Deprecation Notice: If possible, please use WeakAuras instead, this addon is no longer maintained
This is an addon to create timers for your own buffs and debuffs.
player bars on left, target in middle, focus on right, all can be moved
To track CC Effects you must set the CCed mob as your focus if its not your target.
Only icons and time can be shown if you don't want bars.
The text can be customized in the options by using, "%s for spell name", "%a for applications", "%u for unit name eg target or player", "%n for mob name"
This mod is set up with AceLocale so anyone who wants to add other locals feel free :)
If you want other textures for the bars, get the AddOn SharedMedia.
Note: When adding values in the files, double parentheses are necessary on the last item in a table because it contains all the values from the function call and we only want the first one.
/classtimer or the LDB Launcher
Must give Nymbia credits as he is a legend!
When enabling the sticky bar only, and selecting the spells I want to show on it, I will get it to display timers accurately for like 3 sec after casting a few selected hots on myself and others. After a few seconds however, I get a LUA error and the timers disappear. They will not reappear no matter what I cast until I either logout/back in or reloadui. Any ideas? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
but how difficult would it be to change the icon that appears next to the spell name? For some of my spells I use macros to change the icon and I was wondering if it's possible to get the classtimer icon to match it.
Is there anything I could add in the .lua? I'm not very farmiliar with .lua but I look through it sometimes. Or is this just impossible to do?
Sorry for the odd question xD I am using the current version now though and I'll report any bugs that I can.
Fixed @ dtdono0
local function dragstart(event)
local function dragstop(event)
ClassTimer.db.profile.Units[event.unit].x = event:GetLeft()
ClassTimer.db.profile.Units[event.unit].y = event:GetBottom()
My issue is I can't drag drag the bars when I unlock them so my buffs/target debuffs are all overlapping int the center of my screen. I see the 'drag to move bars' but when I left/right click try holding alt or shift they won't budge
I am not a LUA programmer, but is it possible to tell me (or make a guess :P) what lines of code I would need to change and the code to do it? I would hope this would be something small.
I installed 2.3.30300.4 and tried to use it on the PTR 4.0.
My issue is I can't drag the bars when I unlock them so my buffs/target debuffs are all overlapping int the center of my screen. I see the 'drag to move bars' but when I left/right click try holding alt or shift they won't budge
I am not a LUA programmer, but is it possible to tell me (or make a guess :P) what lines of code I would need to change and the code to do it? I would hope this would be something small.
Keep in mind that ClassTimer doesn't have such prominent notifications as Power Auras, so you'd have to keep an eye on your player bars
So my question: do you intend to add in item procs? not like ICD tracker, just the way dots work just now, to indicate for me the uptime after an eventual proc.
As second of note if you dont intend to could you give me a clue how to do it myself (ofc if its possible), id realy appreciate it.
Time: 09/13/10 21:14:37
Count: 2
Stack: (tail call): ?
[C]: ?
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1202: in function <...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1051>
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1538: in function `FeedGroup'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1463: in function <...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1443>
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:314: in function `Fire'
...Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua:156: in function `SelectTab'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1574: in function `FeedGroup'
...ce3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua:494: in function `SelectByValue'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1638: in function `FeedGroup'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1814: in function `Open'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:829: in function <...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:612>
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:314: in function `Fire'
...ns\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:68: in function <...ns\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:57>
Locals: (*temporary) = "LeftButton"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
find a bug!
Is it possible in any way to display Cooldowns with Classtimer?
I'm using Classtimer on my main and it works for me. With my warrior alt I want to display the cooldown of Bloodthirst and Whirlwind in the same column as for example the runtime of Sunder Armor on my target. I don't think, it's possible to do that but maybe I'm wrong ;)