Cartographer_QuestInfo is a quest library module for Cartographer.
Cartographer_QuestInfo has built-in database for quests, no need to record quest first, you get the info instantly.
- Provide info for nearly every quest. Quest info are data mined from wowhead/allakhazam/wowbox website, so it is almost complete and up-to-date.
- Provide quest start and end npc or item info, you get the name and location.
- Provide quest objective info, you get the mob level and location.
- Provide quest series info.
- Add quest level to quest log and NPC dialog.
- Works on enUS, frFR, deDE, esES, koKR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW client.
I feel kind of lost without this great addon
a couple of requests at
I would have posted to the page for this project but I couldn't find one. I'm not sure if these go here, or where?
The current version is the -nolib which is a problem when using curse client as it will install the addon with no lib ! That was great with win ace updater but is a problem with the actual client.
Please have the current version point to the complete package. This is true on more than just that addon.
1. this seems to be using the older depreciated Babble 2.2 library instead of the new Babble 3.0 library. might not be a big deal, I don't know the difference between them.
2. I would "upgrade" to cartographer 3.0 if this worked in it. I see some potential practical issues with the interface since you aren't technically in a particular zone with cartographer 3... maybe have it's options show up when you right click in a zone? anyways, great mod, saves me a lot of time and frustration, thanks :-)