Census+ (WhoLib Version)
Fork of the Census+ addon for the purpose of making it compatible with or just simply use WhoLib.
You cannot run this version and the original at the same time, or even have both installed.
Result of the following issue on the WhoLib issue tracker:
Post on warcraftrealms.com:
This has now been merged into the original addon.
ldb is just a small thing. What would be important are some more races and levels.
"A Titanplugin to get rid of the minimapbutton would be cool"
Uh no. What about those countless people using something other than Titan? A LibDataBroker (LDB) plugin would be far more cool; it works with everything.
You can also get rid of the minimap button in Census+'s options. Can then bring up the window again by typing in /census. For sure, a LDB option would be more convenient.
A Titanplugin to get rid of the minimapbutton would be cool
There seems to be a bug when I manually enter a /who command (or shift click on a name in chat) while a scan is active. The manual override takes over and the /who command itself works just fine. However, the scan operation doesn't seem to be working correctly afterwards, it just issues the same manual /who command over and over again. Pausing or stopping the scan doesn't fix it, a reload UI does.