Track the current Fear Ward buffs cast by yourself or any member of your party or raid.
Check Fear Ward Description
Check Fear Ward has the ability to track who has a Fear Ward buff and how long is left on said buff. It also has the ability to alert you when the buff has been consumed or has expired, and on top of a personal alert it also is able to alert your group by adding a message to say, party or raid.
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My wish list (keeping in mind I know nothing of writing addons):
1. Ability to announce cooldown left on your own fear ward by clicking the fubar icon.
2. Ability to print to raid chat/warning when someone's fear ward is consumed so that those not using the addon can see it's time to use theirs.
3. If possible, option to see cooldowns of other priests or other priests using the addon.
4. Announcement/warning telling me my fear ward is now off CD and ready to use again.
r66 adds
1) Ability to broadcast current time left on fear ward buff to say/party/raid
2) Ability to broadcast consumed fear ward buff to say/party/raid
3) Already tracks others fear wards if player is in your party or raid