Cartographer_QuestInfo is a quest library module for Cartographer.
Cartographer_QuestInfo has built-in database for quests, no need to record quest first, you get the info instantly.
- Provide info for nearly every quest. Quest info are data mined from wowhead/allakhazam/wowbox website, so it is almost complete and up-to-date.
- Provide quest start and end npc or item info, you get the name and location.
- Provide quest objective info, you get the mob level and location.
- Provide quest series info.
- Add quest level to quest log and NPC dialog.
- Works on enUS, frFR, deDE, esES, koKR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW client.
I found it odd that on one computer with identical unedited addons folders it would work on one computer and not another.
I deleted my C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\USERNAMEHERE directory
let wow properly reset it. questinfo works perfectly now. no errors at all on startup.
I miss this addon and even with the latest version installed dont have any buttons etc to make this work?
Any help please
I'm getting a missing dependency error even with a fresh download of cartographer3 from ace.
If it still will not work for you, then the following minor changes to the Cartographer_QuestInfo.toc file should correct any issues with this not loading (Specifically, the CN = Cartographer_Notes issues that might be occuring).
Open Cartographer_QuestInfo.toc in Notepad (or any Text Editor you choose).
Find the following line:
## LoadOnDemand: 1
Add the following line after this:
## LoadWith: Cartographer_Notes
Save the file.
The issue is being caused because the Load On Demand system now loads mods in the order they appear on the AddOn screen. QuestInfo requires Notes to work properly and is being loaded before it, which causes the addon to break. To fix this, the LoadWith keyword tells the LoadOnDemand system to wait to load this mod until Cartographer_Notes has been loaded and then immediately load it after.
Thank you for a great addon!
Is there any way to make it work with Cartographer 3.0? I find the nuw Cartographer much more appealing than the old one...
Happy again
Thanks a lot !!!
and mailboxes and a few of the others that depend on notes started working again with that being load on demand 0, but all the queest mods are still utterly useless, and treasure is still utterly useless, ironicly they are all by same person aren't they?
I loved this mod....I've used other quest mods and they were either confusing to use ...or had way to much basicaly useless extras....this mod in a nutshell had all you needed...showed you chains if any...didnt clog map with a ton of Icons and was simple to use....I know many other people that would love to see this updated for use with WotLK...I know you are busy fixing other mods atm...all I'm asking for is a post saying if this mod will be updated or If I have to get used to another mod....thanks in advance for a reply.
Ok Here is how you get Cartographer_ Questinfo and Cartographer_Quests to work
(Quoted from "Moncai") It is broken because LoadOnDemad does not function properly in the current patch. You Will probably have to reverse the .toc changes after next patch
Open the .toc files with notepad
To fix, edit Cartographer_Notes\Cartographer_Notes.toc to read:
## LoadOnDemand: 0
And edit Cartographer_QuestInfo\Cartographer_QuestInfo.toc to read (only lines to be modified are shown):
## Interface: 30000
## RequiredDeps: Cartographer, Cartographer_Notes
## OptionalDeps: Cartographer_Quests, Cartographer_QuestObjectives, LibQuixote-2.0, LibGratuity-3.0
Then to get Cartographer_Quests working first you need to get the new lib for the Quests addon to work. You can find this in the Cartographer_Questinfo\Libs\LibGratuity-3.0
Copy the LibGratuity-3.0 folder to the Cartographer_Quests\Libs folder
Then open the Cartographer_Quests.toc file with notepad. Change whats in the file to look like this and your done.
## RequiredDeps: Cartographer
## OptionalDeps: Ace2, LibGratuity-3.0, Cartographer_Notes
## SavedVariables: Cartographer_QuestsDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: Cartographer_QuestsDBPC
To get rid of an error message from Cartographer_Quests do this
go to the Cartographer_Quests folder in your addons folder and open the file called addon.lua with Notepad. Then press ctrl+F on your keyboard and type in Babble. The line below should come up
-- local BZ = AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")
What you should do now is change the above to whats below
local BZ = AceLibrary("LibBabble-Zone-3.0")
Then you copy the LibBabble-3.0 folder (Which you can find in \Interface\Addons\Cartographer\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0)
into the Cartographer_Quests\Libs\
And thats it no more error message
And there you go and working Cartographer_Questsinfo and Cartographer_Quests, Cartographer_QuestObjectives should still work