CHT (CHatTool - kiss ;) ) is a simple chat enhancement for you to stay in contact without to have to know all the characters of your buddies.
CHT combines raid channels and a global channel in one custom WoW channel.
Furthermore it identifies you to your buddies with your unique tag no matter which character you are using.
important configuration commands:
/cht settag <name/nickname/tag> This tag is always prefixed to your charactername, so that everyone in the CHT chat knows who he/she is talking to.
/cht setguild Creates a shortname of the current guild your character is in.
/cht setchannel <channelname> Defines the name of the WoW custom channel.
/cht setkind valid values are <healer/dd/tank> It allows you to join an extra channel in raid groups.
/cht who Show all CHT users who are in your CHT session.
chat commands:
Use /ctg or /chtglobal to chat in the CHT global channel.
Additional chat commandos become available when you join a raid.
- Druid - /cdr /chtdruid
- Deathknight - /cdk /chtdeath
- Hunter - /chu /chthunter
- Mage - /cma /chtmage
- Paladin - /cpa /chtpaladin
- Priest - /cpr /chtpriest
- Rouge - /cro /chtrouge
- Shaman - /csh /chtshaman
- Warlock - /cwl /chtwarlock
- Warrior - /cwa /chtwarrior
- Healer - /che / cht healer
- DD - /cdd /chtdd
- Tank - /cta /chttank
Next steps:
- port to Ace3
- password secured channels (ex: raid orga)
thx for updating the tool :)
However, when I tested it with three other players we were not really able to communicate in the global channel. All four were in the same channel "acecomm..." but we were only able to see one of us writing while the rest could not post respectively only see that one players post and there own posts. Any idea why?