this addon check here regularly to address issues? If not, how would I get ahold of him/her to try to find a solution? What information will he/she need regardless? Has anyone else had this problem and found a fix?
Please help!
I just downloaded the 55093.1 and am just seeing the regular map. Is there something I am missing. I have just completely redid all my ui mods so my wtf folder is pretty clean.
I downloaded the updated version after 2.3 and my foglights, cords, and waypoints wouldnt work and my map was still the blizz map. Now that I have downloaded r55093.1 everything works fine. Thanks so much for the update!
downloaded newest version, and even deleted my savedvariables and its acting as if its not even there
all i get is the normal bliz map, no error messages, nothing
any help would be most appreciated
I have found since 2.3 and updating to the new version r55093.1 I can no longer make my map loose its frame. Is this feature no longer available with this addon?
thank you for updating this for us guys
i didn't know how much i needed my addons until they didn't work with the new patch.
so where is Cartographer_Herbalism and Cartographer_Mining folder?
Switched to this one after a tiresome wait for a Metamap update since last update. Couldn't believe that there would be anything better, but this one is! And it get's updated quite frequently also. It not only replaces MetaMap for me, but also alphamap :))
Great addon!
gogogo wanna have teh update :D
I just made a new project with the 2.3 download from WowAce and suddenly got an error saying my project wasn't found.
I suppose a friendly moderator 'merged' my update project with this one :) Thanks!
Just waiting on the download server to have the file now and we'll all be happy :D
(And for those who can't wait: )
yay uploaded like a few minutes ago i wanna dl!
Since 2.3 when i click m the area around the map is completely black. Not the biggest problem in the world but a bit annoying if i want to see whats going on around the pop-up map.
Plus i also have the problem where zooming out and in doesnt work.
Other than that this is a great addon <3
i have the same problem here, but it is not becouse the addon is broken but becouse it is made for version 2.2.2 and the current version is 2.3.0
hope they place an update soon
Hi !
I have a small probleme here. Transparency optin doesn't seem to work. It's enabled, when I move the cursor to whatever %, it does nothing.
Thanks for the help :)
The latest version is there, but I miss the instance notes and maps - they just don't work. (open up)
Where do I get them?
I adore your addon.
Please update Cartographer to work with 2.3 - by the Creator. No hotfixes. Your program is TOP NOTCH.
hey there, i went to the website linked downloaded cartographer and installed it in my addons folder, its a full sized map like the default wow map, unvisited places are blank, but it still has cords is there anyway to get the window map with the whole map marked even if you havnt visited it? please let me know!