Cartographer_QuestInfo is a quest library module for Cartographer.
Cartographer_QuestInfo has built-in database for quests, no need to record quest first, you get the info instantly.
- Provide info for nearly every quest. Quest info are data mined from wowhead/allakhazam/wowbox website, so it is almost complete and up-to-date.
- Provide quest start and end npc or item info, you get the name and location.
- Provide quest objective info, you get the mob level and location.
- Provide quest series info.
- Add quest level to quest log and NPC dialog.
- Works on enUS, frFR, deDE, esES, koKR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW client.
How to do this? Simply add QuestGuru as OptionalDeps in Cartographer_QuestInfo.toc, and you will be fine.
not correctly works
I will try to add this feature if it will not cause too much performance hit.
This is a great mod, one of the most useful I've come across. I would love to see it adapted to work with Mapster. Since 3.0, I've been finding Mapster to be the more streamlined and stable map mod. Is this a possibility?
Date: 2008-11-09 00:59:06
ID: 55
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...face\AddOns\Cartographer_QuestInfo\QuestLogPatch.lua line 39:
bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[C]: match()
(tail call): ?
[C]: QuestLog_UpdateQuestDetails()
QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua:1436: QuestLog_SetSelection()
QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua:1022: QuestDetailAcceptButton_OnClick()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Swatter, v5.1.3715 (SnaggleTooth)
AckisRecipeList, vBeta 8 1024
ACP, v3.0.0
... and more
This mod is working for me with cartographer but my question is when I tell it to show available quests it seems to show ones that are around my level, but won't show gray quests.
I can see quests in outlands fine, but in kalimdor and eastern kingdom maps i will only see quest givers that are giving quests that are for my level(level 70). I checked with a lvl 20 alt and yeah it only showed quests around his level
Is there a way to make it show all quests regardless of your characters level?