ChocolateBar Broker Display
ChocolateBar will create a bar on top or bottom of your screen where other addons called broker plugins can display stuff like your fps.
Main Features
- Easy setup, install & go!
- Multiple bars - top or bottom as many as you want.
- Left, right and center alignment.
- Support for icon colors and coordinates like used by TomTom.
- Easy config, simply drag a plugin and drop points will show. The idea is to easily disable a plugin or toggle its text. See pics.
- Load-on-demand options, and small memory footprint.
- More Chocolate - a broker plugin to show a bar that will autohide again. Great for launchers or other plugins you don't need visible all the time:)
Options for:
- Show bars on mouse over only.
- Hide bars in combat.
- Hide bars during a pet battle.
- Set a fixed width for any plugin.
- Change textures, font, colors and a lot more...
Where to get plugins?
Search for broker on CurseForge
Updated list by tekkub on Github (last update April 2021)
Right click the bar or type "/chocolatebar" to open the options menu.
How you can help
Create a pull request on Github.
You can help with the localization.
You miss a feature or found a bug? I look forward to your feedback on Github.
Same there
In reply to Slivoss:
Should be fixed now :)
Sounds good, indeed ! Thanks !
@miarenn i had to make 2 changes to fix the addon for classic
in Core.lua
In reply to MrBudsz:
also while looking at CB_PlayedTime.lua, you should make formatTime function local and move it up in the file
In reply to MrBudsz:
Thanks, you can make pull requests on github in the future if you want :)
3.6.13 Classic and 3.6.12 Classic doesn't show up ingame after updating. 3.3.4 works
In reply to Daeveren:
Issue has been posted a day or so ago.
I have a feeling that Classic version gets no testing before packaging a release.
It's happened before that errors slip into release packages that would be apparent on first load of the game.
Is there any way to move the addons around on the bar?
In reply to Oh_lawdie:
Drag and drop. Is that not working for you?
New lua error with v3.6.10
Message: ...ddOns\ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime_Options.lua:49: CB_PlayedTime has already been added to the Blizzard Options Window with the given path
Time: Sat Apr 10 11:50:09 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...ddOns\ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime_Options.lua:49: CB_PlayedTime has already been added to the Blizzard Options Window with the given path
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Altoholic\libs\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:2017: in function `AddToBlizOptions'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime_Options.lua"]:49: in function `RegisterOptions'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:90: in function <...erface\AddOns\ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:86>
Locals: (*temporary) = "CB_PlayedTime has already been added to the Blizzard Options Window with the given path"
In reply to WildCard_25:
Hmm I do not habe that issue, strange.
In reply to WildCard_25:
ive got this issue too
In reply to strongy_p:
fixed :)
Fixed pet battles would not hide bars.
Fixed the issues with the vehicle ui and the bottom bar. Let me know if you still have any issues :)
In reply to miarenn:
Seems to be working now. Thank you!
If you enable bottom bar with this addon, it crashes your UI when you use vehicles.Reloading UI solves it but it happens every time you use vehicles or Demon Hunter talents like Rain from Above.
So, if you somehow encounter this problem, probably this addon is your culprit too, or whatever subroutine coding etc. it's using.
If the author also sees this, I hope you can fix this problem. After all this was my favourite panel addon, but since it was quite problematic I had to move to Titan Panel, it works without any problems.
In reply to Aernath:
I can confirm this. I've been trying to figure out what addon I was using that was causing my UI/ability bars to quit functioning after exiting a "vehicle" and was unfortunately unable to test all my addons for this bug because I did not have access to a vehicle that I could drop in and out of constantly while enabling and disabling all my addons. After seeing Aernath's post I tested it on my end by disabling ChocolateBar on one of my characters and did not run into any issues with my ability bar malfunctioning through all the vehicle type dailies I completed today. Hoping for a fix as soon as possible. Thanks.
In reply to Aernath:
Edith: Fixed with 3.6.6