There are no plans to do any major bug fixes for Cartographer (v2 or v3). If there is an update it will only be a minor fix. (It has already been this way since at least 2008.) Cartographer(v2) uses an outdated framework that will not be updated in the case of major breakages so Cartographer(v2) would require a complete rewrite. Neither of the two main developers (Ckknight and Arrowmaster) have the time nor desire to do this currently. Occasionally a new version might be released to include fixes made by other developers or new versions of embedded libraries.
Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. It is based on Rock and other libraries of the WoWAce community.
- Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds outside of the zone.
- Coordinates : adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
- Foglight : Shows unexplored areas on the map. replacement for MozzFullWorldMap or Unexplorer. Much more efficient, though.
- Group Colors : turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
- Instance Maps : shows maps of instances.
- Instance Notes : adds boss notes and such to instance maps.
- Look 'n' Feel : allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
- Notes : lets you put notes on the map, similar to MapNotes.
- Zone Info : on hovering over a zone, it will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the group size the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
Try c:\program files\World of warcraft\interface\addons
Megaloopz, do a search for cartographer in downloads and there's a db of mining, herbalism, quests, quest objectives already made up. Simple lua replacement.
If you right click the arrow for the waypoint, you can choose to send it to end of queue.
Another little thing I just thought of that might help, is to add a slash command for "send waypoint to the end of the queue"... or add a keybind to it :)
Oh and also.. I find myself lacking a fully detailed tutorial of all the functions (including slash commands) of this new and improved version of cartographer... :)
AWSOME!!! I used cartographer before.. and it was great, but now that it has combined an "internal TomTom" (it now does all that the Addon TomTom did -and better at that ^_^)... Now it's AWSOME!
It's like.. now I can delete all the next addons: AlphaMap, TomTom, Gatherer... And Have them replaced by a SINGLE light-weight addon - the new FREAKING AWSOME version of chartographer. GO CARTOGRAPHER!! Cheers to the developers!
By the way, I would very much recommend combining this addon with the next few addons:
1) LightHead (an in-game Thottbot\WowHead, that sits in the questlog in a very comfortable way - made by the inventor of TomTom by the way.. and works perfectly in combination with the new cartographer WayPoint system).
2) DoubleWide (can be found in a link where you download LightHead. The ExtendedQuestLog addon does NOT work well with the LightHead addon, and might cause WOW to occasionally crash; So DoubleWide replaces it very efficiently).
3) MobMap (The best In-Game Database out there. It's not a replacement for LightHead, but works great with it.. and it works even better with this AWSOME new Cartographer version). (Don't forget to update your MobMap Database - read about it on the last link if you wanna know what I mean).
Damn - since Ace-2 came out.. I've seen some AMAZNING addons out there... this version of Cartographer is one of my FAVORITE 4! It is a great success. THANK YOU - whoever it is that developed it :D
Sincerely, Nekoshu from Dunemaul (Horde).
P.S. If there's anything still missing in this addon, it's the next two things:
1) make a managable pop-up queue list for the waypoint system, where you can see the waypoints by name & coords. That queue list should be used just as the playlist in Winamp is used :)
2) Make an option to include MiniMap arrows for the waypoints.
I would LOVE t see these two options in the next version. Anyhow - I am greatfull as it is ^_^
If you open your map, press Cartographer button, then look on your pulldown list for PROFESSIONS. There is a setting in here to show "only with profession" or "always". I'm hoping you know the difference.
NOTE: While this version may be slow on the update, you can find the current version *AND* all the sub-packages for Cartographer at There are:
Cleanup - gets rid of dupes
Data - updates mining nodes, flowers, etc daily (so it says)
Extract Gas - The hard to find gas clouds (found first one yesterday!)
Fishing - Where you find pools of fish and other fishing objects
Herbalsim - Where you find flowers
Icons (Metamap, Gatherer, ctmapmod)
Import (from gatherer, etc)
Mailboxes - Marks mailboxes on maps
Mining - marks nodes on map/minimap
Note Target
Opening - When you open a chest, it marks it.
Quest Info - database
Quest Objectives - Marks map where objectives were found (little money bags)
Quests - Questgivers
Stats - stats on mining, fishing, herbalism
Trainers - Marks trainers on map
Treasure - Marks chests on map
Vendors - Marks vendors on map
Database sharing is a unique module. When you set the share channel to Guild, anyone in your guild using Cartographer will receives notes on their map of your quest objectives (where you found a gizzard or feather or whatnot), chests you opened, things you killed for quests. Say you're level 20 and your buddy is level 10. When he/she gets to a quest you just did, the map will show all the spots you found pertaining to that quest. This saves alt-tabbing out to find locations. Get a quest, open your map, find the little bags and go there.
If you don't want to do that, you can always just send your saved variables (C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<account>\SavedVariables) for the modules. Cartographer_mining.lua for instance.
I love this mod and cannot play without it. Thanks to ckknight for his work on this.
Please could you help me ?cartographer mining doesn't work,very well, it's showing me copper nodes and when i m going on it, this is an herborism one or there isn't anything...
If someone have a good Cartographer_minig.lua file....
I downloaded lastest files on for help
it aint showin the nodes
if it does all the things that it says it does... i cant live without it. i need it for mining so bad
Is there any fix for the problem with nodes not showing up for mining and herbalism? I've tried the suggestions here and at the database addons' page to no avail. I'm running the latest version of Cartographer, map's not locked, professions are enabled... am I missing something?
It's flat-out flaky. I just got the latest (Gamma) version of Gatherer. First time I looked at 1000 Needles, ALL the nodes showed properly in Cartographer. Since then, every time I look at that map, I see different nodes. Once, all it showed me were 2 Gold veins.
It appears Cartographer needs to better assimilate Gatherer data, than vice versa (especially since Gatherer and MetaMap work together flawlessly).
Would be nice if there was support for Gatherer since I have a lot of Gatherer nodes on my map and it seems to be using its own built-in gatherer which isn't displaying half the nodes that Gatherer has and doesn't show the node information (time last harvested, how many items gathered from that point, source of gatherer node.)
Also would be nice if there was support too for AtlasLoot for the mob info.
Is there any chance these could be implemented?
I have the same problem as many, and no the map is not locked. Right click shows a flash of next map but reverts at end of click impulse. Tried latest version and older versions, same problem. Anyone have an idea what is causing the reversion?
Ore and herbs are not being displayed. I've installed the mining and herbalism databases in both the manner described in this addon's main page and also the way described in the databases' page. I've put the databases in a few places not described as well. I've asked other people with the addon how they got it to show ore and herbs and their response was either "I don't know" or "It does that?"
Lots of pretty, unnecessary features but the basic functionality is broken. All I want my map mod to do is display coordinates and resource nodes, period.
I dont get it....How do I decide where to install a Cartographer extension like Mailboxes or Vendors? I see some are inside the Cartographer folder, but for example when I put the extension Mailboxes in the Carto folder, it doesnt work. And when I put mailboxes folder outside the Carto folder it does work ok .
So...How do I decide where to put the exensions? In- or outside Carto folder?
BTW: If your right-click isn't working to "zoom out" anymore, it's because your map is "locked". Click on "key" icon to unlock map and it'll work fine.
Yeah, having the same issue with the right click. I used to be able to right click and the map would zoom out. IF -> Dun Morogh -> Eastern Kingdom -> Azeroth -> Blizz Universe
But now, nothing. And I'm sad because of it.