Deprecation Notice: If possible, please use WeakAuras instead, this addon is no longer maintained
This is an addon to create timers for your own buffs and debuffs.
player bars on left, target in middle, focus on right, all can be moved
To track CC Effects you must set the CCed mob as your focus if its not your target.
Only icons and time can be shown if you don't want bars.
The text can be customized in the options by using, "%s for spell name", "%a for applications", "%u for unit name eg target or player", "%n for mob name"
This mod is set up with AceLocale so anyone who wants to add other locals feel free :)
If you want other textures for the bars, get the AddOn SharedMedia.
Note: When adding values in the files, double parentheses are necessary on the last item in a table because it contains all the values from the function call and we only want the first one.
/classtimer or the LDB Launcher
Must give Nymbia credits as he is a legend!
So i am trying to set bars for my warriors abilities like Colossus Smash, Rend, Trauma things like that and i have them in the extra tab spelled correctly and they are not showing up.
Guys, someone know how can I write a "note" after the tracked things name. I give u an example: I create an "AlwaysShown" timer about my trinket procc. I want to write a note after it that tells me how much spellpower it gives me. Its not a big deal, but with many procc track it makes myself much easier to calculate with them.
Is it possible?
I use stickys for toxic blade, surge of toxins and kingsbane and if there are too many mobs (sometimes it only takes 2) then my sticky bars just disappear. Is this a known or common problem? I love classtimer but its having quite a negative affect on my dps.
Is it possible to hide buffs that are permanent? As a rogue i have a buff thats active while i'm in stealth and 6 sec after leaving it. I'd like the bar to only appear once i leave stealth and not be shown while in stealth.
The settings are reset since the patch and they keep resetting every-time i log out. Please update
Flame shock isn't in the addon. the only shock is Earth Shock
Hi, just wondering why this addon does not support the dual profile option that many other addons do?
Siphon Life is still missing for Warlocks. Also, Immolate seems bugged. When turned on and I'm in Affliction spec, it comes up on targets, despite Aff not having Immolate at all.
7.1.5 update please?
This addon is great, but with paladin, some important spell are missing :
From legendary item : Ilterendi, Crown Jewel of Silvermoon (spell ID : 207587)
From artifact trait : Power of the Silver Hand (spell ID : 200474)
If possible to add them, this would be perfect ! :D
If possible can you pls make so that poison and dots for poison dont activate eachother. (Assasin Rogue)
Please add demonology pets tracking.
seal of light is missing
Is it possible to hide the time text for a buff that doesn't use it like Voidform?
The new Unstable Affliction dot can have multiple applications on one target, is there a way to only show the one with longest duration (most recent one) ?
Is there any way to change colors for the different self buffs?
I do like this addon but it would make it so much better if i was able to customize each self buff timer.
I am referring mainly to the buffs I put in myself, such as, Enrage, Massacre, and Juggernaut.
Instead of limiting it to target/focus, can you add arena1/2/3?
What would I need to edit in the lua files to change the update rate of the bars? They seem very choppy compared to others. I looked through the code and I couldn't see any specific values that might be related.
a fix for the permanent Corruption with the Talent Absolute Corruption would be much appreciated
Greetings! you should add <Ironfur> and <mark of Ursol> (guardian druid buffs)