CBMT - Custom Boss Mod Timers
CBMT is an addon that complements an existing boss mod by allowing raids progressing through recently released content to create their own boss mod timers for fights that the usual alternatives (BW, DBM, DXE, VBM) do not yet offer any support for.
List of planned and completed features:
- Support for the major three boss mods (BW, DBM, DXE).....Complete
- Support for RaidWatch 2...................................................Complete
- Timers based on spell casts..............................................Functionality complete
- Filtering.................................................................In progress - need your help
- Custom triggers................................................................Complete
- Timers based on yells.......................................................Mostly complete
- Boss encounter logging.....................................................Complete
- Browsing of boss encounter logs.......................................In progress
I do not know what features are required for high-end raiders out there! Please, make a comment at WoWace or curse and let me know so I can implement them!
This idea sounds excellent so far. Any chance of adding support for Raid Watch 2?
I love this idea. Keep working on it and I'm sure it will become something great. I really like it so far.
Noted. Will do further testing on the issue.
Hi! Using this in combination with DXE, I couldn't get any pizza timers to show up. I then added DXE = _G["DXE"] near the debuglevel variable and it started working. Also, it seems that pizza timers sent through SendRaidComm don't create a local variable, I fixed that by adding DXE.Alerts:Dropdown("custom_test", label, duration, nil, nil, "BLUE", nil, nil, "Interface
under it.