Vex Alarm

Cd Alarm is now Vex Alarm

Vex Alarm shows the user when specific spells are casted or buffs gained or lost.
The user can choose from a list of predefined spells and control whether the spell shall be posted as an "event" when the caster's raidrole is tank,healer,dd or not set (undefined)


The "event" is a message that is posted by the addon in a frame when an observed spell is casted or an observed buff gained or lost.

The predefined spells are categorized into 5 classes:

  • buffs
    • buffs with a single target
    • buffs without targets
    • buffs with multiple targets
  • casts
    • casts with targets
    • casts without targets

      You can enter a total of 8 different messages for the events. 2 for each buff (gain and fade) and 1 for each cast. The user can choose a color in which the text for the 5 „active“-events (spell cast + buff gained) and for the 3 „inactive“-events (buff lost) is printed in.


with the following tags you can parse information in the messages:

parses the caster's name in a message, printed in the normal textcolor
parses the caster's name in a message, printed in a specific color you can choose in the options
parses the caster's name in a message, printed in the classcolor
parses the target's name in a message printed in the normal textcolor
parses the target's name in a message, printed in a specific color you can choose in the options
parses the target's name in a message, printed in the classcolor
parses the spellname in a message printed in the normal textcolor
parses the spellname in a message, printed in a specific color you can choose in the options
parses the spellname in a message, printed in the classcolor

parses an information, printed in the normal textcolor
parses an information, printed in a specific color you can choose in the options The information {status} and {status_sc} print for active events (spells casted/buffs gained) and inactive events (buffs faided) can be chosen by the user.


Information that is parsed with _sc tags is printed with a color the user can choose
Information that is parsed with _cc tags is printed with the classcolor which is defined by blizzard

The Information that isn't colored with _sc or _cc has the same color as the normal text. You can choose one color for each event, meaning one for „active“-events (spellcast/buff gain) and one for the „inactive“-events (buff lost). Both colors can be the same.

Information about spells, casters, targets who arent in your group or raid arent colored due to a lag of information in a WoW API.

Example messages:

Peter (Paladin) casts Hand of Sacrifice on Carl (Death Knight)

Examples for colors

{spell} casted by {caster} on {target}
ingame: Hand of Sacrifice casted by Peter on Carl

{spell_sc} casted by {caster_sc} on {target_sc}
ingame: Hand of Sacrifice casted by Peter on Carl

{spell_cc} casted by {caster_cc} on {target_cc}
ingame: Hand of Sacrifice casted by Peter on Carl

Examples for {status}-tags

with „active“ as information parsed with {status}
{spell_cc} casted by {caster_cc} on {target_cc} is now {status}
ingame: Hand of Sacrifice casted by Peter on Carl is now active

with '|||' as information parsed with {status}
{status} {caster_cc} - {spell_cc} - {target_cc} {status}
ingame: ||| Peter Hand of SacrificeCarl |||


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 10, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 29, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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