Character Notes
Character Notes allows you to set and manage notes on other player's characters. Notes are stored per realm so notes are shared across your characters on a realm. Notes can be set on any character name. The notes are simple and generic and are not tied to a friend, an ignored character, etc.
Notes are displayed:
- When that character logs on
- When you do a /who on that character
- In unit tooltips
- Optionally as a hyperlink in chat
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
Notes can be set and managed:
- By right-clicking on a unit frame
- Right clicking a name in chat or in the friends list
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
- LDB launcher to bring up the GUI interface
- Minimap button to bring up the GUI interface
Additional Features
Character Notes can use LibAlts to get main-alt information. If no note is found for a character but one is found for the main of that character, it will display the note for the main.
Notes can be stored for characters not from your server but you'll need to use /editnote or the "Edit Note" menu item due to the spaces in the name (from the server name added at the end).
Note Links will add a hyperlink in chat next to any player name that you have set a note for. Clicking the "note" link will display the note in a tooltip.
Command-line options
- /notes - Brings up the GUI
- /searchnote - Brings up the GUI. Optional search term allows filtering the list of notes.
- /setnote Sets a note for the character name specified.
- /delnote Deletes the note for the character name specified.
- /getnote Prints the note for the character name specified.
- /editnote Brings up a window to edit the note for the name specified or your target if no name if specified.
Import / Export
Via the interface options or command line you can initiate an export or import of notes.
Exported notes can be used in spreadsheets, other applications, or imported into this
addon. The export is in the comma-separated value (CSV) format. If you choose to Escape values, it will put double quotes around text fields.
You can also import notes into the addon. This feature can result in data loss. Backup
your data (the Saved Variables) before importing in case you need to restore your data if
anything goes wrong. You can find the file at <WoW-Folder>\<flavor>\WTF\Account\<account>\Saved Variables\CharacterNotes.lua. Flavor is the game type such as _retail_ or _classic_.
In order to import notes from this addon, when you export you must select all fields and turn on Escape? values. Any spaces or newlines in a note will cause issues and possible corrupt the import. Escaping the values will preserve the data.
A preview window shows what will be imported giving you a chance to verify the data
looks correct. By default the addon will not overwrite existing data. If you wish to overwrite existing notes, then toggle the Overwrite Existing option.
Updating from 5.4
As a part of virtual realms, Blizzard changed the format of character names that include the server. Previously, the name and server were separated by a space, a dash, then a space. Now it will just be a dash. Character Notes could store notes for characters from other servers but it used the older format. When you first run version 2.2+ it should find and update any of these older "cross-server" names. Going forward, all names will use the newer format though.
B) If I tried to do anything like that, I think I would rather import them. Pulling in notes from another addon isn't ideal. I could add an import/export ability but you would also need a way to export the ALS notes. The other option is to support importing directly from ALS.
C) Unless something comes up, I've been keeping it up-to-date for quite some time. It was the first add-on I really put effort into because nothing did what I wanted. That's one reason I've considered an import/export option is so that is gives people a way to migrate if, for some reason, I did stop updating the add-on and a newer option comes along.
B) Excellent, I would be forever grateful if you could at the very least allow importing, and save the notes in some reasonable way for any future notes addons to pull from (should you decide to drop the project at any time).
C) So glad you have such foresight! <3
Thanks for making this addon. Now I'm going to install it and starting using it, and finally start my healing process (of having waited for ALS to no avail)... ;)
Great addon and I love that it's very simple and minimal.
Would it be possible to have an "Add a Note" option when you right click a name in the chat window? Ninjas are slippery sometimes and leave group before I can right click them, lol.
And that would do the trick.
Chaoswolf, I'm glad you like it.
In the next release, I've added the Edit Note option to both the menu when you right click a name in the chat window and the friends window. I wasn't sure how to best approach those two because the default Blizzard notes also have the option "Set Note". I was afraid it would confuse someone. I'll add it for now and see how it works.